
Sacred Place and Sacred Time in the Medieval Islamic Middle East: a historical perspective.

(Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture)

Talmon-Heller, Daniella
Edinburgh U.P.
xi,279p. photos. Pap.

Religion -- Practice -- Shrines -- Middle East -- History -- To 1500

Explores the construction of sanctity and its manifestations in the medieval Muslim Middle East.
This book offers a fresh perspective on religious culture in the medieval Middle East. It investigates the ways Muslims thought about and practiced at sacred spaces and in sacred times through two detailed case studies: the shrines in honour of the head of al-Husayn (the martyred grandson of the Prophet), and the holy month of Rajab.

New in pap.

1 Emic Terms and Etic Concepts
2 The State of the Art
PART I. A SACRED PLACE: The Shrine of al-Husayn's Head
3 From Karbala to Damascus: A Relic with Multiple Shrines
4 The Commemoration of al-Husayn in Fatimid Ascalon
5 Excursus: Donations to Mosque and Shrines
6 Why Ascalon? Christian martyrs and Muslim murābiṭūn (defenders)
7 Excursus: Medieval Pilgrimage: Victor Turner's Input
8 From Ascalon to Cairo: The Duplication of Sacred Space
9 Excursus: Faḍāʾil ʿAsqalān (The Merits of Ascalon) - a preliminary list of 9th-15th century works
10 From Shiʿi to Sunni: The Shrine under the Ayyubids and Mamluks
11 Excursus – al-Husayn and Saladin in Palestinian Lore
12 The Shrine in Ascalon under the Ayyubids and Mamluks (twelfth-sixteenth centuries)
13 Excursus: Ibn Taymiyya on the Veneration of the Head of al-Husayn
14 Summary
PART II. A SACRED TIME: The Month of Rajab
15 Rajab in Pre-Islamic Arabia and in Early Islam
  ʿUmra (‘minor pilgrimage’) and Ritual Slaughter
  Prayers and Supplications
16 Excursus: The Founding of an Islamic Lunar Calendar
17 Rajab during Fatimid Rule
  Official Rites of Rajab
  ʿUmra and Ziyāra
  Prayers and Supplications
18 Excursus: Istighfār
19 Rajab under the Ayyubids and Mamluks
  Prayers and Supplications
  The Night of Ascension
  ʿUmra (‘minor pilgrimage’) and Ziyāra (visitation)
  Charitable Giving and other Devotions
20 Excursus: Arabic Treatises in Praise of the Sacred Months
21 Summary
FINAL COMMENTS: Spacial and Temporal Sanctity


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