Language, Dictionary
書名 | 著者名 | 冊数 | 出版元 | 刊行年 | 価格 | 解説 | |
Sanskrit Syntax. with an introduction by H. Kern | Speijer, J.S. | x,402p | Motilal | 2018(1886) | 2,198円 | Sanskrit language -- Syntax | |
A Vedic Reader for Students: | Macdonell, Arthur Anthony | xxxi,263p | Motilal | 2015(1917) | 1,168円 | Vedic language -- Readers Vedic reader for students : containing thirty hymns of the Rigveda in the original Samḥitā and Pada texts | |
A Sanskrit Reader: text, vocabulary and notes. | Lanman, Charles Rockwell | xx,405p | Motilal | 2016(1884) | 1,564円 | Sanskrit language -- Readers | |
Devavanipravesika: An introduction to the Sanskrit language. | Goldman, Robert P. & Sally J. S. Goldman | xxxv,539p | Motilal | 2011(1980) | 1,980円 | Sanskrit language -- Grammar -- Study and teaching Devavāṇīpraveśikā : an introduction to the Sanskrit language/ Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman Originally published: Berkeley, CA : University of California, 1980 | |
A Vedic Grammar for Students. | Macdonell, Arthur A. | xii,508p pap. | Motilal | 2006(1916) | 970円 | Vedic language -- Grammar | |
A Sanskrit Primer. | Perry, E.D. | xii,230p | Motilal | 2016(1936) | 1,168円 | Sanskrit language -- Grammar A Sanskrit primer : based on the Leitfaden für den Elementarcursus des Sanskrit of Georg Bühler | |
The Practical Sanskrit - English Dictionary. | Apte, Vaman Shivram | xiv,1160p | Motilal | 2010(1965) | 4,732円 | Sanskrit language -- Dictionaries -- English | |
Farhang-i Asifiyah. (Urdu dictionary) | Sayyid Ahmad Dihlavi | 4 vols. 古書 | Naishnal Akademi | 1974 | 4,400円 | Urdu language -- Dictionaries فرهنگ آصفىه مؤلفه خال صاحب مولوى سيد احمد دهلوى Farhang-i Āṣifiyah Sayyid Aḥmad Dihlavī Jild-i 1 (A-T) Jild-i 2 (T-Zh) Jild-i 3 (S-K) Jild-i 4 (G-Y) | |
Tibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Terminology. | Tsepak Rigzin | 306p | Library of Tibetan Works & Archives | 2008(1993) | 1,782円 | Tibetan language -- English -- Buddhism -- Dictionaries Nang don rig paì ming tshig Bod dbyin shan sbyar = Tibetan-English dictionary of Buddhist terminology/ Tsepak Rigzin Reprint of: 2nd rev. & enl. ed., 1993 | |
A Tibetan-English Dictionary, with special reference to the prevailing dialects. | Jäschke, H. | xxii,671p | Motilal | 2007(1881) | 2,158円 | ||
Colloquial and Literary Tibetan: practical usage. | Dagkar Namgyal Nyima | xiii,674p | Ligmincha | 2008 | 13,781円 | This is a textbook and lexicon dealing with both colloquial and literary Tibetan, for intermediate and advanced students. | |
Sanskrit. | Devy, G.N. & Avadhesh K. Singh (ed.) | xl, 218p. | Bhasha/ Orient BlackSwan | 2021 | 6,059円 | Sanskrit language -- Sanskrit literature Sanskrit, along with Tamil and Pali, is an Indian language of ancient origin. Though it is no longer in active use, its contribution towards shaping various modern Indian languages has been substantial. This volume of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India, Sanskrit (volume thirty-six), provides an analytical view of the origin, development and decline of the language. | |
Sanskrit Grammar, | Whitney, William Dwight | xxv,551p | Munshiram | 2013 repr. | 1,584円 | Sanskrit language -- Grammar | |
Essentials of Modern Literary Tibetan, a reading course and reference grammar. | Goldstein, Melvyn C. | xxiii,493p | Munshiram | 2013(1993) | 3,544円 | Tibetan language -- Grammar Includes examples of Tibetan texts with English translation | |
Dictionary of Paninian Grammatical Terminology. | Roodbergen, J.A.F. | xiv,481p | Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst. | 2008 | 5,148円 | Pāṇini. -- Aṣṭādhyāyī -- Concordances Dictionary of Pāṇinian grammatical terminology The present work differs in at least four respects from earlier works on Sanskrit grammatical terminology, like those of O. Bohtlingk, Erklarung der grammatischen Elemente in his Panini's Grammatik; L. Renou, Terminologie grammaticale du Sanskrit, Paris 1957; S. M. Katre, Dictionary of Panini, Parts I- III, Poona 1964, and K. V. Abhyankar and J. M. Shukla, A Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar, Baroda 1977. In the first place, it contains a considerable number of translations of words, expressions and quotations found in the sources mentioned above and elsewhere. Special attention has been paid to terms used in the Vtirttikas in the sections studied. In the second place, the Dictionary contains explanations of grammatical concepts as developed in the two series of words referred to above. In the third place, attention is paid to details of prakriya, In the fourth place, some words of general interest have been included when their precise meaning was found lacking in the standard Sanskrit Dictionaries. | |
Introduction to Prakrit | Woolner, Alfred C. | xvi,235p pap. | Motilal | 2008(1928) | 1,782円 | Prakrit languages -- Grammar | |
A Comprehensive and Critical Dictionary of the Prakrit Languages, Volume 9. | Joshi, Nalini P. (gen. ed.) | xxiv,444p | Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst. | 2022 | 7,900円 | Ardhamāgadhī -- Prakrit languages -- Jaina literature, Prakrit -- Dictionaries A comprehensive and critical dictionary of the Prakrit languages, with special reference to Jain literature, Volume Nine: ga - gurava general editor: Nalini P. Joshi English and Prakrit; introductory matter in English | |
Rupa-Candrika (A collection of the forms of Sanskrit words and roots) | Tripathi, Brahmanand (ed.) | 690p. | Chaukhamba Surbbharati Prakashan | 2024 repr. | 1,010円 | Sanskrit language -- Roots -- Conjugation [Rūpacandrikā : śabda evaṃ dhāturūpoṃ kā br̥hatsaṅgraha] | |
Sanskrit Snatak Pratiyogita Darpan: CUET UG Sanskrit Entrance for DU JNU JMI BHU AU AMU as per new Syllabu | Mishra, Shesnath | 513p. | Chaukhambha Orientalia | 2024 | 3,680円 | the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Sanskrit - Hindi |
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