




Sufism in Eighteenth-Century India: Muhammad Nasir 'Andalib's Lament of the Nightingale and Tariqa-yi Khalis Muhammadiyya. (Routledge Sufi Series)

Sufism in Eighteenth-Century India: Muhammad Nasir 'Andalib's Lament of the Nightingale and Tariqa-yi Khalis Muhammadiyya.
  • Saghaee, Neda
  • Routledge
  • xiv,266p. illus Pap.
  • 2023
  • Sufism -- India -- History Sufism in eighteenth-century India : Muḥammad Nāṣir ʻAndalīb's Lament of the Nightingale and Ṭarīqa-yi Khāliṣ Muḥammadiyya /Saghaee, Neda Sufism in Eighteenth-Century India focuses on one particular treasure from surviving Persian manuscripts in India, Nāla-yi ʿAndalīb, written by Muḥammad Nāṣir ʿAndalīb (d. 1759), a Naqshbandī Mujaddidī mystical thinker. It explores the convergence and interrelation of the text with its context to find how ʿAndalīb revisits the central role of the Prophet as the main protagonist in his allegorical love story with great attention to the circumstances of the Muslim community during the eighteenth century.



Women, Wealth and the State in Early Colonial India : the begams of Awadh. (States before Modernity)

Women, Wealth and the State in Early Colonial India : the begams of Awadh.
  • Abbott, Nicholas J.
  • Edinburgh U.P.
  • xvii,292p. maps
  • 2024
  • India -- Oudh -- Women political activity -- British occupation -- History -- 18th century Few polities were more instrumental to the rise of the East India Company and the advent of British colonial rule in South Asia than the Mughal successor state of Awadh (c. 1722–1856). And few individuals influenced the making of the Awadh regime and its pivotal relationship with the Company more than the chief consorts (begams) of its ruling dynasty. Drawing on previously unexamined Persian sources, this book centres the begams of Awadh within a revised history of state-formation and conceptual change in pre- and early colonial India.



Soul and Sword : the endless battle over political Hinduism

Soul and Sword : the endless battle over political Hinduism
  • Sengupta, Hindol
  • Rowman & Littlefield
  • xv,203p.
  • 2023
  • Hinduism and politics -- India -- History This is the first intellectual history of political Hinduism from its medieval origins to current-day India. It provides the ideological context of India’s rise economically and politically in the world in the last decade, illustrating not only where political Hinduism comes from, but more importantly, where it seeks to go. It provides an intellectual framework not only to understand the rise of Narendra Modi and his politics in the world’s largest democracy, but also India’s political, economic, and diplomatic choices as it negotiates its space as a rapidly rising, billion-strong democracy in a fluid and precarious world order. The age of fire The victory seekers Freedom, with Hindu characteristics The third way The house of God The mouse charmer The age of Ram Appendix. Timeline of political Hinduism



Buddhist Learning in South Asia: education, religion, and culture at the ancient Sri Nalanda Mahavihara. (Studies in comparative philosophy and religion)

Buddhist Learning in South Asia: education, religion, and culture at the ancient Sri Nalanda Mahavihara.
  • Kumar, Pintu
  • Lexington Books
  • xii,325p. pap.
  • 2018
  • Buddhism -- Study and teaching -- India -- Nālandā -- History This interdisciplinary study provides a broad analysis of Śrī Nālandā Mahāvihāra, the Buddhist learning center, during the first millennium AD. Drawing from history, archaeology, and religious studies, the author examines its role both as a religious and educational institution and investigates the impact of nationalist interpretations of the site.



Three Pillars of Skepticism in Classical India: Nagarjuna, Jayarasi, and Sri Harsa. (Studies in comparative philosophy and religion)

Three Pillars of Skepticism in Classical India: Nagarjuna, Jayarasi, and Sri Harsa.
  • Mills, Ethan
  • Lexington Books
  • xxxvi,217p pap.
  • 2018
  • Skepticism -- India -- Jayarāśibhaṭṭa, active 8th century -- Nāgārjuna, 1911-1998 -- Śrīharṣa, active 12th century This book argues that the philosophical history of India contains a tradition of skepticism about philosophy represented most clearly by three figures: Nāgārjuna, Jayarāśi, and Śrī Harṣa. Furthermore, understanding this tradition ought to be an important part of our contemporary metaphilosophical reflections on the purposes and limits of philosophy.



Sri Chaitanya's Life and Teaching: the golden Avatara of divine love. (Explorations in Indic traditions: theological, ethical, and philosophical)

Sri Chaitanya's Life and Teaching: the golden Avatara of divine love.
  • Rosen, Steven J.
  • Lexington Books
  • xxvi,231p. pap.
  • 2017
  • Chaitanya, 1486-1534 -- Re;ligion -- Comparative Religion Tucked away in ancient Sanskrit and Bengali texts is a secret teaching, a blissful devotional (bhakti) tradition that involves sacred congregational chanting (kirtana), mindfulness practices (japa, smaranam), and the deepening of one's relationship with God (rasa). Brought to the world's stage by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1533), and fully documented by his immediate followers, the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan, these unprecedented teachings were passed down from master to student in Gaudiya Vaishnava lineages. The Golden Avatara of Love: Sri Chaitanya's Life and Teachings, by contemporary scholar Steven J. Rosen, makes the profound truths of this confidential knowledge easily accessible for an English language audience.



Sanskrit Snatak Pratiyogita Darpan: CUET UG Sanskrit Entrance for DU JNU JMI BHU AU AMU as per new Syllabu (Gokuldas Sanskrit Ser., 220)

Sanskrit Snatak Pratiyogita Darpan: CUET UG Sanskrit Entrance for DU JNU JMI BHU AU AMU as per new Syllabu
  • Mishra, Shesnath
  • Chaukhambha Orientalia
  • 513p.
  • 2024
  • the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) Sanskrit - Hindi



Rupa-Candrika (A collection of the forms of Sanskrit words and roots) (Chaukhamba Surbharati Granthamala, 208)

Rupa-Candrika (A collection of the forms of Sanskrit words and roots)
  • Tripathi, Brahmanand (ed.)
  • Chaukhamba Surbbharati Prakashan
  • 690p.
  • 2024 repr.
  • Sanskrit language -- Roots -- Conjugation [Rūpacandrikā : śabda evaṃ dhāturūpoṃ kā br̥hatsaṅgraha]



The Earliest Mandala of Subhakarasimha (637-735 CE) (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 666)

The Earliest Mandala of Subhakarasimha (637-735 CE)
  • Chandra, Lokesh
  • Aditya Prakashan
  • 119p. 84 illus.
  • 2021
  • Mandala (Buddhism) -- Śubhākarasiṁha, 637-735 The earliest Maṇḍala of Śubhakarasiṁha (637-735 CE) / Lokesh Chandra This volume illustrates the scroll of Rtasamh^ara. It is the earliest known iconography of Vajradh^atumandala, probably drawn by ,Subhakara himself. The root Tantra of the Vajradhātu-maṇḍala Transmission of the Gobu-shingan Life of Śubhakarashiṁha Symbolism of the Vajradhātu-maṇḍala Literature cited Gobu-shingan (reproduciton of the ms) Portrait of Śubhakarashiṁha (signed by him)



Dynamics of Indic Culture. (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 667)

Dynamics of Indic Culture.
  • Chandra, Lokesh
  • Aditya Prakashan
  • 336p. illus.
  • 2022
  • India -- Civilization -- Asia -- Indic influences collected works: The book begins with new interpretations of various facets of Asoka's inscriptions, clarification of technical terms like vigada-bhica, or the practice of Vedic rites by the Emperor. Symbolism of the Aurangabad Cave 7, the suppression of Apollo in the Hellenic-Buddhist discord in Swat, the Vedic tradition of mauneya as the Way of Sakyamuni, development of Indic scripts from Brahmi, and the Inscription of King Indravarman of Cambodia whose Preceptor was a direct disciple of Sankaracarya, are expounded. Indological studies in the Netherlands, variations of the Five Buddhas, and Buddhism for the protection of the state are followed by echoes of Lord Krsna's flute in Sufism, Padmasambhava's entire opus on the eastern flank of India from Lanka to Kanchi, thence to Bengal, Nepal and finally to Tibet, and representations of Lord Krsna from Central Asia to Japan are detailed. Etymologies of Bukhara and Samarkand show their rise from Buddhism. The Siddha Kambala was a Kangar Turk. The title of the most popular Avalokitesvara-sutra is imprecise in Chinese. Rites for the long life of Empress Wu of China (r.684-705) and Empress Koken of Japan (r.749-758, 764-769), were conducted with a special Kalparaja from Khotan. Its dharani-mantras used on both occasions have been restored from Chinese and Tibetan transliterations. The first light house (akasa-dipa) of Asia was established in Indonesia by the Kundunga dynasty from Kerala. Extracts from Old Javanese Mahabharata and Ramayana are an overview of literary creativity in Asian lands. Statues of the Amoghapasa pentad at Candi Jago reveal the continuous contacts of India and Indonesia.



Buddhist Treasures of Russia and Mongolia. (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 668)

Buddhist Treasures of Russia and Mongolia.
  • Chandra, Lokesh
  • Aditya Prakashan
  • 205p. illus.
  • 2022
  • Buddhism -- Russia -- Mongolia -- Central Asia -- History This volume narrates the cultural exchanges between India and Russia, beginning with Russian words cognate to Sanskrit called ëpaternal languageí by a Russian linguist. Indian items have been exhumed from the 8ñ9th century layers of Kiev. Indian colony in Astrakhan on the Volga River, first contact of Russians with Buddhism in 1716, reference to Sanskrit in a novel written in 1784, the volume comes down to the troika of Blavatsky. Tolstoy and Roerichs and their historic contributions.



Heritage of India and the West. (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 665)

Heritage of India and the West.
  • Chandra, Lokesh
  • Aditya Prakashan
  • 796p. illus.
  • 2021
  • India -- Civilization -- Indian studies in West It is a survey of the researches of Indian, Asian and European savants on the evolution of life and thought from the transcendent visions of the Vedic samhitas to srauta and grhya rituals, from philosophical speculation to the social order of the Smrtis, phonetics to grammar, from Brahman of the Upanisads to the Bodhi of Lord Buddha.



Development of Indian languages (Śata-piṭaka series ; v. 664 )

Development of Indian languages
  • Raghu Vira ; edited by Lokesh Chandra
  • Aditya Prakashan
  • 318p.
  • 2021
  • India -- Languages -- History A fundamental presentation of the principles of enriching Hindi and other Indian languages, with modern terminology for law and administration, industry and humanities and plethora of natural sciences. The common grammatical systems of Sanskrit, Greek and Latin make Indian terminological systems as extensive and expressive as the European.



Dharmakosa, Volume V: Varsramadharmakanda, Part VIII.

Dharmakosa, Volume V: Varsramadharmakanda, Part VIII.
  • Kelkar, G, V. Joshi & N. Sahakari (ed.)
  • Prajna Pathashala Mandala
  • 74p,4118-4824p.
  • 2022
  • Dharma -- Hindu Law Dharmakośa. Volume V, Part VIII - Varṇāśramadharmakāṇḍa Compilation of extracts from ancient Sanskrit works on Hindu social and religious law and statecraft. Pt. I: 1988, II: 2000, III: 2003, IV: 2005, V. 2011, v. 1. Vyavahārakāṇḍa (3 v. ).--v. 2. Upaniṣatkāṇḍa (4 v. ).--v. 3. Saṃskārakāṇḍa (6 v. ).--v. 4. Rājanītikānda (6 v. ).--v. 5. Varṇāśramadharmakāṇḍa (v.).



The Buddhist Indus Script and Scriptures : on the so-called Bhaikṣukī or Saindhavī script of the Sāṃmitīyas and their Canon (Studien zur Indologie, Band 7)

The Buddhist Indus Script and Scriptures : on the so-called Bhaikṣukī or Saindhavī script of the Sāṃmitīyas and their Canon
  • Dimitrov, Dragomir
  • Harrassowitz
  • xvii,256p.
  • 2020
  • Buddhist calligraphy -- Indus script -- Manuscripts, Indic The Buddhist Indus script (Sindhulipi or Saindhavī) refers to an Indian script with “arrow-headed” characters which the British Indologist Cecil Bendall (1856–1906) noticed for the first time in a twelfth-century manuscript, and which later scholars tentatively called “Bhaiksukī”. With the help of some Tibetan sources it is actually possible not only to establish its original name, i.e. “Saindhavī”, but also to prove a direct connection between this script and the Saindhava monks or the Sāṃmitīyas. Despite the importance of this Buddhist school, until recently its original canonical literature was considered to have been lost.



Caraka-Samhita of Maharsi Agnivesa (Sanskrit text with Tibetan translation), Volume 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 tr. into Tibetan & ed. by L. Tenzin & D. Sherpa (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 94, 95)

Caraka-Samhita of Maharsi Agnivesa (Sanskrit text with Tibetan translation), Volume 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Magharsi Agnicesa
  • Ctr. Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
  • 7 vols.
  • 2022-23
  • Caraka—Carakasamhita. -- Medicine, Ayurvedic—Early works to 1800 Critically edited Sanskrit original text with Tibetan translation of ancient Indian Ayurvedic tex Maharṣiṇā Agniveśena praṇītā Caraka-saṃhitā = Draṅ-sroṅ-chen-po Me-bźin-ʼjug gis mdzad paʼi Tsa-ra-kaʼi bsdu ba In Sanskrit; translation in Tibetan 9. Kalpasthānamv & Siddhisthānam 8. Cikitsāsthāne caturviṃśamadātyayacikitsatādhyāyataḥ triṃśayonivyāpaccikitsataparyantam 7. Cikitsāsthāne Ṣoḍśapāṇḍurogacikitsitādhyāyataḥ 6. 8th Rājayaksmacikitsitam to 15th Grahanīcikitsitam of Cikitsāsthānam 5. 1st Rasāyanam to 7th Kustacikitsitam of Cikitsāsthānam 4. Śārīra-sthānam & Indriya-sthānam 3. Nidānasthānaṃ & Vimānasthānaṃ



Sricatuspithamahatantrarajah, Vol. I.: Rnal ʼbyor maʼi rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal gdan bzhi pa zhes bya ba bhzhugs so (Rare Buddhist Texts Series, 409)

Sricatuspithamahatantrarajah, Vol. I.: Rnal ʼbyor maʼi rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal gdan bzhi pa zhes bya ba bhzhugs so
  • Mishra, Kameshwar Nath (ed.)
  • Ctr. Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
  • lxxii,287p.
  • 2023
  • Yoginītantrarāja, a Buddhist Tantra text on Yoginī Rnal ʼbyor maʼi rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po Dpal gdan bzhi pa zhes bya ba bhzhugs so = Śrīcatuṣhpīṭhamahātantrarājaḥ Updated Tibetan translation and edition of the Catuṣpīṭha Tantra; in Tantric Buddhism, Śrī Catuṣpīṭhamahātantrarājaḥ is Yoginī Tantra and Mother Tantra among the mother, father, and nondual tantra; a Sri-Catuhpitha text is the exquisite quartet of Mother Tantra's seat. Tibetan and Sankrit; includes prefatory matter in Hindi



Ārya Sandhinimorcanānāma Mahāyānasūtram = ʼPhags pa dgongs pa nges par ʼgrel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen poʼi mdo bzhugs so (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, 96)

Ārya Sandhinimorcanānāma Mahāyānasūtram = ʼPhags pa dgongs pa nges par ʼgrel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen poʼi mdo bzhugs so
  • Pema Tenzin (ed.)
  • Ctr. Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
  • xvi,276p.
  • 2023
  • Yogācāra (Buddhism)—Early works to 1800 Ārya Sandhinimorcanānāma Mahāyānasūtram = ʼPhags pa dgongs pa nges par ʼgrel pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen poʼi mdo bzhugs so Restoration of the sutra from its Tibetan version into the lost Sanskrit original, the sutra "The Ārya-saṃdhi-nirmocana nāma Mahāyāna sūtra = Noble sūtra of the explanation of the profound secrets" is a Mahāyāna Buddhist text of the Yogācāra school. Tibetan and Sanskrit; translated from the Tibetan version.



Examination into the True Teaching: Vidyanandin's Satyasasanapariksa.

Examination into the True Teaching: Vidyanandin's Satyasasanapariksa.
  • Borgland, Jens W.
  • Harrassowitz
  • xii,290p.
  • 2020
  • Hinduism -- Hinduism Relations Jainism -- Jaina logic Examination into the true teaching : Vidyānandin's Satyaśāsanaparīkṣā / Borgland, Jens W. The text, as it has come down to us, presents and refutes twelve Indian philosophical teachings or schools – the most important of which are Sautrāntika and Yogācāra Buddhism, Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika, Advaita Vedānta, Mīmāṃsā, Sāṃkhya and Cārvāka – with the aim of establishing the superior status of Jain philosophy as the one and only ‘true teaching.’ It thus offers us a window into the philosophical debates of the period from the perspective of a Digambara Jain philosopher.



Shri Vadikesari Venkatacharyaswamishisya's Subodhinī: सुबोधिनी. ch. ed. by V. Muralidhara Sharma (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 322-323)

Shri Vadikesari Venkatacharyaswamishisya's Subodhinī: सुबोधिनी.
  • Shri Vadikesari Venkatacharyaswamishisya
  • Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
  • 2 vols.
  • 2019
  • Brahmasūtra (Bādarāyaṇa) -- Rāmānuja, 1017-1137 -- Śrībhāṣya (Rāmānuja) -- Vedanta सुबोधिनी Subodhinī / Śrīvādikesariveṅkaṭācāryasvāmiśiṣyaviracitā ; pradhānasampādakaḥ, Ācāryaḥ Vi. Muralīdharaśarmā ; sampādakaḥ ṭipaṇṇīkāraśca Vidvān Śrī Yas. Maṇivaṇṇan. Supercommentary on Sribhasya of Ramanuja, 1017-1137, commentary on Brahmasutra of Badayarana, work on Vedanta philosophy



Shrishaila Shrinivasacharya's Bhedadarpaṇaḥ : भेददर्पण ch. ed. by V. Muralidhara Sharma (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 325)

Shrishaila Shrinivasacharya's Bhedadarpaṇaḥ  : भेददर्पण
  • Shrishaira Shrinivasacharya
  • Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
  • vvviv,92p.
  • 2019
  • Viśiṣṭādvaita Śrīśailaśrīnivāsacāryaviracitaḥ ; sampādakaḥ ṭippaṇīkāraśca, Ḍā. Ṭi. Yas. Ār. Nārāyaṇan ; pradhānasampādakaḥ, Ācāryaḥ Vi. Muralīdharaśarmā. श्रीशैलश्रीनिवासाचार्यविरचितः ; सम्पादकः टिप्पणीकारश्च, डा. टि. यस्. आर. नारायणन् ; प्रधानसम्पादकः आचार्यः वि. मुरलीधरशर्मा.



Pañcalakṣaṇī, Siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇe ca, with Didhiti of Raghunatha Siromani, Prakasika on Didhiti of Gadadhara Bhattacharya & Balabodhini on Didhiti Prakasika by N.S. Ramanujatatacharya. gen. ed. V. Muralidhara Sharma (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 311)

Pañcalakṣaṇī, Siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇe ca, with Didhiti of Raghunatha Siromani, Prakasika on Didhiti of Gadadhara Bhattacharya & Balabodhini on Didhiti Prakasika by N.S. Ramanujatatacharya.
  • Gaṅgeśa
  • Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
  • xx,237p.
  • 2018
  • Nyāya -- Proposition (Logic) -- Syllogism Pañcalakṣaṇī, Siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇe ca Gaṅgeśa, active 13th century author ; Raghunātha Śiromaṇi. ; Gadādharabhaṭṭācārya, active 17th century-18th century. ; Ramanuja Tatacharya, N. S. (Navalpakkam Sathakopa), 1928- ; Gaṅgeśa, active 13th century / Muralidhara Sharma, V., editor On the definition of proposition of regular concommittance of middle and major terms (vyāpti) setting forth syllogistic considerations of the Navya-nyāya school of Indic philosophy



Residential Architecture in Bhoja's Samaranganasutradhara: introduction, text, translation and notes

Residential Architecture in Bhoja's Samaranganasutradhara:
  • Otter, Felix
  • Motilal
  • xi,299p. illus.
  • 2010
  • Hindu Architecture -- India -- Bhojarāja, King of Malwa, active 11th century Residential architecture in Bhoja's Samarāṅgaṇasūtradhāra : introduction, text, translation and notes / Felix Otter The Samarāṅgaṇasūtradhāra, composed in the 11th century and commonly attributed to King Bhoja of Dhārā, is one of the most rernarkable Śilpaśāstras of northern India. Study with text of Samarāṅgaṇasūtradhāra of Bhojarāja, King of Malwa, 11th cent., classical work on Hindu architecture



Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi. ed. by Arkanasya Caudhari (Gokuldas Samskrit Granthamala, 211)

  • Bhattoji Diksita
  • Chaukhambha Orientalia
  • 1046p.
  • 2024
  • Aṣṭādhyāyī (Pāṇini) -- Pāṇini -- Sanskrit language Grammar Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntakaumudī / Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita, ed. by Arkanāśya Caudharī Sanskrit & Hindi Classical commentary on Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, work on Sanskrit grammar



Knowledge, Meanig & Intuition: some theories in Indian logic.

Knowledge, Meanig & Intuition: some theories in Indian logic.
  • Ghosh, Raghunath
  • New Bharatiya Book
  • xi,164p.
  • 2018
  • Knowledge, Theory of (Hinduism) -- Nyāya -- Hindu logic Chapter 1: The Nyāya Theory of Perception 2: The Concept of Anuvyavasāya in Nyāya Logic: a phenomenological analysis 3: Some Reflections on the Nyāya Theory of Action 4: The Navya Nyāya Critique of the Concepts of Vyāpti in Vallabhācārya's Nyāyalīlāvati and Jaina-logic 5: Some Theories of Meaning 6: The Concept of Prātibhajnāna in Nyāya-Vaiśesika and Poetics 7: The Vaiśesika Account of the Phenomenon of Dream 8: The Concept of Āhāryajnāna in Navya-Nyāya



Compendium of pearls of thought : (Nyāyakallolinī) : Sanskrit text with English translation

Compendium of pearls of thought : (Nyāyakallolinī) : Sanskrit text with English translation
  • Jha, Mahanand
  • ICPR/ Motilal
  • xxii,149p.
  • 2019
  • Navya -- Nyāaya Nyāyakallolinī : Saṃskr̥tā'ṅgalasamanvitā = Compendium of pearls of thought : (Nyāyakallolinī) : Sanskrit text with English translation / Mahānanda Jhā न्यायकल्लोलिनी : संस्कृताऽङ्गलसमन्विता



Why I am a Hindu.

Why I am a Hindu.
  • Tharoor, Shashi
  • Hurst
  • xv,295p.
  • 2018
  • Hinduism -- Religion and politics -- India. Why I Am a Hindu offers a profound reexamination of Hinduism, and cautions against its politicisation. My Hinduism -- The Hindu way -- Questioning Hindu customs -- Great souls of Hinduism -- Hinduism and the politics of Hindutva -- Beyond holy cows: the uses and abuses of Hindu culture and history -- Taking back Hinduism



Hurt Sentiments: secularism and belonging in South Asia.

Hurt Sentiments: secularism and belonging in South Asia.
  • Nair, Neeti
  • Harvard U.P.
  • vii,333p.
  • 2023
  • Religion and state -- India -- Pakistan -- Bangladesh -- Religious minorities -- Secularism -- History An insightful history of censorship, hate speech, and majoritarianism in post-partition South Asia. At the time of Partition and the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947, it was widely expected that India would be "secular," home to members of different religious traditions and communities, whereas Pakistan would be a homeland for Muslims, and an Islamic state. Seventy-five years later, India is on the precipice of declaring itself a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu state, whereas Pakistan has drawn increasingly narrow interpretations of what it means to be an Islamic state. Pakistan's once-eastern wing, now the independent nation-state of Bangladesh, has oscillated between professions of secularism and an Islamic ideology. Neeti Nair reveals how the various ideologies of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh that were first debated in their constituent assemblies, evolved to support the claims of "hurt sentiments" of majoritarian communities - Hindus in India, and Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Gandhi's Assassination, Godse's Defense, and the Minority Question Hurt sentiments, Muslim appeasement Debating the "Islamic State" in Pakistan Islam and the Secular in Bangladesh and Pakistan



Environmental Issues in India: a reader.

Environmental Issues in India: a reader.
  • Rangarajan, Mahesh (ed.)
  • Pearson India
  • xxviii,570p.
  • 2007
  • Human ecology -- India -- History A Reader brings together 33 essays by seminal environment scholars, thinkers and activists from within India and abroad. The volume is divided into five thematic sections: the first three explore the pre-colonial and the colonial contexts, and move on to independent India. The last two sections examine environmental movements and how India relates to global environmental concerns. section 1. Pre-colonial India section 2. Colonial India section 3. Independent India's environment section 4. Movements and alternatives section 5. Global issues



Energy and Environment in India: the Politics of a chronic crisis. (Center on Global Energy Policy Series)

Energy and Environment in India: the Politics of a chronic crisis.
  • Urpelainen, Johannes
  • Columbia U.P.
  • 220p. pap.
  • 2023
  • Environmental policy -- Energy policy -- India India is driving some of the most important trends in global energy markets—with vast environmental implications. As the country grows wealthier, Indians are buying more cars, air conditioners, plane tickets, and other goods that increase demand for fossil fuels. At the same time, the country still faces widespread poverty, and it struggles to address persistent environmental and energy-sector problems, from frequent power outages to a significant number of deaths linked to air pollution.



A Taste for Purity: an entangled history of vegetarianism. (Columbia Studies in International and Global History)

A Taste for Purity: an entangled history of vegetarianism.
  • Hauser, Julia
  • Columbia U.P.
  • 359p. pap.
  • 2024
  • Vegetarianism -- History In nineteenth-century Europe and North America, an organized vegetarian movement began warning of the health risks and ethical problems of meat eating. Presenting a vegetarian diet as a cure for the social ills brought on by industrialization and urbanization, this movement idealized South Asia as a model. In colonial India, where diets were far more varied than Western admirers realized, new motives for avoiding meat also took hold. Hindu nationalists claimed that vegetarianism would cleanse the body for anticolonial resistance, and an increasingly militant cow protection movement mobilized against meat eaters, particularly Muslims.



Later Indo-Scythians, (from the numismatic chronicle 1893-94). gen. ed. by A.K. Narain (Complete Works of Alexander Cunningham, no. 11)

Later Indo-Scythians, (from the numismatic chronicle 1893-94).
  • Cunningham, Alexander, Sir, 1814-1893
  • Indological Book House
  • ii,93-293p plates 古書
  • 1979 repr.
  • Coins -- Indo-Scythian -- History



Maktubat al-Shaykh al-Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi wa aulad-hi wa mu'asir-hi (Collection of Arabic letters by Shah Waliullah Dihlavi with Urdu translation). ed. & tr. by Shah Abdus Salam

Maktubat al-Shaykh al-Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi wa aulad-hi wa mu'asir-hi
  • Wali Allah al-Dihlawi
  • Rampur Raza Library
  • 344p. facs.
  • 2010
  • Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī, 1702 or 1703-1762 or 1763 -- Muslim scholars -- India مكتوبات الشيخ الشاه ولي الله الدهلوي واولاده ومعاصريه ولى الله دهلوى Maktūbāt al-Shaykh al-Shāh Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī wa-awlādihi wa-muʻāṣirīh Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī, taḥqīq, taʻlīq wa-tarjamah ilá al-lughah al-Urdīyah al-Shāh ʻAbd al-Salām



Makatib-e Hadrat Shah Vali Allah Mohaddeth Dehlavi. ed. by Nethar Ahmad Faruqi

Makatib-e Hadrat Shah Vali Allah Mohaddeth Dehlavi.
  • Vali Allah al-Dihlavi
  • Rampur Raza Library
  • 665p. facs.
  • 2004
  • Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī, 1702 or 1703-1762 or 1763 -- Correspondence مکاتىب حضرت شاه ولى الله محدث دهلوى ولى الله الدهلوى Makātīb-i Ḥaz̤rat Shāh Valī Allāh Muḥaddis̲ Dihlavī Walī Allāh al-Dihlawī, 1702 or 1703-1762 or 1763, taḥqīq-i Muftī Nasīm Aḥmad Farīdī Amrūhvī ; taqaddamahu va taḥshīhi Prufisūr Nis̲ār Aḥmad Fārūqī



Another India : the Making of the World's Largest Muslim Minority, 1947-77.

Another India : the Making of the World's Largest Muslim Minority, 1947-77.
  • Anil, Pratinav
  • Hurst
  • 432p.
  • 2023
  • Muslims -- India -- Social conditions -- 20th century 'Another India' tells the story of the world's biggest religious minority. Weaving together vivid biographical portraits of a wide range of Indian Muslims - elite and subaltern, secular and clerical, activist and apolitical - it brings the experience of the country's Muslims under a single focus; and, by throwing light on the Indian Muslim condition during the first thirty years of independence, reflects on the true character of democratic India. Introduction: A Community Apart Part I 'Nationalists' 1. Identity Politics 2. Culture Wars 3. Eminent Nehruvians Part II 'Communalists' 4. Loyal Opposition 5. Pressure Politics 6. Almost Liberal Part III Notables 7. Class Acts Conclusion: An Ashraf Betrayal?



The Rajas of the Punjab: Being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab and their Political Relations with the British Governmen.

The Rajas of the Punjab:  Being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab and their Political Relations with the British Governmen.
  • Griffin, Lepel H.
  • Munshiram Manoharlal
  • viii,661p.
  • 1998(1870)
  • The rajas of the Punjab; being the history of the principal states in the Punjab and their political relations with the British government. / Griffin, Lepel Henry, 1840-1908. Contents The History of the Pattiala State The History of the Bhadour Chiefship The History of the Minor Phulkian famailies The History of the Jhind State The History of the Nabha State The History of the Kapurthalla State The History of the Faridkot State The History of the Mandi State



Rethinking 'Classical Yoga' and Buddhism: meditation, metaphors and materiality. (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies)

Rethinking 'Classical Yoga' and Buddhism: meditation, metaphors and materiality.
  • O'Brien-Kop, Karen
  • Bloomsbury
  • xiii,263p. pap.
  • 2023(22)
  • Buddhism -- Hinduism -- Yoga -- Yogasūtra (Patañjali) -- Yogācāra (Bouddhisme) This book revisits the early systemic formation of what we now call yoga in South Asia. Karen O'Brien-Kop develops an alternative way of describing and analysing the history of yoga in South Asia that decentres the Eurocentric and imperialist enterprises of the nineteenth-century to reframe the cultural period of the 1st - 5th centuries CE using categorical markers from Indic intellectual history. Buddhist traditions were just as concerned as Hindu traditions with meditative disciplines of yoga. By exploring the intertextuality of the Pata jalayogasastra with texts such as Vasubandhu s Abhidharmakosa-bhaya and Asaga s Yogacarabhumisastra, this book highlights and clarifies the ideologically Buddhist concepts and practices in Pata jala yoga. Karen O'Brien-Kop demonstrates that classical yoga was co-constructed systemically by both Hindu and Buddhist thinkers who were drawing on the same conceptual metaphors of the period. This analysis demystifies early yoga-meditation as a timeless classical practice and locates it in a specific material context of agrarian and urban economies.



The Winds of Change: Buddhism and the maritime links of early South Asia. (Oxford India Paperbacks)

The Winds of Change: Buddhism and the maritime links of early South Asia.
  • Ray, Himanshu P.
  • OUP (India)
  • x,234p. maps 古書
  • 2000(1994)
  • Buddhism -- East Asia -- Soiutheast Asia -- India Ocean -- Commerce -- History -- To ca.100 A.D. On maritime trade and seafaring in the early historical period with reference to support provided by Buddhist monastic establishments during that period. 1. Preamble 2. The Evolution of Trading Networks 3. Maritime Contacts With the West 4. Early Contacts Between South and Southeast Asia 5. Buddhism and Trade 6. Early Maritime Archaeology



Dethroned: the downfall of India's princely states.

Dethroned: the downfall of India's princely states.
  • Zubrzycki, John
  • Hurst
  • viii,337p. photos.
  • 2023
  • In July 1947, India's last Viceroy, Lord Louis Mountbatten, stood before New Delhi's Chamber of Princes to deliver the most important speech of his career. He had just three weeks to convince over 550 sovereign princely states--some tiny, some the size of Britain--to become part of a free India. Once Britain's most faithful allies, the princes could choose between joining India or Pakistan, or declaring independence. This is a saga of intrigue, brinkmanship and broken promises, wrought by Mountbatten and two of independent India's founding fathers: the country's most senior civil servant, V.P. Menon, and Congress strongman Vallabhbhai Patel. What India's architects described as a "bloodless revolution" was anything but, as violence engulfed Kashmir and Indian troops crushed Hyderabad's dreams of independence. Most princes accepted the inevitable, exchanging their power for guarantees of privileges and titles in perpetuity. But these dynasties were still led to extinction--not by the sword, but by political expediency--leaving them with little more than fading memories of a glorified past.



Defending Muhammad in Modernity.

Defending Muhammad in Modernity.
  • Tareen, SherAli
  • Permanent Black/ Ashoka Univ.
  • xxii,482p.
  • 2020
  • South Asia -- Religion -- Bareilly School (Islam) -- Deoband School In this groundbreaking study, SherAli Tareen presents the most comprehensive and theoretically engaged work to date on what is arguably the most long-running, complex, and contentious dispute in modern Islam: the Barelvī-Deobandī polemic. The Barelvī and Deobandī groups are two normative orientations/reform movements with beginnings in colonial South Asia. Almost two hundred years separate the beginnings of this polemic from the present. Its specter, however, continues to haunt the religious sensibilities of postcolonial South Asian Muslims in profound ways, both in the region and in diaspora communities around the world.



Attendant Lords: Bairam Khan and Abdur Rahim: courtiers & poets in Mughal India.

Attendant Lords: Bairam Khan and Abdur Rahim: courtiers & poets in Mughal India.
  • Raghavan, T.C.A.
  • HarperCollins
  • xiii,337p. illus.
  • 2017
  • Nobility -- Poets -- Mogul Empire -- Biography -- History Bairam Khan and his son, Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khanan were soldiers, poets and courtiers whose lives reflected the turbulent times they lived in. In telling their stories, Attendant Lords spans the reigns of four emperors - Babur, Humayun, Akbar and Jahangir - and covers over a hundred years of Mughal history, a time when these two noblemen were at the very heart of the court's labyrinthine politics. -- After Humayun's untimely death, Bairam Khan was regent to the young Emperor Akbar for four critical years. Bairam's own son, Abdur Rahim, became one of the most important generals of the Mughal Empire, but he is best remembered for his literary prowess, most particularly for his famous 'dohas'. Literature plays a large part in this story. -- This unusual dual biography traces the lives of these two noblemen against the backdrop of the courtly intrigues, brutal power struggles and the grand literary endeavours of the Mughal court. And it looks at their afterlives - how politics and the Hindi-Urdu debate reincarnated them as national heroes; how both men came to be seen as standing at the confluence of Hinduism and Islam; how their life stories have undergone subtle transformations; and how history, religion and literature combine in the broader context of nationalism and nation building



The Loss of Hindustan: the invention of India.

The Loss of Hindustan: the invention of India.
  • Asif, Manan Ahme
  • Harvard U.P.
  • ix,321p.
  • 2020
  • India -- Europeans -- Nationalism -- History The Loss of Hindustan presents a radical re-interpretation of how Europe came to see "India," and how "India" re-imagined history and in the process lost its identity of Hindustan as a home for all faiths. Asif uses Persian, Urdu, Sanskrit, English, French, Portuguese, and German histories about the subcontinent to demonstrate the work of history writing in the subcontinent before European rule, and how the practice of history writing changed as a result of colonialism. Turning back to the subcontinent's medieval past, the author focuses on the monumental history of Hindustan by Firishta, "Tarikh-i Firishta" which was written ca 1608 CE in the central, Deccan, region of the subcontinent. Firishta became the key source for European philosophers (Voltaire, Kant, Hegel) and historians (Edward Gibbon, James Mill) in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Introduction: The end of Hindustan The question of Hindustan An archive for Hindustan The places in Hindustan The peoples in Hindustan A history for Hindustan



Archaeology in Northern India: recent trends and future prospects, essays celebrating 150 years of research.

Archaeology in Northern India: recent trends and future prospects,
  • Milan Kumar Chauley, Manjil Hazarika (eds.)
  • Research India Press
  • xxxii,370p. photos. figs.
  • 2021
  • India, Northeastern -- Archaeology -- Antiquities -- civilization -- Art -- Congresses The Guwahati Circle of the Archaeological Survey of India, as part of the World Heritage Week celebration in November 2016, organised two symposiums in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology of Cotton University, first in the campus of North East Zone Cultural Centre in Dimapur on 22nd November ... The second symposium was held at the Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Uzan Bazaar in Guwahati on 25th November, 2016. The topic of the symposiums at both the venues was "Archaeological Research in Northeast India: Recent Trends and Future Prospects"



The Idea of Ancient India : essays on religion, politics, and archaeology.

The Idea of Ancient India : essays on religion, politics, and archaeology.
  • Singh, Upinder
  • Vintage
  • xlviii,513p. illus. pap.
  • 2023(16)
  • India -- Archaeology -- Civilization -- Buddhism -- History This book engages with some of the most important issues, debates, and methodologies in the writings of ancient Indian history. Thematically structured into four sections, it critically addresses how the material remains of India's early past were discovered and understood in colonial and post-colonial times. The first section highlights the importance of a thorough empirical approach for understanding the process of social history and early medieval state formation. The second connects ancient and modern India, based extensively on archival sources. The third and fourth sections emphasize the important issue of ancient Indian intellectual history, underlining the significance of reconstructing the intellectual landscape of ancient India through a sensitive and yet critical historicization of its texts and inscriptions.



Alankara-Kaustubha: the Jewel of poetics. tr. by Matsya Avatara Dasa & Gaurapada Dasa

Alankara-Kaustubha: the Jewel of poetics.
  • Kavi Karnapura
  • Ras Bihari & Son
  • 1034p.
  • 2017
  • Sanskrit Poetry -- Early works to 1800 Alaṅkāra-kaustubha = The jewel of poetics / by Kavi Karṇapūra, co-translators, Matsya Avatāra Dāsa, Gaurapada Dāsa, M.A. Treatise on Sanskrit poetics, as interpreted by the Chaitanya school in Vaishnavism (Víśvanātha cakravarti's commentary) English and Sanskrit (Sanskrit in Devanagari and Latin)



Pramana-Laksanam: Nature and definition of knowledge and its means. English translation, commentary & critical study by P. Vinayacharya (Complete works of Śri Madhvācārya (The Sarvamūla grantha series), volume - 4)

Pramana-Laksanam: Nature and definition of knowledge and its means.
  • Madhvacarya
  • Tara Prakashana
  • xiv,354p.
  • 2023
  • Madhva, active 13th century -- Dvaita (Vedānta) -- Knowledge, Theory of -- Epistemology Pramāṇa-lakṣaṇam = Nature & definition of knowledge and its means / English translation, commentary and critical study by Vidwan Dr. P. Vinayacharya English and Sanskrit



Around Abhinavagupta: aspects of the intellectual history of Kashmir from theninth to the eleventh century. (Leipziger Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte Süd- und Zentralasiens, bd. 6)

Around Abhinavagupta: aspects of the intellectual history of Kashmir from theninth to the eleventh century.
  • Franco, Eli & Isabelle Ratie (ed.)
  • Dev Publishers
  • xix,663p.
  • 2022(16)
  • Abhinavagupta, Rājānaka -- Intellectual life -- Philosophy, Indic -- Jammu and Kashmir (India) Abhinavagupta is undoubtedly the most famous Kashmirian medieval intellectual: his decisive contributions to Indian aesthetics, Śaiva theology and metaphysics, and to the philosophy of the subtle and original Pratyabhijña system are well known. Yet so far his works have often been studied without fully taking into account the specific historical, social, artistic, religious and philosophical context in which they are embedded. The purpose of this book is to show that this intellectual background is not less exceptional than Abhinavagupta himself.



Goddess Traditions in India: theological poems and philosophical tales in the Tripurarahasya. (Routledge Hindu Studies Series)

Goddess Traditions in India: theological poems and philosophical tales in the Tripurarahasya.
  • Linder, Silvia Schwarz
  • Routledge
  • xii,304p. pap.
  • 2022
  • Tantrism -- Early works to 1800 Goddess traditions in India : theological poems and philosophical tales in the Tripurārahasya / Silvia Schwarz Linder This book on the Tripurārahasya, a South Indian Sanskrit work which occupies a unique place in the Śākta literature, is a study of the Śrīvidyā and Śākta traditions in the context of South Indian intellectual history in the late middle ages. Associated with the religious tradition known as Śrīvidyā and devoted to the cult of the Goddess Tripurā, the text was probably composed between the 13th and the 16th century CE. The book is intended for researchers in the field of Asian Studies, Indology, Philosophical, Theological or Religious Studies, Hindu Studies, Tantric Studies and South Asian Religion and Philosophy, in particular those interested in Śākta and Śaiva philosophic-religious traditions



Rules and Regulations of Brahmanical Asceticism : Yatidharmasamuccaya of Yādava Prakāśa. (SUNY Series in Religion)

Rules and Regulations of Brahmanical Asceticism : Yatidharmasamuccaya of Yādava Prakāśa.
  • Olivelle, Patrick (ed. & tr.)
  • SUNY
  • x,457p. pap.
  • 1995
  • Asceticism -- Brahmanism -- Dharma -- Early Works to 1800 This translation of a twelfth-century Sanskrit text is the most comprehensive presentation of Hindu ascetic practices available in English with Sanskrit text. It is also the clearest. Rules and Regulations of Brahmanical Asceticism is the critical edition and translation of a twelfth-century Sanskrit text written by Yadava Prakasaa, whose life and activities are of historical interest because, according to tradition, he was the teacher of the great Vais'n'ava theologian Ramanuja.



Contemplative Studies and Hinduism: meditation, devoltion, prayer, and worship.

Contemplative Studies and Hinduism: meditation, devoltion, prayer, and worship.
  • Sherma, Rita D. & P. Bilimoria (ed.)
  • Routledge
  • xiv,213p pap.
  • 2023(21)
  • Hinduism -- Samādhi The chapters in the volume cover themes in Hindu contemplative experience from various texts and traditions including classical Sāṃkhya and Patañjali Yoga, the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, the role of Sādhana in Advaita Vedānta, Śrīvidyā and the Śrīcakra, the body in Tantra, the semiotics and illocution of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava sādhana, mantra in Mīmāṃsā, Vaiṣṇava liturgy, as well as cross-cultural reflections and interreligious comparative contemplative praxis.



Classical Buddhism, Neo-Buddhism and the Question of Caste.

Classical Buddhism, Neo-Buddhism and the Question of Caste.
  • Gokhale, Pradeep P. (ed.)
  • Routledge
  • xx,306p. pap.
  • 2023(21)
  • Buddhism -- Caste -- Navayana Buddhism -- History This book examines the interface between Buddhism and the caste system in India. It discusses how Buddhism in different stages, from its early period to contemporary forms—Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Tantrayāna and Navayāna—dealt with the question of caste.



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