




  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Chinnamasta: the aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric goddess. Chinnamasta: the aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric goddess. Benard, Elisabeth Anne xv,162p Motilal 2010(1944) 1,564円 Chinnamuṇḍā (Buddhist deity) -- Chinnamastā (Hindu deity) -- Cult Chinnamastā, the aweful Buddhist and Hindu tantric goddess/ Elisabeth Anne Benard This is the first monograph which examines the rare Buddhist and Hindu Tantric goddess, Chinnamasta, her rituals, her names and forms (namarupa) and their symbolism by comparing and contra-sting her sadhanas (spiritual practices) in Hinduism and Buddh-ism. The entire Hindu Chinnamastatantra section from the Sakta Pramoda, the Buddhist Chinnamunda Vajra-varahisadhana and theTrikayavajrayoginstuti are translated for the first time into English. Since Chinnamasta is a rare goddess, her texts were not popularized or made fashionable according to the dictates of a particular group at a particular time. The earliest extant texts dated from the ninth and tenth centuries a time when Hindu and Buddhist Tantras were developing under common influences in the same place in India. Having such texts about Chinnamasta Chinnamunda from these centuries, one can begin to understand the mutuality of a general Tantric tradition and the exclusivity of a particular Hindu or Buddhist Tantric tradition. Hence the study not only examines Chinnamasta, but also attempts to under-stand what is a Tantric tradition.
A Study of the Dharmadharmatavibhanga (volume Three): the commentaries of Rong ston and Mi Pham, I, II. A Study of the Dharmadharmatavibhanga (volume Three): the commentaries of Rong ston and Mi Pham, I, II. Robertson, Raymond E. 2 vols. China Tibetology Publishing House 2012 9,356円 Maitreyanātha. -- Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga A study of the Dharmadharmatavibhanga = 《辨法法性论》研究 第三巻 This four-volume work presents texts representing over fifteen-hundred years of Buddhist thought bearing on the teaching of the Dharmadharmatavibhanga and the tradition of Maitreya-Yogacara to which it belongs. This third book in the series begins with a comparative study of the doctrinal conflicts between Rong ston Shes bya kun rig of the Sa skya tradition and Blo bzang rta dbyang of the dGe lugs school, while comparing the Indian Yogacarins' views on those topics. Mr. Robertson then presents the complete annotated English translation of Rong ston's "Chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i rnam bshad legs par 'doms pa lha'i rnga bo che" and Mi pham rgya mtsho's "Chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa'i 'grel pa ye shes snang pa rnam 'byed." Comparing with the previous two entries in this series, the present volume is focused entirely on the interpretations of the Dharmadharmatavibhanga among the Tibetan traditions.
Buddhism Across Asia : Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange Buddhism Across Asia : Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange Sen, Tansen (ed.) xxx,482p Manohar/ ISEAS 2014 6,930円 Buddhism -- Asia -- History -- Congresses Presents new research on Buddhism in comprehensive spatial and temporal terms. From studies on transmission networks to exegesis on doctrinal matters, linguistics, rituals and practices, institutions, Buddhist libraries, and the religion's interactions with political and cultural spheres as well as the society at large, the volume presents an assemblage of essays of breathtaking breadth and depth.
Buddhist and Jaina Studies: proceedings of the conference in Lumbini, February 2013. Buddhist and Jaina Studies: proceedings of the conference in Lumbini, February 2013. Soni, J., M. Pahlke & C.C:uppers (ed.) vi,402p Lumbini International Research Institute 2014 7,524円 Buddhism -- Jainism -- History -- Congresses Art and Architecture, Literature and Textual Studies, Philosophy
Adhyardhasatika Prajnaparamita: Sanskrit and Tibetan texts. Adhyardhasatika Prajnaparamita: Sanskrit and Tibetan texts. Tomabechi, Toru (ed.) lxviii,100p China Tibetology Research Center/ Austrian Academy of Sciences 2009 5,464円 Tripiṭaka. -- Sūtrapiṭaka. -- Prajñāpāramitā. -- Adhyardhaśatikā -- 一百五十頌般若経 Adhyardhaśatikā Prajñāpāramitā : Sanskrit and Tibetan texts/critically edited by Toru Tomabechi
The Dharmadhatustava: a critical of the Sanskrit text with the Tibetan and Chinese translations, The Dharmadhatustava: a critical of the Sanskrit text with the Tibetan and Chinese translations, Liu Zhen xxxvii,90p China Tibetology Research Center/ Austrian Academy of Sciences 2015 5,134円 Nāgārjuna, active 2nd century. -- Dharmadhātustava -- Criticism, Textual The Dharmadhātustava : a critical edition of the Sanskrit text with the Tibetan and Chinese translations, a diplomatic transliteration of the Manuscript and notes 赞法界颂 Commentary in English, with texts in Sanskrit (romanized), Tibetan (romanized) and Chinese
Pali: A grammar of the language of the Theravada Tipitaka, Pali: A grammar of the language of the Theravada Tipitaka, Oberlies, Thomas xviii,385p Munshiram 2012(01) 3,762円 Pali language -- Grammar Pāli : a grammar of the language of the Theravāda Tipiṭaka, with a Concordance to Pischel's Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen/ Thomas Oberlies Originally published: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 2001
The Clear Realisation of the Quintessential Instructions on All Dharma Practices: The Clear Realisation of the Quintessential Instructions on All Dharma Practices: Bajetta, Nocola vi,330p U. Hamburg, Dept. of Indian and Tibetan Studies 2019 6,485円 The clear realisation of the quintessential instructions on all dharma practices : a critical edition and annotated translation of the *Sarvadharmacaryopadeśābhisamayatantra (Chos spyod thams cad kyi man ngag mngon par rtogs paʼi rgyud) based on two unpublished manuscripts from the ʼBras-spungs-gnas-bcu-lha-khang/ Nicola Bajetta Chapter One, after an overview of the extant editions of the (extra-canonical) *Sarvadharmacaryopadeśābhisamayatantra and its (canonical) commentary (the gZi brjid snang ba), deals with the controversy surrounding the disputed Indian origin of the two texts, and the ambivalent figure of dGe-tshul Khyung-grags, the translator/forger. Chapters Two and Three are the core of the study, the former containing a critical edition of the Tibetan text of the tantra (with a description of the two unpublished MSS from the 'Bras-spungs-gnas-bcu-lha-khang), and the latter an annotated English translation (both including the interlinear glosses found in the two MSS).
Mdo Sde Brgyad Bcu Khungs: an early Tibetan Sutra anthology. Mdo Sde Brgyad Bcu Khungs: an early Tibetan Sutra anthology. Spug ye Shes Dbyangs 215p Arbeitskreis fur Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien 2021 4,099円 mDo sde brgyad bcu khungs (Passages from eighty sūtras), or rNal 'byor chen po bsgom pa'i don (Essence of the practice of mahāyoga)
Buddhist Literary Heritage in India: text and context. Buddhist Literary Heritage in India: text and context. Basu, Ratna (ed.) xxiii,158p National Mission for Manuscripts/ Munshiram 2007 1,287円 Buddhist literature -- India -- History and criticism -- Congresses Contributed articles presented at the Seminar on Buddhist Literary Heritage in India: Text and Context held in July 2005 in Kolkata under the coordination of Calcutta University Manuscript Resource Centre in collaboration with The Asiatic Society
Making sense of Tantric Buddhism : history, semiology and transgression in the Indian tradition. Making sense of Tantric Buddhism : history, semiology and transgression in the Indian tradition. Wedemeyer, Christian K. xx,313p pap. Columbia U.P. 2013 5,205円 Tantric Buddhism - Philosophy -- India Through close analysis of primary sources, Wedemeyer reveals the lived world of Tantric Buddhism as largely continuous with the Indian religious mainstream and deploys contemporary methods of semiotic and structural analysis to make sense of its seemingly repellent and immoral injunctions. Innovative, semiological readings of the influential Guhyasamaja Tantra underscore the text's overriding concern with purity, pollution, and transcendent insight—issues shared by all Indic religions—and a large-scale, quantitative study of Tantric literature shows its radical antinomianism to be a highly managed ritual observance restricted to a sacerdotal elite.
Buddhism in Tibet & the Himalayas: texts and traditions. Buddhism in Tibet & the Himalayas: texts and traditions. Ehrhard, Franz-Karl 528p Vajra Publications 2013 8,230円 Buddhism -- Tibet -- Himalaya Mountains Region The present volume contains conference presentations and independent articles written 1985 to 2007. Articles on I: Madhyamaka and rDzogs-chen, II: The Svayambhunath Stupa, III: The Bodhnath Stupa, IV: Sherpa Buddhism, V: Pilgrimages and Sacred Geography, VI: Travels and Hidden Lands, VII: Buddhist Terachers from Dolpo, VIII: Himalayan Treasures Discoverers, IX: Manuscript and Block Print Traditions
Mitrayogin's 108 Mandalas: an image database. Mitrayogin's 108 Mandalas: an image database. Tanaka Kimiaki 136p ills. Vajra Publications 2013 4,602円 This book is an English versian of Mandala Graphics, which was published in Japanese in April 2007. ;Each page contains one CG mandala based on the Hahn Foundation handscrolls, and each mandala is accompained by explanatory remarks. The inscription in Tibeten script (bottom left) is a transcription of the inscription in the original handscroll.
Luminous Bliss: a religious history of pure land literature in Tibet. Luminous Bliss: a religious history of pure land literature in Tibet. Halkias, Georgios T. xxx,335p Dev Publishers 2013 5,544円 With an annotated English translation and critical analysis of the Orgyan-gling gold manuscript of the short Sukhāvativyūha-sūtra Divided into three sections, Luminous Bliss shows that Tibetan Pure Land literature exemplifies a synthesis of Mahāyāna sutra-based conceptions with a Vajrayana world-view that fits progressive and sudden approaches to the realization of Pure Land teachings. Part I covers the origins and development of Pure Land in India and the historical circumstances of its adaptation in Tibet and Central Asia. Part II offers an English translation of the short Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra (imported from India during the Tibetan Empire) and contains a survey of original Tibetan Pure Land scriptures and meditative techniques from the dGe-lugs-pa, bKa’-brgyud, rNying-ma, and Sa-skya schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Part III introduces some of the most innovative and popular mortuary cycles and practices related to the Tantric cult of Buddha Amitābha and his Pure Land from the Treasure traditions in the bKa’-brgyud and rNying-ma schools.
Radiant Emptiness: three seminal works by the golden Pandita Shaykya Chokden. Radiant Emptiness: three seminal works by the golden Pandita Shaykya Chokden. Komarovski, Yaroslav vi,520p Oxford U.P. 2020 16,011円 Śākya-mchog-ldan, Gser-mdog Paṇ-chen, 1428-1507 -- Yogācāra -- Mādhyamika -- Buddhism Radiant emptiness : three seminal works by the Golden Paṇḍita Shakya Chokden/ Śākya-mchog-ldan, Gser-mdog PanÌ£-chen, Yaroslav Komarovski (tr.) Yaroslav Komarovski offers an annotated translation of three seminal works on the nature and relationship of the Yogacara and Madhyamaka schools of Buddhist thought, by Serdok Penchen Shakya Chokden (1428-1507). There has never been consensus on the meaning of Madhyamaka and Yogacara, and for more than fifteen centuries the question of correct identification and interpretation of these systems has remained unsolved. Chokden proposes to accept Yogacara and Madhyamaka on their own terms as compatible systems, despite their considerable divergences and reciprocal critiques. His major objective is to bring Yogacara back from obscurity, present it in a positive light, and correct its misrepresentation by earlier thinkers. He thus serves as a major resource for scholarly research on the historical and philosophical development of Yogacara and Madhyamaka. Until recently, Shakya Chokden's works have been largely unavailable. Only in 1975 were his collected writings published in twenty-four volumes in Bhutan.
Bauddhavidyasudhakara: Bauddhavidyasudhakara: Kieffer-Pülz, Petra & Jens-Uwe Hartmann (ed.) 759p Indica et Tibetica Verlag 1997 12,957円  
Pariyatti: studies in Pali language and literature Pariyatti: studies in Pali language and literature Kumar, Bimalendra & Ujjwal Kumar (ed.) 402p Aditya Prakashan 2017 3,940円 The present volume contains valuable essays of the Pali scholars of the world representing all the Theravada Buddhist countries and highlighting different divisions of Pali literature like Sutta, Abhidhamma, Vyakarana etc.
Buddhist and Pali Studies, in honour of the venerable Prof. Kappapalliye Anuruddha. Buddhist and Pali Studies, in honour of the venerable Prof. Kappapalliye Anuruddha. Dhammajoti, K.L. & Y. Karunadasa (ed.) xiii,676p Ctr. of Buddhist Studies, U. of Hong Kong 2009 8,138円 Buddhism -- Buddhist literature, Pali -- History and criticism
DHIH: Journal of Rare Buddhist Textss Research Unit, 60 DHIH: Journal of Rare Buddhist Textss Research Unit, 60 Samten, Ngawang & Kameshwar N. Mishra (ed.) viii,263p Rare Buddhist Texts Research Dept. Ctr. Inst. of Higher Tibetan Studies 2020 1,386円 Buddhist literature -- Bibliography -- Periodicals Dhīḥ : durlabha bauddha grantha śodha patrikā = Dhih : journal of rare buddhist texts research Chiefly in Hindi; includes texts in Pali, Sanskrit, and Tibetan
Caryamelapakapradipam of Acarya Aryadeva. Caryamelapakapradipam of Acarya Aryadeva. Aryadeva xxxix,365p Central Inst. of Higher Tibetan Studies 2000 704円 Guhyasamājatantra -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800 Caryāmelāpakapradīpam = ʼPhags-pa-lhas mdzad paʼi spyod pa bsdus paʼi sgron źes bya ba bźugs so Commentary on Guhyasamājatantra, the esoteric secret of Buddhist canonical text. Sanskrit and Tibetan; includes prefatory matters in Hindi, Tibetan, and English カバー色褪あり

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