




South Asian History, Society, Culture, Literature
  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Arabic, Persian and Urdu Inscriptions of Central India: a topographic list. Arabic, Persian and Urdu Inscriptions of Central India: a topographic list. Rahim, Syed Abdur xx,171p Sundeep Prakashan 2000 4,752円 Inscriptions, Arabic -- Persian -- Urdu -- India -- Madhya Pradesh 823 inscriptions listed with Locating monuments, Provenance, Dynasty, King, Date, Language, Purport, Source
Pranipadapaparimalah: Flora and Fauna in Indological Studies. Pranipadapaparimalah: Flora and Fauna in Indological Studies. Biswas, Mukta viii,170p Gyan Bharati Publication 2021 2,752円 Plants and animals in literature -- Vedic literature -- History and criticism Prāņipādapaparimalah : flora and fauna in indological studies/ Mukta Biswas ncludes some text in Sanskrit (Devanagari and roman)
Objects, Images, Stories: Simon Digby's historical method. Objects, Images, Stories: Simon Digby's historical method. Orsini, Francesca (ed.) xviii,432p ills. Oxford U.P. 2022 9,880円 Simon E. digby (1932-2020) -- South Asia -- History In this volume prominent scholars of South Asia in the fields of economic, social, religious, literary, music, photography, and art history reflect on Simon Digby's method and contribution to their respective fields, and each offer an example of their method through the analysis of a painting, object, manuscript, literary text, or building from the Sultanate, Mughal, and colonial periods.
Alberuni's India: Alberuni's India: Sachau, Edward C. 2 vols. 古書 Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. 1910 9,801円 Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Bīrūnī, Edited and translated by Edward C. Sachau Translated and annotated by the German orientalist Edward Sachau (1845-1930), this two-volume 1887-8 work is an account of Indian life in the early medieval period by Muslim polymath and traveller
Gandhashastram: a panoramic view on cosmetics and perfume in Sanskrit literature. Gandhashastram: a panoramic view on cosmetics and perfume in Sanskrit literature. Marathe, Padmanabha xiv,164p Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit U./ New Bharatiya Book corp. 2020 1,267円 Cosmetics -- Perfumes -- Sanskrit literature -- History and criticism 1. Introduction 2. Sources of Gandhaśāstra, A: Vedic sources, B: Post Vedic sources 3. Applicational Aspects Regulations Technical Terms and Related Information on Gandhaśāstra 4. bConclusion 5. Appendix 6. Bibliography
Jatarupa's Commentary on the Amarakosa, Jatarupa's Commentary on the Amarakosa, Pant, Mahes Raj 2 vols. Motilal 2000 7,039円 Sanscrit (Langue) -- Synonymes et antonymes Jātarūpa's commentary on the Amarakoṣa : for the first time critically edited together with an introduction, appendices and indices Pant, Mahes Raj.; Jātarūpa, active 10th century Study with text of the commentary on Amarakośa, classical verse thesaurus of Sanskrit synonyms and homonyms.
The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: debates on gender, Varna, and species. The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: debates on gender, Varna, and species. Vanita, Ruth 304p Oxford U.P. 2022 7,465円 Dharma (in literature) -- Epic poetry, Sanskrit -- Mahābhārata -- Rāmāyaṇa This book shows that many characters in the Sanskrit epics - men and women of all varnas and mixed-varna - discuss and criticize discrimination based on gender, varna, poverty, age, and disability. On the basis of philosophy, logic and devotion, these characters argue that such categories are ever-changing, mixed and ultimately unreal therefore humans should be judged on the basis of their actions, not birth. The book explores the dharmas of singleness, friendship,marriage, parenting, and ruling. Bhakta poets such as Kabir, Tulsidas, Rahim and Raidas drew on ideas and characters from the epics to present a vision of oneness. Justice is indivisible, all bodies are made of the same matter, all beings suffer, and all consciousnesses are akin.
Tarikh-e Kashmer. Tarikh-e Kashmer. Khosravi, Mohd. Reda 158p ills Astan-e Qods Redavi 1376(72) 528円 Kashmir -- History تاریخ کاشمر محمدرضا خسروی Tārīkh-i Kashmir Muhammad Rizā Khusravī
Shahed Sadeq (bab-e sevvom), dar 'aql va 'elm va 'ayb va honar. Shahed Sadeq (bab-e sevvom), dar 'aql va 'elm va 'ayb va honar. Sadeq Esfahani, Mohd. Sadeq bn Mohammad Saleh (1609-1651) 514p Majma'-e Dhakha'er-e Eslami 1393(2015) 6,831円 Islamic Empire -- Chronologies -- Encyclopedias -- Proverbs -- Early works to 1800 شاهد صادق. باب سوم، در عقل و علم و عيب و هنر محمد صادق ميناى آزادانى اصفهانى ؛ مقدمه و تصحيح و تحقيق گلاله Shāhid-i Ṣādiq. Bāb-i sivvum, Dar ʻaql va ʻilm va ʻayb va hunar Mīrzā Muḥammad Ṣādiq Mīnā-yi Āzādānī Iṣfahānī ; muqaddamah va taṣḥīḥ va taḥqīq-i Gulālah Hunarī (Mīrās̲-i Īrān va Hind, 1.) شاهد صادق دانشنامه‌ای متعلق به سدۀ یازدهم هجری، به اعتبار شمول مطالب و شیوۀ نگارش آن، دانشنامه‌ای عمومی است. با مراجعه به متن‌های برجای مانده، در می‌یابیم که در شبه قاره هند، دانشنامه‌نگاری چنان رواج نداشته است که تذکره‌نویسی. با این حال دانشنامه‌های موجود، در بررسی تاریخ علم و فرهنگ این سامان، از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردارند. از جمله ویژگی‌های مهمّ این آثار، امتزاج فرهنگ و محیط علمی و ادبی هند و ایران در آنها است. اغلب مولفان این دانشنامه‌ها، بخشی از حیات علمی خود را در ایران و بخشی را در هند گذرانده‌اند یا با وجود اینکه هند زادگاه آنها است و در این سامان بالیده‌اند، اما در محیط ادبی ـ فرهنگی مهاجر ایرانی به هند رشد کرده‌اند. در نتیجه اطلاعاتی که در دانشنامه‌هایشان به ما منتقل می‌کنند، برآیندی است از روند آموزش و تاثی پذیری‌شان در این دو گستره فرهنگی و علمی و ادبی
History of India 1600-1800: selected essays. History of India 1600-1800: selected essays. Kumar, Nirmal (ed.) xxiv+523p. Research India Press 2014 4,950円 India -- History -- 1526-1765 1. Caste and the Structure of Village Society in Eastern Rajasthan during the eighteenth century (Dilbagh singh) 2. Subsistence Crises, Markets and Merchants in Late eighteenth Century Bengal (Rajat Datta) 3. Honour and Alliance: Reconsidering Mughal-Rajput Marriages (Francess H. Taft) 4. Rethinking Mughal India: Challenge of a Princess' Memoir (Ruby Lal) 5. The Mughal state and Tribes in Seventeenth Century Sind (Sunita Zaidi) 6. Well-Irrigation Methods in Medieval Punjab: the Persian wheel Reconsidered (Chetan Singh) 7. Crime and Gender in Eighteenth Century Rajasthan (Nirmal Kumar) 8. The Technology and Economy of Mughal India (Irfan Habib) 9. Elements of Historicity in the Portraits of the Mughal School (S.P. Verma) 10. Indo-Persian Accounts on Music Patronage in the Sultanate of Gujarat (Francois 'Nalini' Delvoye) 11. Mughal State Formation: the Mewati Counter-Perspectives (Shail Mayaram) 12. The Core and the Periphery: A Contribution to the Debate on the Eighteenth Century (Z.U. Malik) 13. The Evolution of the Mansab System under Akbar until 1596-97 (shireen Moosvi) 14. Sulh-i Kul and the Religious Ideas of Akbar (M. Athar Ali) 15. What did Bernier Actually Say? Profiling the Mughasl Empire (Stanley J. Tambiah) 16. Nature of Land Rights in Mughal India (B.R. Grover) 17. Historiographical Images of Eighteenth Century India (Urvashi Dalal)
Safavid Iran and the Deccan Sultanates: diplomatic and cultural relations (14th to 17th century). Safavid Iran and the Deccan Sultanates: diplomatic and cultural relations (14th to 17th century). Nayeem, Muhammad Abdul viii,200p facs,,maps, photos. Hyderabad Publishers 2017 7,920円 Deccan (India) -- Safavid (Iran) -- History This is the first study of Safavid Iran's Diplomatic and Cultural Relations with the Decan Sultanates during the fourteenth to seventeenth century. The study of forteenth and fifteenth century forms the background for the Safavid period beginning from 1501. The study synthesizes the triangular nexus of Safavid Iran, Mughals and the Deccan. A unique and interesting aspect of the relationsis that founders of the three Deccan Sultanates - the Bahmanis, the Adil Shahis and the Qutb Shahi were of Iranian origin and were Shi'ihs, the vital link, between the Safavid Iran and the Deccan. I. Historical Framework - an outline II. Introduction III. Iran & the Bahmani Sultanate of Gulbarga-Bidar IV. Iran & the Adil Shahi Sultanate of Bijapur V. Iran & the Qutb Shahi Sultanate of Golconda-Hyderabad VI. Iran & the Nizam Shahi Sultanate of Ahmadnagar Appendices: Facsimiles of selected original Persian correspondences
The Ruling Elite: Iranian nobility under Shahjahan and Aurangzeb. The Ruling Elite: Iranian nobility under Shahjahan and Aurangzeb. Khan, Mohammad Afzal xxviii,411p maps Viva Books 2016 4,495円 Nobility -- Iranians -- Mogul Empire -- History The institution of nobility was the most important component in the administrative setup of the Mughal Empire, and next only to kingship in power and influence. These ruling elite acted as a catalyst of change in culture as well as in politics. This book is the first and most comprehensive study of the Iranian nobility, who constituted the largest and most powerful component of the Mughal ruling class during the reign of Shahjahan and Aurangzeb. Based on first-hand research into original Persian sources, the book covers important topics like immigration from Iran under Shahjahan and Aurangzeb, the position of Iranians vis-a-vis other racial groups, the stratification of the nobility, family details of some of the prominent Iranians and the Iranian influence on Mughal art and architecture, in addition to giving a general historical account of the period.
Essays in Medieval Delhi. Essays in Medieval Delhi. Kumar, Nirmal (ed.) xxiv,391p Research India Press 2015 4,950円 Delhi (Sultanate) -- Mughal Empire -- India -- History -- 1000-1765 1. Delhi - the profile of a capital city (H.C. Verma) 2. Hazrat-i-Delhi: the making of the Chishti Sufi Centre and the stronghold of Islam (Raziuddin Aquil) 3. Delhi: through the eyes of medieval Indian historians 13th and 14th century imagery of Delhi (Archana Ojha) 4. The Delhi of the Mughals Prior to Shahjahanabad as Reflected in the Patterns of Imperial Visits (Ebba Koch) 5. Spaces of Encounter and Plurality Looking at Architecture in Pre-colonial North India (Monica Juneja) 6. Gardens of Death in Lodi's Delhi (Sara Mondini) 7. Water Problems in Medieval Delhi (Nirmal Kumar) 8. Am Imperial Capital or a Camp City? a review of Bernier's testimony (Fatima Imam) 9. Cityscape of an Imperial Capital Shahjahanabad in 1739 (Stephen P. Blake) 10. Medieval Delhi, Real or Imagined, and Shahjahan's Perfect Capital Site (Urvashi Dalal) 11. Urdu in Medieval Delhi (Kumkum Srivastava) 12. The Identity of a Mystic: the case of Sa'id Sarmad, a Jewish-Yogi-Sufi courtier of the Mughals (Nathan Katz) 13. Mirza Ghalib - His Contribution to Urdu Literature (Rakesh Kumar)
Junnar Inscriptions. Junnar Inscriptions. Gokhale, Shobhana vi,121p photos. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 2019 2,640円 Inscriptions, Indic -- India -- Junnar Taluka (Pune district) vi, 121 pages, 28 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (colour), map (black and white) Inscriptions in Prakrit (Brahmi script) The inscriptions in the Buddhist caves recorded the donations of foreign traders and different guilds and thus they have restored the rhythm of commercial activities of Junnar. Junnar today is a well-planned Maratha period city. Even today it has preserved the secrets of the Sātavāhana city.
History and Development of Mathematics in India. History and Development of Mathematics in India. Venkatraman, Ramakalyani & Sita Sunder Ram xii,558p DK Printworld/NMM 2022 4,004円 Mathematics -- Sanskrit literature -- India -- History -- Congresses the proceedings of the conference on History and Development of Mathematics held in the Samskrita Academy, Chennai in collaboration with the National Mission for Manuscripts
Ganitamrtalahari of Ramakrsna Daivajna [Lilavativyakhya]. Ganitamrtalahari of Ramakrsna Daivajna [Lilavativyakhya]. Ramakrsna Daivajna 186p National Mission for Manuscripts/ DK Printworld 2021 2,495円 Bhāskarācārya, 1114- -- Hindu Mathematics Gaṇitāmr̥talaharī : Līlāvatīvyākhyā/ Rāmakr̥ṣṇadaivajn̄a Sanskrit commentary on Lilalvati, treatise on Hindu mathematics by Bhaskaracarya; includes introduction in English
Natyasastram: a treatise on ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionics, ascribed to Bharatamuni. Natyasastram: a treatise on ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionics, ascribed to Bharatamuni. Bharata Muni 2 vols. Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan 2022 13,335円 Sanskrit drama -- Theater -- History and criticism Bharatamunipraṇītam Nāṭyaśāstram = Nāṭyaśāstram : a treatise on ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionics : ascribed to Bharatamuni, Sanskrit text with transliteration, English translation, notes, śloka and word index Volume-I. Chapter 1-20 Volume-II. Chapter 21-36 2nd edition
Brhaddesi of Sri Matanga Muni. v. I, II. Brhaddesi of Sri Matanga Muni. v. I, II. Matanga Muni 2 vols. Indira Gandhi Bational Ctr. for the Arts/ Motilal 1992-94 6,653円 Music theory -- India -- Early works to 1800 Śrīmataṅgamunipraṇītā Br̥haddeśī = Br̥ahaddeśī of Śrī Mataṅga Muni Mataṅga, Muni, active 5th century.; Śarmā, Premalatā, 1927-1998 (Kalāmūlaśāstra granthamālā ; 8, 10 ) Ancient treatise, with translation (in English), on music; critical edition Brhaddesi is a landmark in Sangitasastra for more than one reason. It is the solitary text that forges a link between Natyasastra and Dattilam on the one hand and Abhinava Bharati on the other, the gap extending over more than five hundred years. Its direct influence on later texts like Sangita Ratnakara and its commentaries is obvious in various ways, be it nada from the Tantric stream or the etymology of various terms or the description of ragas. The fact that it is coeval with the emergence of the special style of bhasya in various systems of philosophy has lent it a unique halo in the form of its scholastic style, indirect reference to quite a few systems of philosophy and incorporation of the Tantric tradition. The present publication presents the first critical edition of this well known, but almost inaccessible text, with variant readings, an English translation facing the original, textual notes and annotations.
The Story of Yoga: from ancient India to the modern West. The Story of Yoga: from ancient India to the modern West. Shearer, Alistair xix,419p photos. Pap. Hurst 2022 3,043円 Yoga -- Hatha yoga -- History This comprehensive history sets yoga in its global cultural context for the first time, leading us on a journey from arcane religious rituals and medieval body-magic, through Christianity and the British Empire, to Indian nationalists and the twentieth-century West. Yoga has now become embedded in powerful social currents including feminism, digital media, celebrity culture, the stress pandemic and the quest for authentic identity.
The Routledge Handbook of the State in Premodern India. The Routledge Handbook of the State in Premodern India. Kulke, Hermann & Bhairabi Prasad Sahu (ed.) xix,574p Routledge 2022 44,517円 This handbook presents a multilayered and multidimensional history of state formation in premodern India. It explores dense and rich local and subregional historiography from the mid-first millennium BC to the eighteenth century in South Asia. Shifting the focus away from economic and political factors, this handbook revises the conventional understanding of states and empires and locates them in their quotidian conduct and activity on socio-cultural and concomitant factors.

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