
The Buddhist Indus Script and Scriptures : on the so-called Bhaikṣukī or Saindhavī script of the Sāṃmitīyas and their Canon

(Studien zur Indologie, Band 7)

Dimitrov, Dragomir

Buddhist calligraphy -- Indus script -- Manuscripts, Indic

The Buddhist Indus script (Sindhulipi or Saindhavī) refers to an Indian script with “arrow-headed” characters which the British Indologist Cecil Bendall (1856–1906) noticed for the first time in a twelfth-century manuscript, and which later scholars tentatively called “Bhaiksukī”. With the help of some Tibetan sources it is actually possible not only to establish its original name, i.e. “Saindhavī”, but also to prove a direct connection between this script and the Saindhava monks or the Sāṃmitīyas. Despite the importance of this Buddhist school, until recently its original canonical literature was considered to have been lost.

PART ONE: The Buddhist Indus Script
1.1 The Epigraphic Evidence
1.2 The Bhaiks.ukī Hypothesis
1.3 Yi ge sna tshogs kyi phyi mo
1.4 Rgya dkar . . . gyi yi ge da˙ n dpe ris rnam gra˙ ns man ba
1.5 Cha tshad kyi dpe ris Dpyod ldan yid gsos
1.6 The Saindhavī Script
1.7 Some Manuscripts in Saindhavī Script
1.8 On the Origin of the Saindhavī Scrip
PART TWO: The Sacred Scriptures of the Sāmmitīyas
2.1 . The Literature of the Sāmmitīyas
2.2 . The Dharmapada of the Sāmmitīyas
. . The Discovery of the «Patna Dharmapada»
. . The Editions of the «Patna Dharmapada»
. . The School-Affiliationofthe «Patna Dharmapada»
2.3 . The Saindhavī Dharmapada and Its codexunicus
. . A Quotation from the Saindhavī Dharmapada
. . The Colophon of the codex unicus
. . The Date and Script of the codex unicus
. . Some Palaeographic Features
. . Some Peculiar Scribal Errors
. . Some Text-Critical Considerations
2.4. . TheSaindhavī of the Saindhavas
2.5 . TheSaindhavī Language and Its Name
2.6 . Further Traces of the Sāmmitīya Canon
. . 2.6.1 The Saindhavī Kevattasūtra
. . 2.6.2 Other Saindhavī sūtras
2.7 . Some Later Saindhavī Texts


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