新しくカタログ50(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)を作成しました。
カタログ50号(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)
Contents (表紙-目次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
I. Language & Literature (語学・文学)
II. Buddhism (仏教学)
III. South Asian Religions & Thoughts (南アジアの宗教・思想)
IV. South Asian Ancient・Mediaeval History, Society, Culture, Literature (古代・中世史、社会、文化、古典文学)
V. South Asian Modern History, Politics, Economics, Society (近・現代史、政治・経済、社会)
VI. Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia (ネパール・チベット・中央アジア地域)
VII. Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia (インド洋・東南アジア地域)
新しくカタログ50(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)を作成しました。
カタログ50号(南アジア・仏教学L 2022)
Contents (表紙-目次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
I. Language & Literature (語学・文学)
II. Buddhism (仏教学)
III. South Asian Religions & Thoughts (南アジアの宗教・思想)
IV. South Asian Ancient・Mediaeval History, Society, Culture, Literature (古代・中世史、社会、文化、古典文学)
V. South Asian Modern History, Politics, Economics, Society (近・現代史、政治・経済、社会)
VI. Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia (ネパール・チベット・中央アジア地域)
VII. Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia (インド洋・東南アジア地域)
Radical Nonduality: Ju Mipham Namgyal Gyatso's disccourse on reality. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 106)
6,829円 |
Saving the Dead : Tibetan funerary rituals in the tradition of the Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 105)
6,402円 |
To the Heart of Truth: felicitation volume for Eli Franco on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Part I & II (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 104/1-2)
13,444円 |
Buddha Nature Across Asia. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 103)
7,042円 |
The "Rwa Pod" and other 'lost' works of Rwa Lo Tsa Ba's Vajrabhairava tradition : a catalogue of recently acquired Tibetan manuscripts from Mongolia and Khams and their significance (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 101)
6,829円 |
A Road Less Traveled: felicitation volume in honor of John Taber. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 100)
6,829円 |
Mdo Sde Brgyad Bcu Khungs: an early Tibetan Sutra anthology. introduction and edited by Helmut Tauscher (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 99)
4,268円 |
A New Critical Edition of Jnanagarbha's Satyadvayavibhanga with Santaraksta's Commentary (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 98)
3,550円 |
Transmission and Transformation of Buddhist Logic and Epistemology in East Asia. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 97)
5,119円 |
Ratnakirti's Ksanabhangasiddhi-Anvayatmika: critical edition and annotated translation (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 96)
3,201円 |
Buddha Nature Reconsidered: the eighth Karma Pa's middle path Vol. I: Introduction and analysis, II: An anthology of his writings: critical texts and annotated translations (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 95/1-2)
10,336円 |
Samahita Bhumih: das kapitel über die meditative versenkung im grundteil der Yogacarabhumi, teil 1 & 2. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde ; Heft 73 /1-2)
5,520円 |
Three Studies in the History of Indian and Tibetal Madhyamaka Philosophy: Studies in Indian and Tibetal Madhyamaka thought. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. heft 50)
3,149円 |
Simon Hewavitarne Bequest (Tripitaka Publications), Vol. No. 1 - 49 (bound in 31) + The Kankhavitarani or the Pali Commentary of Patimokkha by Buddhaghosa Maha Thera.
111,320円 |
DHÎH: Journal of Rare Buddhist Texts Research Unit, 64.
1,680円 |
Under Empire: Muslim lives and loyalties across the Indian Ocean world, 1775-1945 (Columbia Studies in International and Global History)
7,238円 |
Perilous Intimacies: debating Hindu-Muslim friendship after empire. foreword by Faisal Devji (Religion, Culture, and Public Life)
7,238円 |
India and the Early Modern World. (Countries in the Early Modern World)
9,224円 |
Shukraniti : tenets of governance and leadership from the golden age of India. translation with exposition by Margie Parikh, Vinayak Buch (Chaukhamba indological studies ; 20)
12,800円 |
Rethinking Early Medieval India: a reader. (Oxford Indian Paperbacks)
2,189円 |
The Thief Who Stole My Heart The Material Life of Sacred Bronzes from Chola India, 855-1280. (The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, Bollingen Ser. XXXV: 65)
15,642円 |
Tree & Serpent : Early Buddhist art in India
12,870円 |
The Place of Many Moods Udaipur's Painted Lands and India's Eighteenth Century.
15,642円 |
Pahari Miniature Paintings in the N.C. Mehta Collection. (L.D. Series, 175)
13,760円 |
South Asian Texts in History : critical engagements with Sheldon Pollock. (Asia Past & Present)
6,930円 |
Minority Pasts : locality, emotions, and belonging in princely Rampur.
8,470円 |
Innovations and turning points : toward a history of kāvya literature (South Asia Research)
9,470円 |
Dust on the Throne : the search for Buddhism in modern India.
3,909円 |
Indian Pandits and Tibetan Rendering of Buddhist Logic.
6,449円 |
Indian Buddhist Philosophy : a new historiographical approach
3,003円 |
Buddhist Nuns, Monks, and Other Worldly Matters : Recent Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India. (Studies in the Buddhist traditions)
6,479円 |
The Buddhist Self : on Tathāgatagarbha and ātman.
12,240円 |
Schopenhauer's Encounter with Indian Thought : representation and will and their Indian parallels. (Society for Asian and comparative philosophy, monoraph no. 24)
8,999円 |
Nāgārjunian Disputations : a philosophical journey through an Indian looking-glass. (Monographs of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy)
4,320円 |
On Meaning and Mantras : essays in honor of Frits Staal. (Contemporary issues in Buddhist studies)
8,099円 |
Language and Meaning : Buddhist interpretations of the "Buddha's word" in Indian and East Asian perspectives. (Contemporary issues in Buddhist studies )
9,900円 |
The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy. (The Oxford History of Philosophy)
2,959円 |
Sovereigns of the Sea : Omani ambition in the age of empire
5,569円 |
The Idea of Ancient India : essays on religion, politics and archaeology: essays on religion, politics & archaeology.
3,320円 |
Archaeology in Northeast India: recent trends and future prospects: essays celebrating 150 years of research
20,490円 |
Rethinking Early Medieval India: a reader (Oxford India Paperbacks)
2,189円 |
Epic in India
8,789円 |
The Concept of Bharatavarsha and Other essays
3,330円 |
Saṁskāras : the early Indian tradition : an introduction to social dimensions from the Gṛhyasūtras and Dharmasūtras
1,660円 |
Seeking History through Her Source: South of the Vindhyas
5,640円 |
Poems on Life and Love in Ancient India : Hāla's Sattasaī (Gāthāsaptaśatī. English)
2,440円 |
Indian kāvya literature / Vol. 7, The wheel of time
11,140円 |
Around Abhinavagupta. Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir from the Ninth to the Eleventh Century. 2nd ed.
14,460円 |
Alamkāra-Kaustubha: the jewel of poetics. tr. by Matsya Avatāra Dāsa & Gaurapada Dāsa
6,740円 |
Vedic Roots, Epic Trunks, Purāṇic Foliage (Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas) (DICSEP Publications, vol. 7)
9,380円 |
Epics, khilas, and Purān̥as-- continuities and ruptures (proceedings of the Third Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purān̥as, September 2002)
12,799円 |