




Indian Religion & Thought
  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudanasarasvati with the commentaries. Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudanasarasvati with the commentaries. Madhusudanasarasvati 19, 904, 46p 古書 Parimal Publications 1988 1,650円 Dvaita (Vedanta) -- Advaita Advaitasiddhi of Madhusūdanasarasvatī with the commentaries Gaudabrahmānandī, Vitthaleśopādhyāyī, Siddhivyākhyā of Balabhadra ; and critical summary called Caturgranthi by Ananta Krishna Śastrī Polemicial treatises, with commentaries against Nyāyamṛta of Vajāsatīrtha, 16th century Dvaita treatise, defending Advaita.
Kasika (a commentary of Panini's grammar) of Vaman & Jayaditya Kasika (a commentary of Panini's grammar) of Vaman & Jayaditya Vamana 9 vols. 古書 Tara Book Agency 1986-94 11,000円 Pāṇini -- Aṣṭādhyāyī -- Sanskrit -- Grammar Kāśika : (a commentary on Pāṇini's grammar) of Jayāditya & Vāmana. With Nyāsa or Vivaraṇapañcikā of Jinendrabuddhi. And "Padamañjarī" of Haradatta Miśra. With Bhāvabodhini, Hindi exposition by Jaya Shankar Lal Tripathi Classical commentary, with supercommentary, on Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, work on Sanskrit grammar
An Indian Theory of Defeasible Reasoning: the doctrine of Upadhi in the Upadhidarpana. An Indian Theory of Defeasible Reasoning: the doctrine of Upadhi in the Upadhidarpana. Guhe, Eberhard x,304p Harvard U.P. 2022 9,367円 Upādhidarpaṇa -- Navya Nyāya -- Logic -- India -- Early works to 1800 An Indian theory of defeasible reasoning the doctrine of upādhi in the Upādhidarpaṇa/ Eberhard Guhe The anonymous pre-Gaṅgeśa Navya-Nyāya treatise Upādhidarpaṇa (UD) deals exclusively with the so-called upādhi, a key concept in the Navya-Nyāya theory of inference. The present volume contains the first published edition and translation of the only extant manuscript of the UD. Numerous notes have been added to the translation in order to elucidate the contents and to give a clue to the historical context, as regards authors, works, and philosophical doctrines that are referenced in the UD. Moreover, an extensive introductory chapter provides new insights into relations between the Navya-Nyāya doctrine of upādhi and modern logical theories such as John L. Pollock’s theory of defeasible reasoning and property theories, especially property adaptations of well-founded and non-well-founded set theories. A very intriguing aspect of the UD is the author’s attempt to define all candidate upādhis by means of a “general defining characteristic” (sāmānyalakṣaṇa) which is a property of itself. He advocates a non-well-founded property concept and distances himself from what is communis opinio in Nyāya, viz. that self-dependence (ātmāśraya) is a kind of absurdity. No such discussion concerning the problem of foundation in the Navya-Nyāya logic of property and location is to be found in the later Upādhivāda of Gaṅgeśa’s Tattavacintāmaṇi.
Adhyatmopanisatprakaranam-savrtti Adhyatmopanisatprakaranam-savrtti Yasovijaya (1624-1688) 15, 79, 21p Srijainagranthaprakasanasamitih 2015 634円 Jaina philosophy -- Early works to 1800 Adhyātmopaniṣatprakaraṇam-savr̥tti/ praṇetā, Nyāyaviśārada-Nyāyācārya-Mahopādhyāya Śrīyaśovijayagaṇiḥ (Śāsanasamrāt-śatābdīgranthamālā, puṣpam 6) Sanskrit text with commentary on Jaina philosophy
Atmatattvaviveka by Udayanacarya, Atmatattvaviveka by Udayanacarya, Udayanacarya x,587p Indian Inst. of Advanced Study 1995 3,901円 Nyaya -- Early works to 1800 Ātmatattvaviveka by Udayanācārya Classical Nyaya treatise on the concept of self (ātman) refuting the Buddhist exposition on the subject; critical edition with English translation. English and Sanskrit
Udayanacarya's Atmatattvaviveka, with comm. of Sankara Misra, Bhagiratha Thakkura & Raghunatha Tarkikasiromani. Udayanacarya's Atmatattvaviveka, with comm. of Sankara Misra, Bhagiratha Thakkura & Raghunatha Tarkikasiromani. Udayanacarya xvi,948p The Asiatic Society 2021(1907-39) 4,752円 Ātman -- Nyaya -- Buddhism -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800 Udayanācārya's Ātmatattvaviveka : with the commentaries of Śaṅkara Miśra, Bhagīratha Ṭhakkura and Raghunātha Tārkikaśiromaṇī Preface & introductory note in English. This is an important Nyaya treatise in refutation of the Buddhist conception of atman. In Sanskrit; introduction in English
Saktivadah: punarmudranam. Saktivadah: punarmudranam. Gadadharabhattacarya 146p Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit U./ New Bharatiya Book Corp. 2020 1,228円 Sanskrit language -- Semantics -- Philosophy -- Navya-Nyāya Śaktivādaḥ : punarmudraṇam/ Mahāmahopādhyāya-Śrīgadādharabhaṭṭācārya-viracitaḥ On Sanskrit semantics, presenting the neo-Nyāya point of view in Hindu philosophy. In Sanskrit; preface in English
Brahma-Sutra-Bhasya of Sri Sankaracarya. Brahma-Sutra-Bhasya of Sri Sankaracarya. Sankaracarya xxii,920p Advaita Ashrama 2021(1965) 1,584円 Advaita Vedanta -- Indian philosophy Brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya of Śrī Śaṅkarācārya/ transl. by Swami Gambhirananda A commentary on Bādarāyana's Brahmasūtra Includes quotations in Sanskrit
Nyayadarsanam (Nyayasutra) of Maharsi Gautama & Bhasya. Nyayadarsanam (Nyayasutra) of Maharsi Gautama & Bhasya. Gautama 30p+318p Bauddha Bharati 1999 713円 Nyāya -- Hindu logic Vātsyāyana-bhāsya-saṃvalitam Gautamīyaṃ Nyāyadarśanam : Nyāya darsanam of maharsi Gautama/ critically ed. and transl. by Dwārikadas Sastri (Dvārikādāsa Śāstrin) Sanskrit text with Hindi translation
Advaita Vedanta: a logico-cognitive approach. Advaita Vedanta: a logico-cognitive approach. Devi, N. Usha xviii,308p Sukrtindra Oriental Research Inst. 2007 1,525円 Vedanta -- Knowledge, Theory of (Hinduism) -- Upanisad -- Śankarācārya Advaita Vedānta : a logico-cognitive approach/ N. Usha Devi
Vedantavijaya of Sri Mahacarya. Vedantavijaya of Sri Mahacarya. Mahacarya xcvi (en.),516p NMM/ New Bharatiya Book Corp. 2022 3,599円 Viśiṣṭādvaita -- Hindu philosophy -- Early works to 1800 Vedāntavijayaḥ / Śrīdoḍḍayācāryaparanāmadheyaśrīmahācāryaviracitaḥ = Vedāntavijaya of Śrī Mahācārya ; editor, K.E. Madhusudanan Introduction and foreword in English, text in Sanskrit. The present publication, is an elaborate text written by Mahacarya to strongly establish the tenets of Svami Ramanuja's Visistadvaita philosophy. The text comprises five parts and is replete with complex reasining and dialects.
A Study in Advaita Epistemology. A Study in Advaita Epistemology. Mishra, Haramohan xv,207p Parimal Publications 2020(1990) 1,386円 Knowledge, Theory of (Hinduism) -- Advaita This work is an attempt to present Advaita epistemology as expounded by Madhusudan Sarasvati in his Advaitasiddhi which is said to be the Advaita dialectics.
The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Vedanta. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Vedanta. Maharaj, Ayon (ed.) xiv,491p pap. loomsbury Academic 2022(20) 9,129円 Advaita -- Dvaita (Vedanta) -- Dvaita (Vedānta) The volume offers careful hermeneutic analyses of how Vedantic texts have been interpreted, and it addresses key issues and debates in Vedanta, including religious diversity, the nature of God, and the possibility of embodied liberation. Venturing into cross-philosophical and cross-cultural territory, it also brings Vedanta into dialogue with Saiva Nondualism as well as contemporary Western analytic philosophy.
Agnistoma: complete description of the normal form of Soma sacrifice in the Vedic cult, Agnistoma: complete description of the normal form of Soma sacrifice in the Vedic cult, Caland, W. & V. Henry xlvi,361p ills. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst. 2015 5,940円 Agniṣṭoma (Hindu rite) -- Rites and ceremonies -- Sacrifice Agnistoma is the basic Soma-sacrifice, technically called Prakrti-yaga. It is described in detail by the Brahmana-texts and Srautasutras. It is very important to know the structure of this sacrifice in order to understand the Vedic ritual. In the present book, there is an exhaustive description of all the details of this sacrifice. Translated from French. 1906-07
Bhartrhari: Philosopher and Grammarian: Bhartrhari: Philosopher and Grammarian: Bhate, Saroja & Johannes Bronkhorst (ed.) 272p 古書 Motilal 1994(93) 1,100円 Sanskrit grammar -- Bhartr̥hari -- Criticism and interpretation -- Congresses Bhartr̥hari, philosopher and grammarian : proceedings of the First International Conference on Bhartr̥hari (University of Poona, January 6-8, 1992)/ Saroja Bhate & Johannes Bronkhorst (eds.)
Tattvanusandhanam (A compendium of Advaita philosophy). Tattvanusandhanam (A compendium of Advaita philosophy). Sri Mahadevananda Sarasvati xxiv, 66p facs. NMM/ New Bharatiya Book Coorp. 2012 792円 Advaita -- Hindu philosophy Tattvānusandhānam : Advaitavedāntaprakaraṇagranthaḥ/ Mahādevānandasarasvatī, active 18th century. तत्त्वानुसन्धानम् : अद्वैतवेदान्तप्रकरणग्रन्थः / श्री महादेवानन्दसरस्वतीविरचितम् On Advaita Vedanta philosophy; critically edited text, based on rare manuscripts
The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta with the Niramjani commentary by Ramyatna Shuklaa The Vaiyakaranasiddhantabhusana of Kaundabhatta with the Niramjani commentary by Ramyatna Shuklaa Kaundabhatta 4 vols. Institut Francais de Pondichery 2015-22 24,819円 Sanskrit language -- Philosophy Vaiyākaraṇasidhāntabhūṣṇam : Śrīrāmayatnaśuklaviracitayā Nirañnajīvyākhyayā Śrīrāmakr̥ṣṇamācāryaviracitayā prakāśaṭippaṇyā ca sahitam/ Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa, also known as the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa, is a commentary on the great 17th-century grammarian Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita’s Vaiyākaraṇamatonmajjana, written by Bhaṭṭọji’s nephew Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa. It is one of the most important texts of the late Pāṇinian grammatical tradition on questions of semantics. The main intention of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa’s commentary is to refute objections raised by proponents of the two rival systems of Logic (Nyāya) and Exegesis (Mīmāṃsā) on various aspects of semantics, and to establish the Grammarians’ views on these subjects. The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇasāra, an abridged version of the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa by the same author, is a popular work that was commented upon more than ten times. On the other hand, nobody so far has attempted to write a commentary on the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa itself. The present work contains the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa along with a commentary called Nirañjanī by Pandit Ramyatna Shukla and explanatory notes (Prakāśa) by the editor.
Aham: I: the enigma of I-consciousness Aham: I: the enigma of I-consciousness Balslev, Anindita Niyogi xix,232p OUP (India) 2013 3,227円 Conscience -- Self (philosophy) -- Kashmir Śaivism -- Buddhism This book analyses the many facets - psychological epistemological, metaphysical - of the repeated philosophical adventures over centuries to explore and explain the indubitability of i-consciousness. While the major focus is on the Upanisadic and the Buddhist traditions, this volume also examines Western philosophical traditions in a cross-cultural philosophical context.
Adaptive Reuse: aspects of creativity in South Asian cultural history. Adaptive Reuse: aspects of creativity in South Asian cultural history. Freschi, Elisa & Philipp A. Maas (ed.) 372p Harrassowitz 2017 12,605円 Indian philosophy -- Sanskrit literature -- History -- Civilization The theoretical framework of “Adaptive reuse” is here applied to a wide spectrum of cultural activities, from the composition of new texts on the basis of earlier ones to the re-creation of concepts and rituals. The first section of this volume consists of five case studies dealing with the adaptive reuse of Sanskrit philosophical and grammatical texts in Sanskrit works of philosophy, grammar and poetry.
Claus Oetke: Truth paradoxes, meaning, and interpretation. Claus Oetke: Truth paradoxes, meaning, and interpretation. Oetke, Claus 224p Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2022 7,681円 Paradoxes Philosophy -- Philosophy, Indic -- Truth The two essays in this book are united by a common philosophical concern. While the first is dedicated to a problem in systematic philosophy, the second mainly deals with the interpretation of a specific issue articulated in a certain Indian philosophical tradition. The second essay addresses issues in the hermeneutics of classical texts. It takes its start from Oetke’s final (unpublished) comment on a series of articles in the Journal of Indian Philosophy that deal with the interpretation of the sadvitīyaprayoga (“proof-formulation that entails a counterpart”). Oetke generalizes the point of his critical observations by showing the relevance of acknowledging diverse types of both meaning and interpretation in the methodology of research not only in the history of Indian philosophy. Part One: Truth Paradoxes and Varieties of Meaning Part Two: Fact, Fake, and Fiction in Historical Interpretation

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