




Indian Religion & Thought
  書名 著者名 冊数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Un Philosophie de la Parole: Un Philosophie de la Parole: David, Hugo 877p in 2 vols. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften/OAW 2020 13,435円 Prakāśātma, Muni -- Śābdanirṇaya -- Advaita -- Vedanta -- Early works to 1800 Une philosophie de la parole : l'Enquête sur la connaissance verbale (Śābdanirṇaya) de Prakāśātman, maître Advaitin du Xe siècle/ édition critique, traduction, commentaire, avec une nouvelle édition du commentaire d'Anandabodha ; Hugo Davi This book by Hugo David investigates the beginnings, in the 10th century CE, of an autonomous reflection on language in the “non-dualist” trend of Brahmanical exegesis (Advaita-Vedānta) inaugurated in the 8th century by Śaṅkara. Its starting point is a detailed study of the most ancient text exclusively devoted to linguistic issues belonging to that tradition, which is translated here for the first time in a western language, and of its only known Sanskrit commentary.
Tantric Communities in Context. Tantric Communities in Context. Mirnig, Nina, Marion Rastelli & Vincent Eltschinger (ed.) xviii,602p Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften/OAW 2019 25,628円 Tantric Buddhism -- Śaivism -- Śaivism From the middle of the first millennium CE, South Asia saw the emergence and rise of Tantrism within all of its major religious traditions: Śaivism, the Vai,snava Pāñcarātra, the Buddhist Mantrayāna, and Jainism. Despite the fact that Tantrism grew to become such an integral part of the religious landscape, our understanding of how early Tantric communities were actually organized and how they positioned themselves in society is still limited. This collection of articles by leading scholars offers new insights into the socio-religious history of premodern Tantric traditions.
Gangesa's Tattvacintamani [Beginning with Upadhi and ending with Badha] Gangesa's Tattvacintamani [Beginning with Upadhi and ending with Badha] Shah, Nagin J. (ed.) xvi,598p Motilal 2005 3,940円 Navya Nyāya -- Hindu logic -- Gaṅgeśa -- Early works to 1800 Gaṅgeśanibaddhaḥ Tattvacintāmaṇiḥ : Upādhyādibādhāntaḥ : Vācakaguṇaratnavinirmitā Sukhabodhikā ṭippanikā tayā sahitaḥ/ sampādakaḥ, Nagīna Jī Śāha Classical treatise on Navya Nyaya philosophy with Sukhabodhikā Ṭippanikā commentary by Guṇaratnagaṇi; critical edition. Gaṅgeśanibaddhaḥ Tattvacintāmaṇiḥ : Upādhyādibādhāntaḥ
Inference the Anumana Khanda of the Tattvacintamani. Inference the Anumana Khanda of the Tattvacintamani. Bhatta, V.P. 2 vols. Eastern Book Linkers 2021 17,820円 Navya Nyāya -- Inference -- Early works to 1800 Inference the Anumāna khaṇḍa of the Tattva Cintāmani : with introduction, Sanskrit text, translation & explanation/ V.P. Bhatta The present work provides a comprehensive view of all the aspect of inference. Also, the present work, with general introduction, Sanskrit text and English translation with explanation, is the most authorative manual on the Navya-nyaya theory of inference.
Glory of Jaina Tirthankaras. Glory of Jaina Tirthankaras. Nagar, Shanti Lal xxx,359p+20p(plates) Eastern Book Linkers 2006 6,752円 Jainism -- Tīrthaṅkaras -- Biography The Tirthankaras in Jainism enjoy the highest position in both the Svetambara as well as the Digambara sects. Each one of the twenty four Tirthankaras have their own glory and importance as cult figures and are revered not only by the Jaina followers in the country but the world over. The first as well as the last few of them are considered to be historical figures. They are adored in the from of sculptures and other means of the plastic art from the time immemorial. The archaeological evidence stands testimony to their adoration in shrines and temples which had been built by the contemporary rulers or even the members of the merchant guilds in the ancient past. These vestiges of the ancient period stand witness to the excellence, the Indian sculptural art had achieved in the remote past. Not only in the temples, but the images of the Tirthankaras were found carved in the mountain caves like Rajagir and other sites in the entire length and breadth of the country, besides miniatures in the Kalpasutras.
Uvavai Suttam (Anupapatika Sutram). Uvavai Suttam (Anupapatika Sutram). Abhayadevasuri 286p Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2012 1,782円 Jaina Āgama. -- Upāṅga. -- Uvavāiya -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. Jaina canonical text with classical commentary Uvavāisuttaṃ : navāṅgīṭīkākr̥d Ācāryapravaraśrīabhayadevasūrivihitavr̥ttisahitam sthavirabhagavantaracitam Uvavāi suttaṁ = Aupāpatika sutraṁ/ sampādakaḥ, Vijaya Municandrasūriḥ (Jaina-āgama-granthamālā, 7 (1)) In Prakrit; commentary in Sanskrit; prefetary matter in Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit and English In Prakrit; commentary in Sanskrit; prefetary matter in Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit and English
Jivajivabhigam Suttam, part 1/ Pratipatti 1-3 & part 2/ Pratipatti 3-9. Jivajivabhigam Suttam, part 1/ Pratipatti 1-3 & part 2/ Pratipatti 3-9.   2 vols. Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2019 6,732円 Jaina Āgama. -- Jainism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Jaina canonical text Jīvājīvābhigama suttam, bhāga 1-2
Jambuddiva Pannatti Suttam, part-1 (1-3 vaksaskarah) & part-2 (4-7 Vaksaskarah). Jambuddiva Pannatti Suttam, part-1 (1-3 vaksaskarah) & part-2 (4-7 Vaksaskarah).   2 vols. Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2018 6,600円 Jaina Āgama. -- Jainism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Jaina canonical text Jambuddīva-paṇṇattī Suttam
Chandapannatti Suttam (Candraprajnaptisutram), Chandapannatti Suttam (Candraprajnaptisutram), Malaygirisuri 2 vols. Sri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2013 4,752円 Jaina Āgama. -- Jainism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Jaina canonical text Chandapannatti suttaṁ : (Chandrapragnapti sūtraṁ)
Niryavaliyao (Niriyavaliyasuyakkhamdho). Niryavaliyao (Niriyavaliyasuyakkhamdho).   149p Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2020 2,663円 Jaina Āgama. -- Jainism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Jaina canonical text
Uvasagadasao, Antagadadasao, Anuttarovavaiya Dasao. Uvasagadasao, Antagadadasao, Anuttarovavaiya Dasao.   244p Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2021 2,663円 Jaina Āgama. -- Jainism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Jaina canonical text
Vivagasuyam (Sri Vipak Shrutam). Vivagasuyam (Sri Vipak Shrutam).   26p+149p Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya 2021 2,851円 Jaina Āgama. -- Jainism -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800 Jaina canonical text
Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Adyar Library, Vol.VII: Jyotisa, Vastu, Silpa, Natya, Samgita and Kama Sastra-s. Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Adyar Library, Vol.VII: Jyotisa, Vastu, Silpa, Natya, Samgita and Kama Sastra-s. Sarma, K.V. xiii,257p Adyar Library 2015 2,930円 Descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts. Vol. VII, Jyotiṣa, Vāstu, Śilpa, Nāṭya, Saṃgīta and Kāma Śāstra-s/ K.V. Sarma [Adyar Library; Descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar Library; Adyar Library; The Adyar Library series] Texts in Sanskrit andin English
The Isvarapratyabhijnakarika of Utpaladeva, with the author's Vrtti. The Isvarapratyabhijnakarika of Utpaladeva, with the author's Vrtti. Torella, Raffaele liv,272p Motilal 2021 repr. 3,960円 Utpala, active 900-950 -- Īśvarapratyabhijñā -- Kashmir Śaivism -- Doctrines The Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā of Utpaladeva with the author's vṛtti : critical edition and annotated translation/ Raffaele Torella The Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā (ĪPK) of Utpaladeva (ca. 925-975 C.E.) is the foundation stone of the Pratyabhijñā school and constitutes the main theoretical framework of the Trika. It is the most important philosophical work of non-dual tantric Shaivism as a whole. Utpaladeva devoted two commentaries to his ĪPK a vṛtti and a ṭīkā or vivṛti (now almost totally lost). According to Abhinavagupta, the ĪPK and the vṛtti thereon were composed by Utpaladeva at the same time. This makes the vṛtti an indispenable tool to grasp the original meaning of the difficult kārikās of the Īśvarapratyabhijñā. Unfortunately, all vṛtti manuscripts from Kashmir broke at the same point and, consequently, so did the edition (also faulty in many points) published in the Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies in 1918. The present book, originally published in the Serie Orientale Roma (IsMEO), contains the first critical edition of the ĪPK and, for the first time, the complete text of the vṛtti on the basis of a unique Malayalam manuscript discovered in Trivandrum Library by R. Torella, who has also made use of the other incomplete manuscripts from Kashmir. The edition is accompanied by an English translation with copious exegetical notes, which highlight the connections of Utpaladeva's thought with the coeval schools of Indian philosophy and, first of all, with the Buddhist pramāṇa tradition. Text in English and Sanskrit; introduction in English
Lokayata/ Carvaka: a philosophical enquiry. Lokayata/ Carvaka: a philosophical enquiry. Gokhale, Pradeep P. xiv,222p Oxford U.P. (India) 2015 3,366円 Lokāyata -- Philosophy, Indic -- Materialism in literature -- Empiricism in literature Philosophy in Indian tradition as a purely secular and rational exercise can be located in the Lokåayata/Cåarvåaka school of Indian philosophy. Due to the lack of substantial literary sources, scholars did not try to explore Lokåayata philosophically. The present work is the first attempt to explore the philosophical energies inherent in the scattered Cåarvåaka literature through critical and analytical discussions firmly grounded in textual evidences.
The Paribhasendusekhara of Nagojibhatta. The Paribhasendusekhara of Nagojibhatta. Nagojibhatta 2 vols. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 2001-09(1960-62) 2,200円 Sanskrit language -- Grammar The Paribhasendusekhara of Nāgojībhatta : edited critically with the commentary Tattvādarśa of MM. Vasudev Shastri Abhyankar Part i. [Text with commentary] -- part ii. Translation and notes / edited and explained by F. Kielhorn
Anubandhas of Panini. Anubandhas of Panini. Devasthali, G.V. xii,224p U. of Poona 1967 1,100円 Small/>Panini -- Sanskrit grammar -- Veda The Anubandhas of Pānini/ Govinda Vināyaka Devasthalı̄
Materials for the Study of Navya-nyaya logic. Materials for the Study of Navya-nyaya logic. Ingalls, Daniel H.H. 182p 古書 Motilal 1988(51) 1,650円 Navya Nyāya -- Nyaya -- Logic -- India Materials for the study of Navya-nyāya logic / Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls
Navya-Nyaya Theory of Verbal Cognition: critical study of Gadadhara's Vyutpattivada Navya-Nyaya Theory of Verbal Cognition: critical study of Gadadhara's Vyutpattivada Bhatta, V.P. 2 vols. 古書 Eastern Book Linkers 2001 4,400円 Sanskrit language -- Semantics -- Nyaya Navya-Nyāya theory of verbal cognition : critical study of Gadādhara's Vyutpattivāda/ V.P. Bhatta Study with text of Vyutpattivāda of Gadhādharabhaṭṭācārya, 17th/18th cent., work on verbal testimony (śabdapramāṇa), presenting semantic approaches to Sanskrit case and suffix; includes text with translation. translation of Vyutpattivāda Vol. 1: (with introduction, English translation and explanatory notes). Vol. 2: (with introduction, Sanskrit text, English translation and explanatory notes)
The Navya-Nyaya Logic The Navya-Nyaya Logic Gaur, Vibha xiv,120p Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan 1990 880円 Abhāva -- Nyaya -- Raghunātha Śiromaṇi The Navya-nyāya logic : with special reference to Raghunātha and Mathurānātha/ Vibha Gaur

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