

Turkish Studies (incl. Balkan)
  書名 著者名 頁数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Osmanli Bahriye Teskilati: XVII. yuzyilda Tersane-i Amire. Osmanli Bahriye Teskilati: XVII. yuzyilda Tersane-i Amire. Bostan, Idris xx,298p facs. TTK 2003(1992) 2,185円 Navies -- Turkey -- History The Ottoman Empire, both in terms of materials and manpower, had sufficient resources to maintain a naval presence in both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. In the 16th century it acquired the characteristics of a maritime empire and maintained this position, with some decline, in the 17th century. The Cretan campaign (1645-1669) which stimulated a reorganization and strengthening of the fleet reversed this decline to some degree. Osmanlı bahriye teşkilâtı : XVII. yüzyılda Tersâne-i Âmire/ İdris Bostan (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınlarından., VII. dizi ;, sa. 101)
Midhat Paşa ve Yıldız Mahkemesi. Midhat Paşa ve Yıldız Mahkemesi. Uzunçarşılı, I. Hakkı xvii,381p+58p. TTK 2000(1967) 1,254円 Midhat Paşa, 1822-1884 -- Trials, litigation, etc. -- Abdülaziz, Sultan of the Turks, 1830-1876 -- Murad V, 1840-1905 Midhat Paşa ve Yıldız Mahkemesi/ İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınlarından., VII. dizi., Sa., 53¹)
Ceride-i Ilmiyye Fetvalari. Ceride-i Ilmiyye Fetvalari. Cebeci, Ismail (haz.) xxx,325p, Klasik 2009 1,983円 Fatawas -- Islamic law -- Turkey -- Sources Ceride-i ilmiyye fetvaları/ haz. İsmail Cebeci (Osmanlılarda hukuk ve toplum, 1)
The Art and Architecture of Ottoman Istanbul. The Art and Architecture of Ottoman Istanbul. Yeomans, Richard xix,260p photos. ills. Garnet 2012 11,536円 Ottoman Art -- Architecture -- Turkey -- Istanbul Discusses the history of the city, from the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453 up to the beginning of the 20th century when the Ottoman Empire was finally dismantled following the First World War. This historical background appears alongside descriptions and illustrations of Ottoman architecture, regalia, textiles, books, ceramics, calligraphy and paintings. Throughout, Yeomans presents the exhilarating alternative of Ottoman art, with its meaning expressed principally through non-figurative form rather than through the symbol systems and narrative of Western art.
I. Mahmud-Nadir Sah Mektuplasmalari: 3 numarali name-i humayun defteri I. Mahmud-Nadir Sah Mektuplasmalari: 3 numarali name-i humayun defteri Kureli, Ibrahim, et al. (haz.) 367p facs. T.C. Basbakanligi 2014 10,355円 Mahmud I, Sultan of the Turks, 1696-1754 -- Turkey -- Foreign relations -- Iran -- 18th century I. Mahmud - Nadir Şah mektuplaşmaları : 3 numaralı nâme-i hümâyûn : (transkripsiyon / tıpkıbasım)/ proje yöneticisi Doç. Dr. Uğur Ünal ; yayına hazırlayanlar İbrahim Küreli, İskender Türe, Dr. Ali Kaya, Yılmaz Karaca, Dr. Ersin Kırca, Resul Köse, Vahdettin Atik Text in romanized Ottoman Turkish ; facsimile in Ottoman Turkish and Farsi ; introductory matter in Turkish Correspondance between Sultan I. Mahmud and Nadir Shah of Iran. It includes 71 letters in the years 1736 and 1762-63
XVI. Yuzyilda Harput Sancagi (1518-1566). XVI. Yuzyilda Harput Sancagi (1518-1566). Ünal, Mehmet Ali xviii,276p maps TTK 1989 1,089円 Harput Sancağı (Turkey) -- Turkey -- History -- Süleyman I, 1520-1566 XVI. yüzyılda Harput Sancağı (1518-1566)/ Mehmet Ali Ünal [Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları., XIV. dizi ;, sa. 7] Text in Turkish with documents in Ottoman Turkish and romanized Ottoman Turkish
Osmanli Devri Üzerine: makaleler - arastirmalar. Osmanli Devri Üzerine: makaleler - arastirmalar. Ünal, Mehmet Ali 320p. Kardelen Kitabevi 1999 1,782円 Turkey -- History -- Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 -- Collected works Osmanlı devri üzerine makaleler-araştırmalar/ Mehmet Ali Ünal Isparta [Turkey] : Kardelen Kitabevi, 1999
Osmanlı Döneminde Konar - Göçerler: Nomads in the Ottoman empire. Osmanlı Döneminde Konar - Göçerler: Nomads in the Ottoman empire. Şahin, Ilhan 310p. Eren 2006 3,818円 Nomads -- Turkmen -- Turkey -- History -- Collected works Osmanlı döneminde konar-göçerler : incelemeler, araştırmalar/ İlhan Şahin [Nomads in the Ottoman Empire]
Les Banquiers des Sultans: Juifs, Grecs, Fran,cais et Armeniens de la haute finance: Constantinople. 1650-1850. Les Banquiers des Sultans: Juifs, Grecs, Fran,cais et Armeniens de la haute finance: Constantinople. 1650-1850. Jamgocyan, Onnik 328p. Bosphore 2013 5,969円 Bankers -- Ottoman Empire -- History -- Biography Les banquiers des sultans : juifs, Francs, Grecs et Arméniens de la haute finance : Constantinople, 1650-1850/ Onnik Jamgocyan Finances de l'Empire ottoman et les financiers de Constantinople, 1732-1853. Une référence sur l'histoire des financiers des Sultans et de la Sublime Porte un beau livre de 328 pp. pour les passionnés de l'Empire ottoman, des Français du Levant, des Juifs, Grecs et Armeniens de Constantinople.
Osmanli'da Kamuoyu. Osmanli'da Kamuoyu. Kologlu, Orhan x,331p. Istanbul Univ. Iletisim Fakltesi 2010 2,871円 Public opinion -- Turkey -- History -- Ottoman empire Osmanlı'da kamuoyu/ Orhan Koloğlu (İstanbul Üniversitesi yayınları., İletişim Fakültesi (Series); İletişim Fakültesi 60. yıl yayınları 2010, cilt 3)
Goynuk Ser'iyye Sicili (H. 908-912/M. 1503-1507):  bes asirlik Osmanli  Mahkeme Defteri. Goynuk Ser'iyye Sicili (H. 908-912/M. 1503-1507): bes asirlik Osmanli Mahkeme Defteri. Gündoğdu, Raşit & Selman Soydemir (haz.) l,107+facs, Çamlıca 2015 1,861円 Court records -- History -- Ottoman Empire -- Turkey -- Göynük (Bolu İli) Local culture History of law Göynük Bolu Kastamonu Sandjak Göynük şer'iyye sicili (H. 908-912 / M. 1503-1507) : beş asırlık Osmanlı Mahkeme Defteri/ hazırlayanlar Yrd. Doc. Dr. Raşit Gündoğdu, Selman Soydemir Text in Turkish with facsimiles in Ottoman Turkish Yayına hazırlanan Göynük Şer'iyye Sicili, Sultan İkinci Bayezid devrine ait olup H. 908-912 / M. 1503-1507 tarihlerini ihtiva etmektedir. Tarihin karanlıklarına gömülüp kalmışken tesadüfen bulunarak Çamlıca Araştırma Kütüphanesi'ne kazandırılan defter, bu kütüphanenin Yazma Eserler kısmında nr. 99'da kayıtlı bulunmaktadır. Taşra sicilleri arasında Bursa'nın 24, Kayseri'nin 2 adet sicilinden sonra 27. en erken tarihli sicil defteri olan Göynük Şer'iyye Sicili'nin, bugün Osmanlı Arşivi'nde bulunan ve 18. asır ortalarından başlayan Göynük'e ait diğer şer'iyye sicillerinden takriben 250 yıl daha erken tarihli olması, kıymet ve ehemmiyetini artırmaktadır.
In Memoriam Şinasi Tekin, I, II, III, IV. In Memoriam Şinasi Tekin, I, II, III, IV. Yücel Dagli, Yorgos Dedes, & Selim S. Kuru (ed.) 4 vols. Ottoman Studies Foundation 2007-08 23,453円 Turkey -- Turkic languages -- Civilization -- History In memoriam Şinasi Tekin/ guest editors, Dağlı, Yücel, Yorgos Dedes & Selim S. Kuru Chiefly articles in Turkish, with some articles in English
Türk Dilleri Araştımaları / Researches in Turkic Languages/ Studien zu den Türksprachen/突厥語言研究, Türk Dilleri Araştımaları / Researches in Turkic Languages/ Studien zu den Türksprachen/突厥語言研究,   6 vols. Türk dilleri araştımaları 2011, 13, 15 12,474円 Turkic languages -- Periodicals Türk dilleri araştımaları = Researches in Turkic languages articles in Turkish, English, & German
Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire. Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire. Faroqhi, Suraiya (ed.) 475p ills. Eren 2010 7,345円 Animal culture -- Turkey -- History Similarly to members of other pre-industrial and industrial societies, the subjects of the Ottoman sultans depended on the animals they raised and whether they liked it or not, certain non-domestic animals sharing their home environments had a profound impact on their lives as well. Numerous topics await discussion: quite apart from milk, yoghurt and cheese, honey was in great demand, as it was one of the principal sweeteners in a world where sweet foods were popular yet cane sugar was scarce and expensive. Bee-keeping was therefore a common activity in Anatolian, Balkan and Syrian villages. For clothing and the outfitting of dwellings, animals also were indispensable: the wool from local sheep served to make cloaks and vests of different qualities, to say nothing of the kelims and carpets that made the reputation of towns like Uşak or Gördes in western Anatolia. Animals were also the principal source of motor energy: in many places horses drove the mills where the inhabitants ground their flour. Most importantly, animals were indispensable to peasants as oxen drew the plough. Throughout Anatolia moreover, ox-drawn carts were common; and in eighteenth- and nineteenth century Istanbul, women often went to the picnic grounds surrounding the city in such conveyances, gaily decorated for the occasion. In a less peaceful vein, before the late 1700s most gunpowder was also a product of horse-driven mills... Introduction Representations Animals 'at work' The Ottoman elite enjoying its animals Aggression and protection
Fifteenth Century Ottoman Realities: Christian peasant life on the Aegean island of Limnos. Fifteenth Century Ottoman Realities: Christian peasant life on the Aegean island of Limnos. Lowry, Heath W. xi,353p maps, facs. Eren 2002 5,867円 Limnos Island (Greece) -- Christians -- Peasants -- Turkey -- History This work examines the manner in which the Ottomans established control, in the fourteenth and fifteenth century, over a largely Orthodox Christian population in the Balkans and Aegean basin. It argues that their success in ruling the multi-ethnic, multi-confessional state thus created was due less to force of numbers than it was to their granting a wide variety of concessions and privileges to their subjects. This policy, known as istimâlet, or good will and accommodation, stemmed, according to Lowry, from a combination of factors including a severe shortage of trained manpower to administer their ever-growing polity and an understanding, from a remarkably early period, that the fruits of conquest (booty and slaves) were no substitute for the steady flow of income (tax revenues) which could be obtained from a population whose support they enjoyed. Via a detailed examination of two Ottoman tax registers (tahrir defters) for the Aegean island of Limnos, compiled in the late-fifteenth and early-sixteenth century (1490 and 1519) , which he compares with surviving Byzantine monastic documents for the island, and accounts by travelers, Lowry illustrates the manner in which the Ottoman conquests of the preceding two hundred years had been facilitated by the application of the policy of good will and accommodation. This book provides the reader a fascinating behind the scenes glimpse into how the early Ottomans managed to create a world empire primarily among peoples whose languages, religions and cultures were all equally foreign to them.
Dogu'nun Mirlerine Son Veda: Cizreli Izzeddin ,Sir Bey ve Isyani. Dogu'nun Mirlerine Son Veda: Cizreli Izzeddin ,Sir Bey ve Isyani. Ogun, Tuncay xiv,450p. Yeditepe 2010 1,475円 Cizreli İzzeddin Şîr Bey, active 19th century -- Central-local government relations -- Kurds -- Easter Turkey -- History -- 19th century Doğu'nun mîrlerine son veda : Cizreli İzzeddin Şîr Bey ve isyanı/ Tuncay Öğün
Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun Kurulus ve Yukselis Tarihi (1300-1600). Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun Kurulus ve Yukselis Tarihi (1300-1600). Emecen, Feridun M. xiii,474p Türkiye İş Bankası 2015 2,029円 Turkey -- History -- Ottoman Empire, 1300-1600 Osmanlı imparatorluğu'nun kuruluş ve yükseliş tarihi (1300-1600)/ Feridun M Emecen Değerli Osmanlı tarihçisi Prof. Dr. Feridun M. Emecen’in yeni eseri, 600 yıl boyunca çok geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılmış Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun ilk 300 yılına ışık tutuyor. Osmanlıların küçük bir beylikten bir cihan imparatorluğuna doğru yönelişini akıcı bir dille anlatan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluş ve Yükseliş Tarihi (1300-1600), Osmanlı tarihini dar kalıplara sıkıştırmadan ele alan yaklaşımı ve kullandığı sağlam kaynak tenkidi yöntemiyle, siyasi tarih alanında vazgeçilmez bir başvuru kaynağı olma özelliğini taşıyor.
Turk Edebiyatinda Manzum Surnameler Turk Edebiyatinda Manzum Surnameler Arslan, Mehmet x,837p ills. Atatürk Kültür Merkezi 1999 1,989円 Marriages of royalty and nobility -- Turkey -- Istanbul -- Poetry -- History Türk edebiyatında manzum surnâmeler : Osmanlı saray düğünleri ve şenlikleri/ Mehmet Arslan Text in Turkish with the poems in romanized Ottoman Turkish
Osmanli'da Ilim ve Fikir Dunyasi: Istanbul'un Fethinden Suleymaniye Medreselerinin kurulusuna kadar. Osmanli'da Ilim ve Fikir Dunyasi: Istanbul'un Fethinden Suleymaniye Medreselerinin kurulusuna kadar. Alper, Ömer & Mustakim Arıcı (ed.) 344p. Klasik 2015 1,810円 Education -- Intellectual life -- History -- Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 Osmanlı'da İlim ve Fikir Dünyası : İstanbul'un Fethinden Süleymaniye Medreselerinin kuruluşuna kadar/ editörler Ömer Mahir Alper ; Mustakim Arıcı
Mesihat-i Islamiyye ve Ceride-i Ilmiyye, Osmanlilarda Fetva Makami ve Yayin Organi. Mesihat-i Islamiyye ve Ceride-i Ilmiyye, Osmanlilarda Fetva Makami ve Yayin Organi. Eraslan, Sadik 224p. DİB Yayınları 2009 979円 Fatwas -- Shaykh al-Islâm -- Turkey -- History Meşihat-i İslâmiyye ve Ceride-i İlmiyye : Osmanlılarda fetva makamı ve yayın organı/ Sadık Eraslan

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