Arabian Studies
Al-Adyan wa al-Madhahib bi al-'Iraq. (taba'ah mazidah wa-munaqqaḥah)
1,452円 |
Riyad al-'Ulama' wa-Hiyad al-Fudala'
6,600円 |
Hilyat al-Awliya' wa Tabaqat al-Asfiya', with Faharis Hilyat al-Awliya': ahadith nabawiyah, athar, a'lam, biqa', ash'ar.
14,520円 |
Majmu'ah al-Rasa'il wa al-Masa'il. ed. by M.S. Muhd. Rashid Rida
3,025円 |
Jami' al-Rasa'il. ed. by Muhd. Rashad Salim
3,025円 |
Muwafaqat al-Sahih al-Manqul li-Sarih al-Ma'qul.
3,025円 |
al-Risalah al-Safadiyah: qa'idah fi tahqiq al-risalah wa ibtal qawl ahl al-zaygh wa al-dalalah.
3,025円 |
Bughyat al-Murtad, fi al-radd 'ala al-mutafalsifah wa al-Qaramitah wa al-Batiniyah ahl al-ilhad min al-qa'ilin bi al-hulul wa al-ittihad. ed. Musa ibn Sulayman al-Duways
2,420円 |
Grammarians and Grammatical Theory in the Medieval Arabic Tradition. (Variorum Collected Studies Series: CS782)
10,644円 |
Mawsu'at Mustalahat al-'Ulum al-Nahwiyah: Encyclopedia of Grammatical Sciences Terminology (The Series of Arabic and Islamic Terminology Encyclopedias)
86,619円 |
al-Mu'jam al-Mufassal fi 'Ulum al-Lughah (al-alsuniyat).
10,379円 |
Sacred Place and Sacred Time in the Medieval Islamic Middle East: a historical perspective. (Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture)
5,332円 |
The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: from the seventh to the twelfth century. (Edinburgh Studies in Classical Islamic History and Culture)
5,309円 |
Islamisation: comparative perspectives from history.
44,275円 |
Writing Egypt: al-Maqrizi and his historical project.
6,321円 |
al-Amthal al-'Ammiyah: mashruhah wa murattabah hasab al-harf al-awwal min mathal ma'a kashsaf mawdu'i.
990円 |
Survival and Revival: an analytical approach to Sa'adeh's national thought.
3,036円 |
Antun Sa'adeh: the man, his thought: an anthology.
9,889円 |
Al-Muwatin al-'Arabi wa al-Wa'y al-Qawmi.
2,794円 |
Al-Sultah wa al-Mujtama' wa al-'Amal al-Siyasi: min tarikh al-wilayah al-'Uthmaniyah fi bilad al-Sham
2,068円 |
Mawdu'at Kurdiyah Suriyah
3,806円 |
Al-Harakat al-Ihtijajiyah fi al-Watan al-'Arabi (Misr, al-Maghrib, Lubnan, al-Bahrayn)
2,530円 |
The Outsiders: refugees in Europe since 1492. tr. by J. Riemer
3,917円 |
Rediscovering the Islamic Classics : how editors and print culture transformed an intellectual tradition
8,976円 |
History of Islamic Philosophy.
3,960円 |
Scheherazade's Feasts: Foods of the medieval Arab world.
5,516円 |
Out of the East: spices and the medieval imagination.
4,301円 |
Kitab Bahr al-Ansab, aw al-mushajjar al-kashshaf li usul al-sadah al-ashraf, al-mushtamil ʻala asma' wa-usul wa-furu' wa-tawarikh wa-manaqib wa-mazarat wa-wafiyat 'umum al-sadah al-ashraf fi kaffat biqa' al-ard. ed. by Sayyid H. Muhd. al-Rifa'i
5,473円 |
The New Muslims of Post-Conquest Iran: tradition, memory, and conversion. (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
12,147円 |
Sirat al-Mu'ayyad fi al-Din Da'i al-Du'ah, tarjamat hayat-hu bi-qalam-hi (Dhakha'ir al-'Arab, 84)
2,997円 |
al-Nuqush al-Kitabiyah 'ala 'Ama'ir al-Qahirah al-Islamiyah, fi al-'asr al-'uthmani: fi al-'asr al-'uthmani: dirasah fi al-shakl wa al-madmun
6,217円 |
Umra' al-Mamalik al-Jarakisah, fi sa'id misr fi 'asri al-mamalik al-jarakisah wa al-'uthmaniyin (al-mu'allif majhul), wa Kitab Imarah Bani 'Asr fi sa'id misr fi 'asr al-mamalik al-jarakisah (Dhakha'ir al-'Arab, 99)
3,927円 |
Osmanli Belgelerinde Misir/ Misr fi al-Watha'iq al-'Uthmaniyah. (T.C. Basbakanlik, Osmanli Arsivi Daire Baskanligi, 120)
12,369円 |
Masarat Jabaliyah Nahwa Lubnan al-Kabir, 1584-1920. (Mi'awiyah Lubnan al-Kabir, 2)
3,425円 |
Lubnan bayna al-Dusturayn 1876-1908 (al-Dirasah al-Tarikhiyah)
6,237円 |
Société civile et communauté religieuse : expérience culturelle d'un village chrétien dans la société arabe contemporaine. (Coll. Hommes et Societes du Proche-Orient)
7,533円 |
Tripoli, une Ville dans la Marege: Luttes et quete de justice. (Les Cahiers de l'IFPO, 14)
5,821円 |
La Culture et ses Dependances: les Productions culturelles et leurs circulations au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient.
6,504円 |
Introduction a l'afrique du nord contemporaine (Collection "Connaissance du monde arabe")
1,452円 |
England in Egypt.
2,486円 |
The Persian Gulf: an historical sketch from the earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century
2,376円 |
Ma ba'da al-Naft: tahaddiyat al-baqa' fi duwal al-khalij al-'Arabiyah.
4,989円 |
al-Awsaj: Sirah wa Dhikrayat. (1) Awwdāʻ Qatar wa-ahwāl ahlihā 1953-1974 = Conditions of Qatar and its people, 1953-1974, (2) al-Naft wa-mā addrāk mā al-naft 1974-1980 = Oil, 1974-1980, (3)ʻŪd ʻAlá badʼ 1983-1992 = Al
13,229円 |
al-Harakat al-Ijtima'iyah wa al-Ahzab al-Siyasiyah: al-islam al-siyasi fi Misr wa Tunis wa al-Maghribi.
5,002円 |
al-Sultah al-Siyasiyah wa al-I'lam fi al-Watan al-'Arabi
4,730円 |
Conflict Mediation in the Arab World. (Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)
10,791円 |
The Caliphate of Man: popular sovereignty in modern Islamic thought.
8,910円 |
Informal Politics in the Middle East. (Georgetown U., Ctr. for International and Regional Studies, School of Foreign Service in Qatar)
6,402円 |
The Crime of Writing: narratives and shared meanings in criminal cases in Baathist Syria. (IFPO, CP38)
9,245円 |
The Israeli Economy: a story of success and costs. (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World)
7,326円 |
American Presidents and Israeli Settlements since 1967. (Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy)
10,336円 |
Yahud al-Quds fi al-Nisf al-Awwal min al-Qarn al-Tasi' 'Ashar: dirasat ijtima'iyah-iqtisadiyah.
6,543円 |
Justice and Only Justice: a Palestinian theology of liberation.
3,425円 |
al-Sira' al-'Arabi-al-Sihyuni: mutaghayyirat-hu wa mustajiddat-hu, 1949-2009.
6,860円 |
al-Harakat al-Wataniyat al-Filastiniyat fi al-Qarn al-'Ishrin.
8,108円 |
al-Tajribah al-'Askariyah al-Filastiniyah: mulahazat fi al-nazariyah wa al-ada'.
4,791円 |
Filastin: arbah alif 'am fi al-tarbiyah wa al-ta'lim
7,484円 |
Tarikh Misr fi 'ahd al-Khidiw Isma'il Basha min sanat 1863 ila sanat 1879. (Safahat min Tarikh Misr, 8-9)
4,620円 |
Haqa'iq al-Akhbar 'an Duwal al-Bihar, al-juz' al-thani, al-majallad al-awwal. ed. by 'Abd al-Wahhab Bakr
10,276円 |
Al-Kafi fi Tarikh Misr al-Qadim wa al-Hadith, al-Juz' 5, al-majallad al-awwal-al-qism al-awwal, al-qism al-thani
13,839円 |