Arabian Studies
Kitab Bahr al-Ansab, aw al-mushajjar al-kashshaf li usul al-sadah al-ashraf, al-mushtamil ʻala asma' wa-usul wa-furu' wa-tawarikh wa-manaqib wa-mazarat wa-wafiyat 'umum al-sadah al-ashraf fi kaffat biqa' al-ard. ed. by Sayyid H. Muhd. al-Rifa'i
5,473円 |
The New Muslims of Post-Conquest Iran: tradition, memory, and conversion. (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
12,147円 |
Professional Mobility in Islamic Societies (700-1750): new concepts and approaches.
9,358円 |
The Fatimids, 2: the Rule from Egypt. (World of Islam)
2,294円 |
Sirat al-Mu'ayyad fi al-Din Da'i al-Du'ah, tarjamat hayat-hu bi-qalam-hi (Dhakha'ir al-'Arab, 84)
2,997円 |
Tarikh al-Rahawi al-Majhul, al-mutawwafi ba'd ('am 635 h.-1237 m.), 'arraba-hu 'an al-Surryaniyah wa wada'a hawashih al-Ab Albir Abuna (Silsilah al-Turath al-Hadari, 41)
4,959円 |
Mabahij al-Ikhwan wa Manahij al-Khillan fi Hawadith al-Duhur wa al-Azman (yahawi tarikh misr wa tarajim a'yat-ha). ed. by Muhd. Jamal Hamid al-Shurbaji. vol. I/1,2 & II. (Silsilah al-Turath al-Hadari, 42, 43, 44)
9,660円 |
al-Nuqush al-Kitabiyah 'ala 'Ama'ir al-Qahirah al-Islamiyah, fi al-'asr al-'uthmani: fi al-'asr al-'uthmani: dirasah fi al-shakl wa al-madmun
6,217円 |
Umra' al-Mamalik al-Jarakisah, fi sa'id misr fi 'asri al-mamalik al-jarakisah wa al-'uthmaniyin (al-mu'allif majhul), wa Kitab Imarah Bani 'Asr fi sa'id misr fi 'asr al-mamalik al-jarakisah (Dhakha'ir al-'Arab, 99)
3,927円 |
Osmanli Belgelerinde Misir/ Misr fi al-Watha'iq al-'Uthmaniyah. (T.C. Basbakanlik, Osmanli Arsivi Daire Baskanligi, 120)
12,369円 |
The Foundations of Jurisprudence : an introduction to Imāmī Shiʻi legal theory: Mabadiʼ al-wusul ila ʻilm al-usul tr. & ed. by Sayyid Amjad H. Shah Naqavi (The Classical Shīʿah Library, 1)
11,368円 |
Women on the Margins: gender, charity, and justice in the early Modern Middle East. (Analecta Isisiana CXXX)
9,840円 |
es-Sukuk ala Batlamyus: the Doubts Concerning Ptolemy: Batlamyus üzerine süpheler: inceleme - tercüme - tahkikli metin. haz. F.Z. Pattabano.glu, A.N. Kattan & Z. Akkus
15,711円 |
Tamamü'l-Feyz fi Babi'r-Rical: Tamam al-fayz fi Bab al-Ridjal: Atpazari Kutup Osman Efendi Menakib.i (inceleme - çeviri - tipkibasim). çeviri Ramazan Muslu & Ali Namli (Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı yayınları, 173)
5,599円 |
Masarat Jabaliyah Nahwa Lubnan al-Kabir, 1584-1920. (Mi'awiyah Lubnan al-Kabir, 2)
3,425円 |
Lubnan bayna al-Dusturayn 1876-1908 (al-Dirasah al-Tarikhiyah)
6,237円 |
Société civile et communauté religieuse : expérience culturelle d'un village chrétien dans la société arabe contemporaine. (Coll. Hommes et Societes du Proche-Orient)
7,533円 |
Tripoli, une Ville dans la Marege: Luttes et quete de justice. (Les Cahiers de l'IFPO, 14)
5,821円 |
La Culture et ses Dependances: les Productions culturelles et leurs circulations au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient.
6,504円 |
Introduction a l'afrique du nord contemporaine (Collection "Connaissance du monde arabe")
1,452円 |
England in Egypt.
2,486円 |
The Persian Gulf: an historical sketch from the earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century
2,376円 |
Ma ba'da al-Naft: tahaddiyat al-baqa' fi duwal al-khalij al-'Arabiyah.
4,989円 |
al-Awsaj: Sirah wa Dhikrayat. (1) Awwdāʻ Qatar wa-ahwāl ahlihā 1953-1974 = Conditions of Qatar and its people, 1953-1974, (2) al-Naft wa-mā addrāk mā al-naft 1974-1980 = Oil, 1974-1980, (3)ʻŪd ʻAlá badʼ 1983-1992 = Al
13,229円 |
al-Harakat al-Ijtima'iyah wa al-Ahzab al-Siyasiyah: al-islam al-siyasi fi Misr wa Tunis wa al-Maghribi.
5,002円 |
al-Sultah al-Siyasiyah wa al-I'lam fi al-Watan al-'Arabi
4,730円 |
Conflict Mediation in the Arab World. (Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)
10,791円 |
The Caliphate of Man: popular sovereignty in modern Islamic thought.
8,910円 |
Informal Politics in the Middle East. (Georgetown U., Ctr. for International and Regional Studies, School of Foreign Service in Qatar)
6,402円 |
The Crime of Writing: narratives and shared meanings in criminal cases in Baathist Syria. (IFPO, CP38)
9,245円 |
The Israeli Economy: a story of success and costs. (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World)
7,326円 |
American Presidents and Israeli Settlements since 1967. (Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy)
10,336円 |
Yahud al-Quds fi al-Nisf al-Awwal min al-Qarn al-Tasi' 'Ashar: dirasat ijtima'iyah-iqtisadiyah.
6,543円 |
Justice and Only Justice: a Palestinian theology of liberation.
3,425円 |
al-Sira' al-'Arabi-al-Sihyuni: mutaghayyirat-hu wa mustajiddat-hu, 1949-2009.
6,860円 |
al-Harakat al-Wataniyat al-Filastiniyat fi al-Qarn al-'Ishrin.
8,108円 |
al-Tajribah al-'Askariyah al-Filastiniyah: mulahazat fi al-nazariyah wa al-ada'.
4,791円 |
Filastin: arbah alif 'am fi al-tarbiyah wa al-ta'lim
7,484円 |
Tarikh Misr fi 'ahd al-Khidiw Isma'il Basha min sanat 1863 ila sanat 1879. (Safahat min Tarikh Misr, 8-9)
4,620円 |
Haqa'iq al-Akhbar 'an Duwal al-Bihar, al-juz' al-thani, al-majallad al-awwal. ed. by 'Abd al-Wahhab Bakr
10,276円 |
Al-Kafi fi Tarikh Misr al-Qadim wa al-Hadith, al-Juz' 5, al-majallad al-awwal-al-qism al-awwal, al-qism al-thani
13,839円 |
Beirut 18340-1918: a Visual & descriptive portrait, Volume I: Text & Illustrations, Vol. II: Photographs & Images.
27,403円 |
Recalling the Caliphate: decolonization and world order 2nd edition
4,908円 |
Worldmaking in the long Great War : how local and colonial struggles shaped the modern Middle East
6,204円 |
Naqd al-Turath. (al-'Arab wa al-Hadathah, 3)
6,930円 |
The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents. (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 140)
26,502円 |
Madinat Mardin min al-fath al-'arabi ila sanat 1515 M/ 921 H.
1,936円 |
Rihlatān ilā Lubnān: Zwei Beschreibungen des Libanon: 'Abdalghanī an-Nābulusīs reise durch die Biqā' und al-'Utaifīs reise nach Tripolis. hrsg. von S. Wild & S. al-Munajjid (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 21)
3,029円 |
The Mamluk-Ottoman Transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century, 2. (Ottoman Studies, 10)
6,530円 |
Studies on the History and Culture of the Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517). (Mamluk Studies 25)
5,023円 |
The Mamluk Sultanate from the Perspective of Regional and World History: economic, social and cultural development in an era of increasing international interaction and competition. (Mamluk Studies, 17 )
6,195円 |
Mamluk Historiography Revisited - Narratological Perspectives (Mamluk Studies, 15)
4,018円 |
Everything is on the Move: the Mamluk empire as a node in (trans-)regional networks. (Mamluk Studies 7)
5,524円 |
The Historical Formation of the Arab Nation: a study in identity and consciousness. tr. by L.I. Conrad (Routledge library editions: the Arab nation, v. 1)
12,474円 |
Sifat al-Husn wa al-Jamal wa Simat al-Malahah wa al-Kamal. ed. by Ahmad Bulgha
968円 |
Yusuf al-Awwal Ibn al-Ahmar: Sultan Gharnatah (733-755 h.)
847円 |
Ransoming captives in crusader Spain : the Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic frontier. (The Middle Ages)
2,970円 |
Leaving Iberia: Islamic law and Christian Conquest in North West Africa. (Harvard Series in Islamic Law, 9)
8,899円 |
Qabas min 'Ata' al-Makhtut al-Maghribi: Quitessence des manuscrits Marocains.
20,759円 |
Tarikh al-Bahriyah al-Islamiyah fi Misr wa al-Sham.
1,936円 |