








History, Politics & Sociology in the Middle East (incl. Africa)
  書名 著者名 頁数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Multicultural Urban Fabric and Types in the South and Eastern Mediterranean. Multicultural Urban Fabric and Types in the South and Eastern Mediterranean. Cerasi, M., A. Petruccioli, A. Sarro & S. Weber (ed.) 269p maps photos. Orientr-Institut Beirut 2007 8,197円 This volume is a compendium of the main topics discussed during the international seminar "Multicultural Urban Fabric and Types in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean" held in Trani, Italy. Analyzing the outcome of multicultural settings, trends and influences from various angles in cities such as Aleppo, Galata, Timbuktu, Mostar, Chios, East Vermion, Damascus and those of Morocco and Tunisia, and commercial quarters of cities in various regions, the contributions reflect the change of attitude during the last decades in the exploration of urban structure and architecture in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean towns.
Al-Takawwun al-Tarikhi al-Hadith lil-Jazirah al-Suriyah: as'ilah wa ishkaliyat al-tahawwul min al-Badwanah ila al-'umran al-hadari. Al-Takawwun al-Tarikhi al-Hadith lil-Jazirah al-Suriyah: as'ilah wa ishkaliyat al-tahawwul min al-Badwanah ila al-'umran al-hadari. Barut, Muhammad Jamal 1021p. al-Markaz al-'Arabi lil-Abhath wa Dirasat al-Siyasat 2013 8,934円 Hasakah (Syria: province) -- History -- Etnnic relations
التكون التاريخي الحديث للجزيرة السورية : اسئلة واشكاليات التحول من البدونة الى العمران الحضري محمد جمال باروت al-Takawwun al-tārīkhī al-ḥadīth lil-Jazīrah al-Sūrīyah : asʼilah wa-ishkālīyāt al-taḥawwul min al-Badwanah ilá al-ʻumrān al-ḥaḍarī [Contemporary history of the Syrian Jazeerah : challenges of urban transition for nomadic communities] Muḥammad Jamāl Bārūt (Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies)
Freedom, Modernity, and Islam: toward a creative synthesis. Freedom, Modernity, and Islam: toward a creative synthesis. Khuri, Richard K. xli,384p. 古書 Syracuse U.P. 1998 2,376円 Islam and state -- Islam and politics
This text provides a discussion of the philosophical origins of the notions of freedom in both a Western and Islamic context. Khuri maintains that standard theories of modernization do not fully explain the global resurgence of fundamental religion
Fiqh al-Jihad: dirasah muqaranah li-ahkam-hi wa falsafah-hi fi daw' al-qur'an al-sunnah. Fiqh al-Jihad: dirasah muqaranah li-ahkam-hi wa falsafah-hi fi daw' al-qur'an al-sunnah. Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf 2 vols. Maktabah Wahbah 2009 8,569円 Jihad -- War -- Religious aspects -- Islam
فقه الجهاد : دراسة مقارنة لأحكامه وفلسفته في ضوء القرآن والسنة يوسف القرضاوي Fiqh al-jihād : dirāsah muqāranah li-aḥkāmih wa-falsafatih fī ḍawʼ al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah Yūsuf Qaraḍāwī
Fiqh al-Zakah, dirasah muqaranah li-ahkam-ha wa falsafat-ha fi daw' al-qur'an wa al-sunnah. Fiqh al-Zakah, dirasah muqaranah li-ahkam-ha wa falsafat-ha fi daw' al-qur'an wa al-sunnah. Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf 2 vols. Maktabat Wahbah 2006 repr. 4,639円 Zakat -- Islamic law
فقه الزكاة : دراسة مقارنة لأحكامها وفلسفتها في القرآن والسنة يوسف القرضاوي Fiqh al-zakāh : dirāsah muqāranah li-ahkāmihā wa-falsafatihā fī dawʼ al-Qurān wa-al-sunnah Yūsuf Qaradāwī
Yusuf al-Qardawi: kalimat fi takrim-hi ... wa buhuth fi fikr-hi wa fiqh-hi. Yusuf al-Qardawi: kalimat fi takrim-hi ... wa buhuth fi fikr-hi wa fiqh-hi. Al-Dib, 'Abd al-'Aziz (ed.) 2 vols. Dar al-Salam 2004 9,770円 Qaraḍāwī, Yūsuf -- Muslim scholars -- Egypt -- Biography
يوسف القرضاوي : كلمات في تكريمه . وبحوث في فكره وفقهه مهداة إليه بمناسبة بلوغه السبعين. وسف القرضاوي Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī : kalimātun fī takrīmih-- wa-buḥūthun fī fikrihi wa-fiqhihi muhdāh ilayhi bi-munāsabat bulūghihi al-sabʻīn Yūsuf Qaraḍāwī
Iqtisad-na: dirasah mawdu'iyah tatanawal bi naqd wa al-bahth al-madhahib al-iqtisadiyah lil-mariksiyah wa .... Iqtisad-na: dirasah mawdu'iyah tatanawal bi naqd wa al-bahth al-madhahib al-iqtisadiyah lil-mariksiyah wa .... Baqir al-Sadr, Muhammad 740p. Dar al-Ta'ruf lil-Matbu'at 1987 2,946円 Economics -- Religious aspects -- Islam -- Communism
اقتصادنا : دراسة موضوعية تتناول بالنقد والبحث المذاهب الاقتصادية للماركسية والرأسمالية والاسلام في اسسها الفكرية وتفاصيلا محمد باقر الصدر Iqtiṣādunā : dirāsah mawḍūʻīyah tatanāwalu bi-al-naqd wa-al-baḥth al-madhāhib al-iqtiṣādīyah lil-Mārkisīyah wa-al-raʼsmālīyah wa-al-Islām fī ususihā al-fikrīyah wa-tafāṣīlihā Muḥammad Bāqir Ṣadr
Aqanim al-La-ma'qul: qira'ah naqdiyah fi al-taqlid wa al-usturah wa al-khurafah Aqanim al-La-ma'qul: qira'ah naqdiyah fi al-taqlid wa al-usturah wa al-khurafah Al-Nawfali, Ahmad ibn Mubarak 429p. Mu'assasat al-Intishar al-'Arabi 2012 2,913円 Taqlīd -- Arabic Mythology -- Faith and reason -- Islam اقانيم اللامعقول : قراءه نقدية في التقليد والاسطورة والخرافة احمد بن مبارك النوفلي Aqānīm al-lā-maʻqūl, Qirāʼah naqdīyah fī al-taqlīd wa-al-usṭūrah wa-al-khurāfah Aḥmad ibn Mubārak al-Nawfalī
Livre d'al-Durrat al-Musanah, dans akhbar al-kinana.  ed. by 'A.R.'A. al-Rahman 'Abd al-Rahim Livre d'al-Durrat al-Musanah, dans akhbar al-kinana. ed. by 'A.R.'A. al-Rahman 'Abd al-Rahim Al-Dimirdashi, Ahmad 303p. IFAO 1989 7,106円 Egypt -- History -- 1517-1882
Livre d'al-Durra al-muṣāna dans Ah̲bār al-Kināna / par Aḥmed Kath̲oda ʻAzbān al-Demerdāšī (d. ca. 1755) ; édition annotée par le Dr. ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ʻAbd al-Raḥīm
كتاب الدرة المصانة في أخبار الكنانة : في أخبار ما وقع بمصر في دولة المماليك من السناجق والكشاف والسبعة أوجاقات والدولة وعوايدهم والباشا إلى آخر سنة ثمان وستين ومائة وألف أحمد الدمرداشي Kitāb al-Durraẗ al-muṣānaẗ fī ah̲bār al-Kinānaẗ [Texte imprimé] : fī ah̲bār mā waqaʻ bi-Miṣr fī dawlaẗ al-Mamālīk min al-sanāǧik wa-al-kaššāf wa-al-sabʻaẗ awǧāqāt wa-al-dawlaẗ wa-ʻawayidihim wa-al-bāšā ilá āh̲ir sanaẗ t̲amān wa-sittīn wa-miʼaẗ wa-alf taʼlīf Aḥmad al-Dimirdāšī ; taḥqīq ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ʻAbd al-Raḥmân ʻAbd al-Raḥīm
Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt. Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt. Hoffman, Valerie J. xix,461p. pap. U. of South Carolina Press 2009(1995) 3,966円 Sufism -- Egypt -- 20th century
For centuries Sufism - Islamic mysticism - held a major place in Islamic spirituality, intellectual life, and popular religion. While many twentieth-century observers have commented on Sufism's decline, and modernists and fundamentalists alike have criticized the movement, few scholars have analyzed present-day Egyptian Sufism as a system in its own right rather than as a degradation of the classical ideal. Drawing on detailed fieldwork and on textual analysis of a variety of little-known recent and medieval sources, Valerie J. Hoffman presents Sufism as it exists in Egypt today, in the vivid experiences of its adherents, from humble housewives to famous mystics and saints. With an array of conclusions that overturn widely held beliefs about modern Sufis, Hoffman argues that the apparent assimilation of Egyptian Sufism masks a thriving movement hidden from the Western world.
Judhur al-Usuliyah al-Islamiyah fi Misr al-Mu'asirah, Rashid Rida wa majallat al-Manar 1898-1935. Judhur al-Usuliyah al-Islamiyah fi Misr al-Mu'asirah, Rashid Rida wa majallat al-Manar 1898-1935. Al-Mullah, Ahmad Salah 412p. Dar al-Kutub al-Watha'iq al-Qawmiyah 2008 2,382円 Islamic renewal -- Islamic fundamentalism -- Egypt -- 20th century Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā -- al-Manār (Cairo, Egypt : 1898)
جذور الأصولية الإسلامية في مصر المعاصرة : رشيد رضا ومجلة المنار، 1898-1935 أحمد صلاح الملا Judhūr al-uṣūlīyah al-Islāmīyah fī Miṣr al-muʻāṣirah : Rashīd Riḍā wa-majallat al-Manār, 1898-1935 Aḥmad Ṣalāḥ al-Mallā
The Muslim Brotherhood from Opposition to Pwer. The Muslim Brotherhood from Opposition to Pwer. Pargeter, Alison 303p. pap. Saqi 2013(10) 2,417円 Jamʻīyat al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn (Egypt) -- History -- 20th century
In this authoritative analysis, Alison Pargeter follows the twists and turns of the Muslim Brotherhood as it battled through the years of oppression under authoritarian regimes to finally become a key and legitimate political actor. From Egypt and Syria to Tunisia and Libya, the Brotherhood and its affiliates are now faced with the complex task of transforming themselves from semi-clandestine opposition movements into legitimate political actors and, in some cases, into ruling powers. New paper edition.
Al-Tha'ir al-'Amili, sahib al-nasr alladhi ghayyara mu'adalat al-'asr. Al-Tha'ir al-'Amili, sahib al-nasr alladhi ghayyara mu'adalat al-'asr. Ahmad, Rif'at al-Sayyid 502p. Dar al-Mizan 2009 2,717円 Naṣr Allāh, Ḥasan, 1960- -- Hizballah (Lebanon) -- Biography
الثائر العاملي : صاحب النصر الذي غير معادلات العصر رفعت السيد أحمد al-Thāʼir al-ʻĀmilī : ṣāḥib al-naṣr alladhī ghayyara muʻādalāt al-ʻaṣr Rifʻat al-Sayyid Aḥmad wa-majmūʻah min al-bāḥithīn
Hizb Allah wa al-Dawlah fi Lubnan: al-ru'yah wa al-masar. Hizb Allah wa al-Dawlah fi Lubnan: al-ru'yah wa al-masar. Fadl Allah, Hasan 237p. Sharkat al-Matbu'at lil-Tawzi' wa al-Nashr 2015 2,591円 Hizballah (Lebanon) -- Shiites -- Lebanon -- Politics and government -- 1990-
حزب الله والدولة في لبنان : الرؤية والمسار فضل الله، حسن Ḥizb Allāh wa-al-dawlah fī Lubnān : al-ruʼyah wa-al-masār Ḥasan Faḍl Allāh
'Ala Tariq Hizb Allah. 'Ala Tariq Hizb Allah. Hamzah, Ahmad Nizar 254p. Dar al-Mahajjah al-Bayda' 2010 1,943円 [In the path of Hizbullah] Islam and politics -- Hizbullah -- Lebanon
على طريق حزب الله أحمد نزار حمزة ʻAlá ṭarīq Ḥizb Allāh taʼlīf Aḥmad Nizār Ḥamzah
Al-Harb al-Nafsiyah: qira'at fi istratijiyat hizb allah. Al-Harb al-Nafsiyah: qira'at fi istratijiyat hizb allah. Nasr Allah, Yusuf 439p. Dar al-Farabi 2012 3,009円 Lebanon War, 2006 -- Psychological aspects -- Hizballah
الحرب النفسية : قراءات في استراتيجيات حزب الله يوسف نصر الله al-Ḥarb al-nafsīyah : qirāʼāt fī istirātījīyāt Ḥizb Allāh Yūsuf Naṣr Allāh
Al-Dawlat "Hizb Allah" Lubnan Mujtama'an Islamiyan. ma'a fasl khass 'an harb tamuz - an 2006. Al-Dawlat "Hizb Allah" Lubnan Mujtama'an Islamiyan. ma'a fasl khass 'an harb tamuz - an 2006. Shararah, Waddah 476p. Dar al-Nahar 2006 4,765円 Hizballah (Lebanon) -- Shiites -- Political activity
دولة "حزب الله" لبنان مجتمعاً اسلامياً وضاح شرارة Dawlat Ḥizb Allāh, Lubnān mujtamaʻan Islāmīyan : maʻa faṣl khāṣṣ bi-ḥarb Tammūz - Āb 2006 Waḍḍāḥ Sharārah 4th edition
Falsafat al-Dawlah 'inda al-Shahid al-Sadr: Falsafat al-Dawlah 'inda al-Shahid al-Sadr:   752p. Al-'Arif lil-Matbu'at 2012 3,448円 Ṣadr, Muḥammad Bāqir -- Philosophy -- Islam and politics -- Shiites
فلسفة الدولة عند الشهيد الصدر : مجموعة أبحاث المؤتمرين العلميين اللذين عقدهما المنتدى الوطني لأبحاث الفكر و الثقافة Falsafat al-dawlah ʻinda al-shahīd al-Ṣadr : majmūʻat abḥāth al-muʼtamarayn al-ʻilmiyayn al-ladhayn ʻaqadahumā al-Muntadá al-Waṭanī li-Abḥāth al-Fikr wa-al-Thaqāfah [taʼlīf: maǧmūʻa min al-bāḥiṯīn]
Al-Intifadah al-Suriyah min al-Alif ila al-Ya': mawakabah tawthiqiyah li-ahdath al-intifadah al-suriyah. Al-Intifadah al-Suriyah min al-Alif ila al-Ya': mawakabah tawthiqiyah li-ahdath al-intifadah al-suriyah. Matar, Muna 392p. Al-Dar al-'Arabiyah lil-'Ulum Nashirun 2012 2,508円 Syria -- Politics and government -- History -- Civil War, 2011-
الإنتفاضة السورية من الألف الى الياء : مواكبة توثيقية لأحداث الإنتفاضة السورية إعداد منى مطر al-Intifāḍah al-Sūrīyah min al-alif ilá al-yāʼ : muwākabah tawthīqīyah li-aḥdāth al-intifāḍah al-Sūrīyah iʻdād Muná Maṭar
Filastin wa Sira'una ma'a al-Sihyuniyah wa Isra'il, majmu'at maqalat wa muhadarat, 1957-2009. Filastin wa Sira'una ma'a al-Sihyuniyah wa Isra'il, majmu'at maqalat wa muhadarat, 1957-2009. Al-Khalidi, Walid 479p. Al-Nadi al-Thaqafi al-'Arabi/ Mu'assasat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyah 2009 3,093円 Palestinian Arabs -- Arab-Israel conflict -- Politics and government -- Collected works
فلسطين وصراعنا مع الصهيونية وإسرائيل : مجموعة مقالات ومحاضرات، ١٩٥٧-٢٠٠٩ م وليد الخالدي Filasṭīn wa-ṣirāʻunā maʻa al-Ṣihyūnīyah wa-Isrāʼīl : majmūʻat maqālāt wa-muḥāḍarāt, 1957-2009 M Walid Khalidi

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