




Linguistics & Literature
  書名 著者名 頁数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: essays in honour of Professor Geer Jan vat Gelder. The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: essays in honour of Professor Geer Jan vat Gelder. Talib, Adam, Marle Hammond & Arie Schippers (ed.) xiii,322p. Gibb Memorial Trust 2014 9,504円 Arabic literature -- History and criticism van Gelder sustained a particular interest in humour and irreverence: in mujûn, broadly understood as literary expressions of indecency, encompassing the obscene, the profane, the impudent, and the taboo.
The Art of Badi' az-Zaman al-Hamadhani as Picaresque Narrative. The Art of Badi' az-Zaman al-Hamadhani as Picaresque Narrative. Monroe, James T. 175p. American Univ. of Beirut 1983 2,048円 Art of Badīʻ az-Zamān al-Hamadhānī as picaresque narrative Badīʻ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī, 969-1008. -- Maqāmāt -- Picaresque literature -- Technique
Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings: Studies in honour of Alan Jones. Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings: Studies in honour of Alan Jones. Hoyland, Robert G. & Philip F. Kennedy (ed.) ix,300p. Gibb Memorial Trust 2004 11,941円 Arabic literature -- History and criticism -- Arabic philology These 15 essays were written in honour of Alan Jones, distinguished Professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at the Oriental Institute in Oxford, by his former students and colleagues.
Fi al-Riwayah al-'Arabiyah al-Mu'asirah: Fi al-Riwayah al-'Arabiyah al-Mu'asirah: Al-'Awf, Mu'minah Bashir 213p. Dar al-Mashriq 2008 3,015円 Arabic fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism في الرواية العربية المعاصرة : عبد الرحمن منيف، حنا مينة، عبد الرحمن مجيد الربيعي، الياس خوري، ادوار الخراط مؤمنة بشير العوف Fī al-riwāyah al-ʻArabīyah al-muʻāṣirah : ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Munīf, Ḥannā Mīnah, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Majīd al-Rabīʻī, Ilyās Khūrī, Idwār al-Kharrāṭ Muʼminah Bashīr ʻAwf (Nuṣūṣ wa-durūs., Majmūʻah al-adabīyah)
Egyptian Writers between History and Fiction: essays on Naguib Mahfouz, Sonallah Ibrahim, and Gamal al-Ghitani. Egyptian Writers between History and Fiction: essays on Naguib Mahfouz, Sonallah Ibrahim, and Gamal al-Ghitani. Mehrez, Samia x,161p. American University of Cairo Press 2005(1994) 2,428円 Arabic fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism Taking as the basis of her study the premise that the boundaries of history and literature are difficult to define, and that the two disciplines represent related types of narrative discourse, Samia Mehrez examines the work of three leading contemporary Egyptian writers: the Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz, Sonallah Ibrahim, and Gamal al-Ghitani. Mehrez delves into the relationship between history and narrative literature and shows that both attempt to transform 'reality' and 'life' into historical structures of meaning.
'Ilm al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah: 'Ilm al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah: Fahmi Hijazi, Mahmud 379p. Wakalat al-Matbu'at 1973? 1,966円 Arabic language -- Semitic language -- History عالم اللغة العربية : مدخل تاريخي مقارن في ضوء التراث واللغات السامية محمود فهمي هجازي ʻIlm al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah : madkhal tārīkhī muqāran fī ḍawʼ al-turāth wa-al-lughāt al-Sāmīyah Maḥmūd Fahmī Hijāzī 古書
Mushkilat al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah al-Mu'asirah. Mushkilat al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah al-Mu'asirah. Al-Barazi, Majd Muhd. Al-Bakir 256p. Maktabat al-Risalah 1989 1,530円 Arabic language -- Linguistics مشكلات اللغة العربية المعاصرة بقلم مجد محمد الباكير البرازي Mushkilāt al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah al-muʻāṣirah bi-qalam Majd Muḥammad al-Bākīr al-Barāzī
Kitab al-Hikayat al-'Ajibah wa al-Akhbar al-Gharibah. Kitab al-Hikayat al-'Ajibah wa al-Akhbar al-Gharibah. Wehr, Hans (ed.) 476p. Manshurat al-Jamal 2012(1957) 3,824円 Arabic tales -- Folk literature Kitāb al-ḥikāyāt al-ʻajībah wa-al-akhbār al-gharbīyah taḥqīq Hans Wīr
Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language. Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language. Kilito, Abdelfattah xxvi,102p. Syracuse U.P. 2008 2,583円 Arabic literature -- History and criticism It has been said that the difference between a language and a dialect is that a language is a dialect with an army. Both the act of translation and bilingualism are steeped in a tension between surrender and conquest, yielding conscious and unconscious effects on language. First published in Arabic in 2002, Abdelfattah Kilito’s Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language explores the tension between dynamics of literary influence and canon formation within the Arabic literary tradition. As one of the Arab world’s most original and provocative literary critics, Kilito challenges the reader to reexamine contemporary notions of translation, bilingualism, postcoloniality, and the discipline of comparative literature. Waïl S. Hassan’s superb translation makes Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language available to an English-speaking audience for the first time, capturing the charm and elegance of the original in a chaste and seemingly effortless style.
The Author and His Doubles: essays on classical Arabic culture. The Author and His Doubles: essays on classical Arabic culture. Kilito, Abdelfattah 208p. pap. Syracuse U.P. 2001 2,641円 Arabic literature -- History and criticism In this exceptional volume, Abedlfattah Kilito argues that genre -- not authorship -- is at the heart of classic Arabic literature. Using simple yet lyrical language, he examines love poetry and panegyric, the Prophet's Hadith and the literary anecdote, as well as such recurring themes as memorization, plagiarism and forgery, and dream visions of the dead. Ultimately, he evokes these as an allegory for post-colonial Arab North Africa.
Naguib Mahfouz's Egypt: existential themes in his writings. Naguib Mahfouz's Egypt: existential themes in his writings. Gordon, Haim ix,148p. Greenwood Press 1990 7,626円 Maḥfūẓ, Najīb, -- 1911-2006 -- Criticism and interpretation An examination of the writings of Naguib Mahfouz from an existential perspective. The author has conducted a series of interviews with Mahfouz over the last ten years. He concludes that western scholars and politicians conceal the realities of daily life in Egypt, which Mahfouz reveals.
Abniyah al-Sarf fi Kitab Sibawayh, mu'jam wa dirasah: Abniyah al-Sarf fi Kitab Sibawayh, mu'jam wa dirasah: Al-Hadithi, Khadijah 379p Librairie du Liban 2003 3,583円 Arabic language -- Morphology -- Sībawayh, ʻAmr ibn ʻUthmān, active 8th century -- Kitāb ابنية الصرف في كتاب سيبويه : معجم ودراسة خديجة الحديثي Abniyat al-ṣarf fī kitāb Sībawayh : muʻjam wa-dirāsah Khadījah Ḥadīthī [Morphological forms in Sibawyh's Kitāb: a dictionary and study]
Min Tarikh al-Adab al-'Arabi Min Tarikh al-Adab al-'Arabi Taha Husayn 3 vols. 古書 Dar al-'Ilm lil-Malayin 1981 4,719円 Arabic literature -- History and criticism من تاريخ الأدب العربي طه حسين Min Tārikh al-adab al-ʻarabī Ṭāhā Ḥusayn al-Juzʼ 1: al-ʻAṣr al-jāhilī wa-al-ʻaṣr al-islāmī -- al-Juzʼ 2: al-ʻAṣr al-ʻabbāsī al-awwal (al-qarn al-thānī) -- al-Juzʼ 3: al-ʻAṣr al-ʻabbāsī al-thānī (al-qarn al-rābiʻ al-hijrī) --
Al-Insaf fi Masa'il al-Khilaf bayna al-nahwiyah al-Basriyin, wa al-Kufiyin. Al-Insaf fi Masa'il al-Khilaf bayna al-nahwiyah al-Basriyin, wa al-Kufiyin. Ibn al-Anbari, 'Abd al-Rahman bn Muhd. 2 vols. 古書 Dar al-Fikr Repr. 2,662円 Arabic language -- Grammar -- Arabic philology -- History الإنصاف في مسائل الخلاف بين النحويين البصريين والكوفيين عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن أبي سعيد الأنباري al-Inṣāf fī masāʼil al-khilāf bayna al-naḥwiyyīn : al-Baṣriyyīn wa-al-Kūfiyyīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad Ibn al-Anbārī, Al-Intisaf min al-insaf /ta'lif Muhammad Muhyi al-Din 'Abd al-Hamid
Al-Nahw al-Wafi, Al-Nahw al-Wafi, Hasan, 'Abbas 4 vols. 古書 Dar al-Ma'arif 1987 5,082円 Arabic language -- Grammar -- Manual النحو الوافي : مع ربطه بالأساليب الرفيعة والحياة اللغاوية المتجددة تأليف عباس حسن al-Naḥw al-wāfī : maʻa rabṭihi bi-al-asālīb al-rafīʻah wa-al-ḥayāh al-lughāwīyah al-mutajaddidah taʼlīf ʻAbbās Ḥasan
Tabaqat al-Nahwiyin wa al-Lughawiyin. Tabaqat al-Nahwiyin wa al-Lughawiyin. al-Zubaydi al-Andalusi, Abu Bakr 414p 古書 Dar al-Ma'arif 1984 1,815円 Philologists -- Islamic Empire -- Biography طبقات النحويين واللغويين لابي بكر محمد بن الحسن الزبيدي الاندلسي Ṭabaqāt al-naḥwīyīn wa-al-lughawīyīn li-Abī Bakr Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Zubaydī al-Andalusī ; taḥqīq Muḥammad Abū al-Faḍl Ibrāhīm
Al-Mustalahat al-Musta'malah fi Kutub Tadris Qawa'id al-Lughat al-'Arabiyah wa Wadi'-ha: Al-Mustalahat al-Musta'malah fi Kutub Tadris Qawa'id al-Lughat al-'Arabiyah wa Wadi'-ha: 'Ata Allah, Aliyas 496p Librairie du Liban 2007 2,178円 Arabic language -- Grammar -- Terminology -- Study and teaching المصطلحات المستعملة في كتب تدريس قواعد اللغة العربية وواضعوها : دراسة ومعجم، عربي-انكليزي الياس عطا الل al- Muṣṭalaḥāt al-mustaʻmala fī kutub tadrīs qawāʻid al-luġa al-ʻarabīya wa-wāḍiʻūhā : dirāsa wa-muʻǧam : ʻarabī - inklīzī Ilyās ʻAṭāllāh [Arabic Grammatical Terms Used in School Grammar and its Coiners: Arabic-English, survey & dictionary] In Arabic, with abstract in English
Identification and Identity in Classical Arabic Poetry. Identification and Identity in Classical Arabic Poetry. Lyons, M.C. xviii,366p Gibb Memorial Trust 1999 3,509円 Arabic poetry -- History and criticism -- Identity in poetry In early Arabic poetry, poets mostly speak in the first person - a point which sets their tradition apart from most other civilisations. This study investigates the characteristic poetic roles found in the works of thirty seven poets dating from the pre-Islamic to the Abbasid period, to which are added specimens of Spanish Arabic lyric poetry and the popular poetry of Baghdad.
Al-Qiyan (the concobines). Al-Qiyan (the concobines). Abu al-Faraj al-Asbahani 160p Riad El-Rayyes 1989 1,210円 Arabic poetry -- HIstory & criticism -- Women singers -- Islamic Empire -- Biography القيان أبو الفرج الأصبهاني ; تحقيق جليل العطية. العطية Al-Qiyān Abū al-Faraǧ al-Iṣbahānī ; taḥqīq Ğalīl al-ʻAṭiyyaẗ [The Concobines]
Luzum ma la Yalzam: al-Luzumiyat. Luzum ma la Yalzam: al-Luzumiyat. Abu al-'Ala' al-Ma'arri 2 vols. 古書 Dar Sadir/ Dar Bayrut 1961 4,840円 Arabic poetry لزوم ما لا يلزم : اللزوميات أبو العلاء المعري Luzūm mā lā yalzam : al-Luzūmiyyāt Abū al-ʻAlāʼ al-Maʻarrī "Debates continue as to the true genius of 11th century Muslim Syrian poet, grammarian and philosopher Abu al-Ala al-Maarri. Critics argue that his works are self-contradictory, unsynthesized and borrowed from the ideas of other philosophers. However, others counter that al-Maarri had significant insights on important topics ranging from social problems to the dynamics of the universe as evidenced in his 1,600 poems anthologized under the title 'Luzum Ma La Yalzan."

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