

Islamic History
  書名 著者名 頁数 出版元 刊行年 価格 解説
Tarikh Abi Zur'ah al-Dimashqi. Tarikh Abi Zur'ah al-Dimashqi. Abu Zur'ah, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Amr (m. 281 h.) 390p Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah 1996 1,210円 Islamic Empire -- History -- Early works to 1800 تاريخ أبي زرعة الدمشقي أبو زرعة، عبد الرحمن بن عمرو Tārīkh Abī Zurʻah al-Dimashqī li-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʻAmr ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ṣafwān al-Naṣrī ; waḍaʻa ḥawāshīh Khalīl al-Manṣūr
The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity: Allah and his people. The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity: Allah and his people. Al-Azmeh, Aziz xxi,634p Cambridge U.P. 2014 7,260円 Islam -- Origin -- History -- to 1500 A comprehensive and innovative reconstruction of the emergence of early Muslim religion and polity in their historical, religious and ethnological contexts. Intended principally for scholars of late antiquity, Islamic studies and the history of religions, the book opens up many novel directions for future research.
Arabia and the Arabs: from the bronze age to the coming of Islam. Arabia and the Arabs: from the bronze age to the coming of Islam. Hoyland, Robert G. xii,324p 古書 Routledge 2001 1,694円 Arabian Peninsula - History Arabia and the Arabs/ Robert G Hoyland Provides a survey of the Arab region and its peoples from prehistory to the coming of Islam. Using a wide range of sources-- inscriptions, poetry, histories, and archaeologicar evidence-- Robert Hoyland explores the main cultural areas of Arabia, from ancient Sheba in the south to the deserts and oases of the north. Also examines economy, society, religion, art, architecture and artifacts, language and literature, and Arabhood and Arabisation. 1. East Arabia -- 2. South Arabia -- 3. North and central Arabia -- 4. Economy -- 5. Society -- 6. Religion -- 7. Art, architecture and artefacts -- 8. Language and literature -- 9. Arabhood and Arabisation --
Al-Hamdani's Geographie der Arabischen Halbinsel. Al-Hamdani's Geographie der Arabischen Halbinsel. Müller, David Heinrich (hrsg.) xi,242p+171p(index)+279p(ar) E.J. Brill 1968(1891) 7,260円 Arabian Peninsula -- Geography-- Early works to 1800 Al-Hamdânî's Geographie der arabischen Halbinsel = Kitāb ṣifaẗ ǧazīraẗ al-ʻArab : nach den Handschriften von Berlin, Constantinopel, London, Paris und Strassburg [Kitāb Ṣifat Jazīrat al-ʻArab] zum ersten Male herausgegeben von David Heinrich Müller
Gamharat an-Nasab, Das Genealogische Werk des Hisam Ibn Muhammad al-Kalbi Gamharat an-Nasab, Das Genealogische Werk des Hisam Ibn Muhammad al-Kalbi Caskel, Werner 2 vols. 古書 E.J. Brill 1966 14,520円 Arabian Peninsula -- Genealogy Ǧamharat an-nasab : das genealogische Werk des Hišām Ibn-Muḥammad al-Kalbī, von Werner Caskel 1. Einleitung von Werner Caskel. Die Tafeln von Gert Strenziok. -- 2. Erläuterungen zu den Tafeln, von Werner Caskel. Das Register ... von Gert Strenziek ... von Werner Caskel. --
The Biography of Muhammad: The Biography of Muhammad: Motzki, Harald (ed.) xvi,330p Brill 2000 5,445円 Muḥammad, -- Prophet, -- -632 -- Sources The Biography of Muhammad : the issue of the sources/ edited by Harald Motzki This collection of articles presents the most recent methodological developments in the study of the life of Muhammad and highlights the improvement of its material-basis due to sources which have only recently become available or which have been neglected. Life of Muḥammad and the Islamic self-image / Uri Rubin -- Sīra and Tafsīr / Marco Schöller -- Sīra and the question of tradition / Andrien Leites -- Mūsā b. / Gregor Schoeler -- Sīrat Ahl al-Kisā / Maher Jarrar -- Did the Quraysh conclude a treaty with the Anṣār prior to the Hijra / Michael Leckner -- Murder of Ibn Abī-Ḥuqayq / Harald Motzki -- Historical tradition about al-Ḥudaybiya / Andreas Görke -- Earliest Christian writings on Muḥammad / Robert G. Hoyland -- Muḥammad in the Qur'ān / Andrew Rippin
Dala'il al-Nubuwwah. Dala'il al-Nubuwwah. al-Bayhaqi (384-458 h.) 2 vols. 古書 Muhd. 'Abd al-Hasan al-Kutubi 1969 3,025円 Muḥammad, -- Prophet, -- -632 دلائل النبوة للبيهقي ؛ تقديم وتحقيق عبد الرحمن محمد عثمان Dalā'il al-nubuwwah lil-Bayhaqī ; taqdīm wa-taḥqīq ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Muḥammad ʻUthmān
The March from Medina: a revisionist study of the Arab conquests. The March from Medina: a revisionist study of the Arab conquests. Jandora, John W. vi,155p The Kingston Press 1990 2,299円 Islamic Empire -- History -- 622-661 This book provides a succinct account of the limits of knowledge about the circumstances behind the rapid Islamic expansion from Medina, including the Ridda Wars immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.
Kitab al-Futuh. Kitab al-Futuh. Ibn A'tham al-Kufi (m. 314/926) 8 vols. 古書 Dar al-Nadwat al-Jadidah Repr. 9,900円 Islamic Empire -- History كتاب الفتوح لابي محمد احمد بن اعثم الكوفي Kitāb al-Futūḥ Abī Muḥammad Aḥmad ibn Aʻtham al-Kūfī Photo-reproduction of the edition published: Ḥaydarābād al-Dakan : Maṭbaʻat Majlis Dāʼirat al-Maʻārif al-Islāmīyah, 1968-1975
Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary. de Slane, Mac Guckin (tr.) 4 vols. 古書 Librairie du Liban 1970 repr. 8,800円 Islamic Empire -- Muslim scholars -- Biography -- Dictionaries -- Early works to 1800 Wafayāt al-aʻyān Ibn Khallikān ; translated by William MacGuckin de Slane Translation of: Wafayāt al-aʻyān; reprint of the edition published in Paris, 1842-43
Bahjat al-Mahafil wa Bughyah al-Amathil Bahjat al-Mahafil wa Bughyah al-Amathil Yaḥya ibn Abi Bakr al-ʻAmiri (1413/14-1487/88)(1413/14-1487/88) 2 vols. 古書 Dar Sadir repr. 2,299円 Muḥammad, -- Prophet, -632 -- Biography بهجة المحافل وبغية الامثال : في تلخيص المعجزات والسير والشمائل لعماد الدين يحيى بن أبي بكر العامري ؛ بشرح جمال الدين محمد الاشخر اليمني Bahjat al-maḥāfil wa-bughyat al-amthāl : fī talkhīṣ al-muʻjizāt wa-al-sayr wa-al-shamāʼil li-ʻImād al-Dīn Yaḥyá ibn Abī Bakr al-ʻĀmirī ; bi-sharḥ Jamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ashkhar al-Yamanī
Al-Isharah ila Sirat al-Mustafa wa Tarikh min ba'd-hu min Khulafa. Al-Isharah ila Sirat al-Mustafa wa Tarikh min ba'd-hu min Khulafa. Mughlatay Ibn Qalij (1290/92-1360/61) 655p 古書 Dar al-Qalam/Al-Dar Shamiyah 1996 2,299円 Muḥammad, Prophet, -632 -- Caliphs -- Islamic Empire -- History الإشارة إلى سيرة المصطفى وتاريخ من بعده من الخلفا مغلطاي بن قليج al-Ishārah ilá sīrat al-Muṣṭafá wa-tārīkh min baʿdahu min al-khulafāʼ taṣnīf Mughalṭāy ibn Qalīj ; ḥaqqaqa nuṣūṣahā wa-kharrajahā wa-ʿallaqa ʿalayhā Muḥammad Niẓām al-Dīn al-Futayyiḥ
Meccan Trade and Islam: problems of origin and structure. Meccan Trade and Islam: problems of origin and structure. Simon, Robert 205p 古書 Akademiai Kiado 1989 3,300円 Mecca (Saudi Arabia) -- Commerce -- History This is the revised and enlarged English version of A mekkai kereskedelem kialakulasa es jellege Part One Chapter 1: Forerunners and rivals of Mecca in oriental trade   Introduction   Arabia and oriental trade in the 6th century   Byzantium and Iran in oriental trade   Yemen and oriental trade in the 6th century   Kinda and Yemen   Najran and Yemen   Yemen after Abyssinian conquest Chapter 2: Hums and īlāf   Mecca before hums and īlāf   Organization of hums and īlāf Part Two Chapter 3: The nature of Meccan trade   Internal organization of Meccan trade   External factors determining Meccan trade   Types of loval markets on the Arabian peninsula on the eve of Islam   The nature of Meccan trade Appendix I: Who exchanged what for what in Mecca on the eve of Islam?   Relation between Meccan trade and Muhammadan Islam   Exchange operations in Mecca on the eve of Islam as depicted in some Koran passages Appendix 2: Comments on the ownership conditions of Muhammadan Islam Appendix 3: Some observations on the institution of mu'ākhāh: between tribalism and umma
The Crisis of Muslim History: religion and politics in early Islam. The Crisis of Muslim History: religion and politics in early Islam. Ayoub, Mahmoud M. ix,179p Oneworld 2003 1,936円 Islam and politics -- Islam -- History This detailed guide presents the key events, individuals and socio-political conditions which defined the era of the first Four Caliphs and which led to the Sunni/Shi'i schism and the Crisis of Succession.
Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs. Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs. El Cheikh, Nadia Maria xi,271p Harvard U.P. 2004 1,694円 Arab countries -- Relations -- Byzantine Empire While the theme of 'the other' in the history of Arab-Byzantine relations has been sporadically and intermittently by the others and herself, it has now, with this publication received a panoramic treatment from the rise of Islam in the 7th century to the fall of Constantinople in 1454.
Tarikh al-Mawsil. Tarikh al-Mawsil. Al-Azdi, Abu Zakariya bn Iyas (m. 334 h.) 2 vols. Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah 2006 2,662円 Mosul (Iraq) -- History تاريخ الموصل تأليف أبي زكريا يزيد بن محمد بن إياس الأزدي Tārīkh al-Mawṣil taʼlīf Abī Zakarīyā Yazīd ibn Muḥammad ibn Iyās al-Azdī ; taḥqīq wa-takmilat Aḥmad ʻAbd Allāh Maḥmūd al-juzʼ 1. Sanat 16 H. -- sanat 244 H. al-juzʼ 2. Sanat 228 H. -- sanat 334 H.
Al-Iklil min Akhbar al-Yaman wa Ansab Himyar, Al-Iklil min Akhbar al-Yaman wa Ansab Himyar, al-Hasan ibn Ahmad Hamdani 351p 古書 al-Dar al-Yamaniyah 1987 1,694円 Arabs -- Yemen (Republic) -- Genealogy الإكليل من أخبار اليمن وأنساب حمير : الكتاب العاشر : في معارف همدان وأنسابها وعيون أخبرها تصنيف لسان اليمن أبي محمد الحسن بن أحمد بن يعقوب الهمداني al-Iklīl min akhbār al-Yaman wa-ansāb Ḥimyar : al-kitāb al- ʻāshar fī maʻārif Hamdān wa-ansābihā wa-ʻuyūn akhbārihā taṣnīf Lisān al-Yaman Abī Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad ibn Yaʻqūb al-Hamdānī ; ḥaqqaqahu wa-ʻallaqa ḥawāshīh Muḥibb al-Dīn al-Khaṭīb
Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. Harley, J.B. & D. Woodward (ed.) xxiv,579p ills. 古書 U. of Chicago Press 1992 4,950円 Cartography -- Islamic civilization -- Middle East -- South Asia -- History PART ONE: Islamic Cartography Chapter 1. Introduction to Islamic Maps/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Chapter 2. Celestial Mapping/ Emilie Savage-Smith Chapter 3. Cosmographical Diagrams/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Early Geographical Mapping Chapter 4. The Beginnings of a Cartographic Tradition/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 5. The Balkhi School of Geographers/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 6. Later Cartographic Developments/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 7. Cartography of al-Sharif al-Idrisi/ S. Maqbul Ahmad Chapter 8. Geodesy/ Raymond P. Mercier Chapter 9. Qibla Charts, Qubla Maps, and Related Instruments/ David A. King and Richard P. Lorch Premodern Ottoman Geographical Mapping Chapter 10. Introduction to Ottoman Cartography/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Chapter 11. Military, Administrative, and Scholarly Maps and Plans/ Ahmet T. Karamustafa Chapter 12. Itineraries and Town Views in Ottoman Histories/ J. M. Rogers Marine Charting Chapter 13. The Role of Charts in Islamic Navigation in the Indian Ocean/ Gerald R. Tibbetts Chapter 14. Islamic Charting in the Mediterranean/ Svat Soucek PART TWO: South Asian Cartography Chapter 15. Introduction to South Asian Cartography/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 16. Cosmographical Mapping/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 17. Geographical Mapping/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 18. Nautical Maps/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 19. Conclusion/ Joseph E. Schwartzberg Chapter 20. Concluding Remarks/ J. B. Harley and David Woodward
Al-Athar al-Baqiyah 'an al-qurun al-khaliyah. Al-Athar al-Baqiyah 'an al-qurun al-khaliyah. Abu al-Rayhan al-Biruni (m. 440 h.) lxxiii,30p,+362p 古書 Maktabat al-Muthanna Repre. of 1923 2,904円 Chronology -- Ancient history -- Early works to 1800 الاثار الباقية من القرون الخالة ابي الريحان محمد بن احمد البيروني al-Āthār al-bāqiyah min al-qurūn al-khāliyah: Chronologie orientalischer Völker von Abū l-Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (gest. 440/1048) ; herausgegeben von C. Eduard Sachau [The chronology of ancient nations]
Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. Hourani, George F. viii,131p 古書 Khayyats 1963(51) 1,089円 Navigation -- Commerce -- Indian Ocean -- History Chapter I: Trade Routes in the Pre-Islamic Era    Prehistory and geography    The East before Alexander    The Persian Gulf in Hellenistic and Roman times    The Red Sea in Hellenistic and Roman times    The Sassanid and Byzantine empires    Appendix: Director sailing between the Perian Gulf and China in pre-Islamic times II: Trade routes under the Caliphate    General consequence of the Islamic expansion    The Arabs on the Mediterranean    Persian and Arab sea trade with the Far East    East Africa and the coasts of Arabia    Later times III: The Ships    General remarks    Hull and their equipment    Masts and sails    Navigation and life at sea    Appendix: Four sea-stories

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