

(** 仏教学・南アジア関係のカタログはこちらです南アジア (South Asia) **)


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新しいカタログ41では前のカタログより以降に取り扱った図書と新刊を紹介しています。この間に取り寄せることができたアラビア語、ペル シャ語、トルコ語書籍をできるだけ多く掲載しました。
カタログ41号(中東研究XXIV 2022)
Contents (目 次・案内・地図)
*Catalog全体(All)* (内容全体を一覧できます)
1. Language & Literature (アラビア語学・文学) 2. Islamic History, Religion & Culture (イスラムの思想・歴史・文化) 3. History, Politics & Sociology in the Middle East (incl. Africa) (近、現代の中東地域(歴史・政治・経済・社会)
II IRANIAN STUDIES (イラン研究) III TURKISH STUDIES (incl. Balkan) (トルコ研究) IV CAUCASUS & CENTRAL ASIA (コーカサス・中央アジア研究) V SOUTH ASIA & SOUTHEAST ASIA (南アジア・東南アジア研究)

Contents (目 次と案内・地図)
1. Language & Literature (アラビア語学・文学) 2. Islamic History, Religion & Culture (イスラムの思想・歴史・文化), 3. History, Politics & Sociology in the Middle East (近、現代の中東地域(歴史・政治・経済・社会),
II IRANIAN STUDIES (イラン研究), III TURKISH STUDIES (incl. Balkan) (トルコ研究), IV CAUCASUS & CENTRAL ASIA (コーカサス・中央アジア研究), V SOUTH ASIA & SOUTHEAST ASIA (南アジア・東南アジア研究)

-- カテゴリー (Catagories) --








Organisation et Fonctionnement des Institutions Ottomanes en Egypte (1517-1917): etude documentaire. (T.T.K. VII-93)

Organisation et Fonctionnement des Institutions Ottomanes en Egypte (1517-1917): etude documentaire.

  • El-Mouelhy, Ibrahiy
  • TTK
  • x,210p. facs. 1989


The Mamluk-Ottoman Transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century, 2. (Ottoman Studies, 10)

The Mamluk-Ottoman Transition: continuity and change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the sixteenth century, 2.

  • Conermann, Stephan & Gül ,Sen (eds.)
  • V&R Unipress
  • 502p 2022 特価


Studies on the History and Culture of the Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517). (Mamluk Studies 25)

Studies on the History and Culture of the Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517).

  • Conermann, Stephan & Toru Miura (ed.)
  • V&R Unipress
  • 326p figs. 2021 特価


The Mamluk Sultanate from the Perspective of Regional and World History: economic, social and cultural development in an era of increasing international interaction and competition. (Mamluk Studies, 17 )

The Mamluk Sultanate from the Perspective of Regional and World History:

  • Amitai, Reuven & Stephan Conermann (ed.)
  • V&R Unipress
  • 55p 2019 特価


Mamluk Historiography Revisited - Narratological Perspectives (Mamluk Studies, 15)

Mamluk Historiography Revisited - Narratological Perspectives

  • Conermann, Stephan (ed.)
  • V&R Unipress
  • 239p 2018 特価


Everything is on the Move: the Mamluk empire as a node in (trans-)regional networks. (Mamluk Studies 7)

Everything is on the Move: the Mamluk empire as a node in (trans-)regional networks.

  • Conermann, Stephan (ed.)
  • V&R Unipress
  • 353p 2014 特価


The Historical Formation of the Arab Nation: a study in identity and consciousness. tr. by L.I. Conrad (Routledge library editions: the Arab nation, v. 1)

The Historical Formation of the Arab Nation: a study in identity and consciousness.

  • Duri, A.A.
  • al-Markaz al-'Arab lil-Abhath wa Dirasat al-Siyasat/ Routledge
  • x,371p. 2012(1987)


Sifat al-Husn wa al-Jamal wa Simat al-Malahah wa al-Kamal. ed. by Ahmad Bulgha

Sifat al-Husn wa al-Jamal wa Simat al-Malahah wa al-Kamal.

  • Ibn Hudhayl, 'Ali bn 'Abd al-Rahman (t. 812 h.)
  • Dar Abi Raqraq
  • 196p. facs. 2013


Yusuf al-Awwal Ibn al-Ahmar: Sultan Gharnatah (733-755 h.)

Yusuf al-Awwal Ibn al-Ahmar: Sultan Gharnatah (733-755 h.)

  • Shabanah, Muhd. Kamal
  • Lajnat al-Bayyān al-ʻArabī
  • 671p illus. 古書 1969


Ransoming captives in crusader Spain : the Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic frontier. (The Middle Ages)

Ransoming captives in crusader Spain : the Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic frontier.

  • Brodman, James William
  • U. of Pennsylvania Press
  • xiii, 196p 1986


Leaving Iberia: Islamic law and Christian Conquest in North West Africa. (Harvard Series in Islamic Law, 9)

Leaving Iberia: Islamic law and Christian Conquest in North West Africa.

  • Hendrickson, Jocelyn
  • Harvard U.P.
  • xii,417p 2021


Qabas min 'Ata' al-Makhtut al-Maghribi: Quitessence des manuscrits Marocains.

Qabas min 'Ata' al-Makhtut al-Maghribi: Quitessence des manuscrits Marocains.

  • Al-Mannuni, Muhammad
  • Dar al-Gharb al-Islami
  • 4 vols. in 3 1999


Tarikh al-Bahriyah al-Islamiyah fi Misr wa al-Sham.

Tarikh al-Bahriyah al-Islamiyah fi Misr wa al-Sham.

  • al-'Abbadi, Ahmad Mukhtar & al-Sayyid 'Abd al-'Aiz Salim
  • Dār al-Nahḍah al-ʻArabīyah
  • 5p(en)+370p illus. 1981


Sirat Ahmad Ibn Tulun. ed. by Muhd. Kurd 'Ali (al-Dhakha'ir 55)

Sirat Ahmad Ibn Tulun.  ed. by Muhd. Kurd 'Ali

  • Al-Balawi, Abu Muhd. 'Abd Allah ibn Muhd. al-Madini
  • al-Hay'ah al-'Ammah
  • 400p. 古書 (n.d.)


Guerre et paix dans le Proche-Orient médiéval (Xe-XVe siècle) (Textes arabes et études islamiques ; t. 54).

Guerre et paix dans le Proche-Orient médiéval (Xe-XVe siècle)

  • Mathieu Eychenne, Stéphane Pradines, Abbès Zouache (dir.)
  • x,573p 2019


Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorlugu (1040-1157) : siyasi tarih, teskilat ve idare (Series of Sources and Studies on Seljuk History no. 1)

Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorlugu (1040-1157) : siyasi tarih, teskilat ve idare

  • Özaydın, Abdülkerim
  • 639p map 2023


Anadolu/Türkiye selçukluları (Sources and Studies on Seljuk History no. 2)

Anadolu/Türkiye selçukluları

  • Özaydın, Abdülkerim & Mehmet Ersan
  • 620p 2023


El Evamirü'l-ala'iye fi'l-umuri'l-ala'iye : Selçukname. çeviren, Mürsel Ozturk (TTK, I. Dizi-Sa. 4b2)

  • İbn Bibi (El-Hüseyin b. Muhammed b. Ali El-Ca'feri er-Rugadi)
  • TTK
  • xx,694p maps 2023


Nahl 'Ibar al-Nahl. ed. by Jamal al-Din al-Shayyal

Nahl 'Ibar al-Nahl.

  • Al-Maqrizi, Taqi al-Din
  • Manshurat al-Jamal
  • 187p 2006


Islamic Administration under Omar Ibn al-Khattab

Islamic Administration under Omar Ibn al-Khattab

  • Majdalawi, Farouk Said
  • Majdalawi Masterpieces Publications
  • xiii,253p 2002


Al-Akhbar al-Tiwal. ed. by 'Umar Faruq al-Tabba'

Al-Akhbar al-Tiwal.

  • Al-Dinawari, Abu Hanifah ibn Dawud (m. 282 h.)
  • Sharikat Dār al-Arqam ibn al-Arqam
  • 417p. 古書 1995


The Hiostory of the Egyptian Cadis: Kitāb al-Qudāh alladhīna walū qadāʼ Miṣr. together with additions by Abū al-Hasan Ahmad ibn ʻAbd al-Rahmān ibn Burd ; edited from the unique ms. in the British Museum by Richard J.H. Gottheil

The Hiostory of the Egyptian Cadis: Kitāb al-Qudāh alladhīna walū qadāʼ Miṣr.

  • al-Kindi, Abu 'Umar Muhammad ibn Yusuf (97-961
  • Paul Geuthner
  • xliii(eng.),213p(ar.) 古書 1908


Les Elites Bagdadiennes au Temps des Seljoukides: etudes d'histoire sociale, Vol. 1: Textes, Vol. 2: Annexes, cartes, graphiques, tableaus et arbres genealogiques. (PIFD 284)

Les Elites Bagdadiennes au Temps des Seljoukides: etudes d'histoire sociale,

  • van Renterghem, Vanessa
  • IFPO
  • 2 vols. 2015


Nihayat al-Arab fi Funun al-Adab. ed. by Mufid Qumayhah

Nihayat al-Arab fi Funun al-Adab.

  • Al-Nuwayri, Shihab al-Din (m. 733/1332 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 34 vols. in 16 2004-05


Tajarib al-Umam wa Ta'aqub al-Himam. ed. by Sayyid Kasrawi Hasan

Tajarib al-Umam wa Ta'aqub al-Himam.

  • Miskawayh, Abu 'Ali Ahmad bn Muhd. bn Ya'qub (m. 421 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 7 vols. in 6 2018(03)


Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq. ed. by A.F. al-Mazidi

Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq.

  • al-Idrisi, Abu 'Abd Allah Muhd. (m. 560 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 672p 2020


Early Islamic Institutions: administration and taxation from the Caliphate to the Umayyads and Abbasids. tr. by Razia Ali (Contemporary Arab Scholarship in the Social Sciences, v. 4)

Early Islamic Institutions: administration and taxation from the Caliphate to the Umayyads and Abbasids.

  • Duri, Abd al-Aziz
  • I.B. Tauris
  • x,222p. pap. 2014(11)


Harakat al-Khawarij: nash'at-ha wa tatawwur-ha ila nihayat al-'ahd al-Umawi, 47-132 H.

Harakat al-Khawarij: nash'at-ha wa tatawwur-ha ila nihayat al-'ahd al-Umawi, 47-132 H.

  • al-Bakkay, Latifah
  • Dār al-Talīʻah lil-Tibāʻah wa-al-Nashr
  • 320p 2007(01)


Durrat al-Ghawwas fi Muhadarah al-Khawass

Durrat al-Ghawwas fi Muhadarah al-Khawass

  • Ibn Farhun al-Maliki, Burhan al-Din (m. 799 h.)
  • 387p 1985(80)


Bughyat al-muḥtāj fī al-mujarrab min al-ʻilāj, wa huwa khulasah tadhkirah dawud fi al-tibb

Bughyat al-muḥtāj fī al-mujarrab min al-ʻilāj, wa huwa khulasah tadhkirah dawud fi al-tibb

  • Ibn 'Umar al-Antākī, Dāwūd (m. 1008 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 492p 2020


Al-Fusul fi al-Tibb (al-Murshid fi al-Tibb). ed. by Y. Beyg Babapur

Al-Fusul fi al-Tibb (al-Murshid fi al-Tibb).

  • Ibn Zakariya Razi
  • Safir-e Ardehal
  • 102p 1392


The Occult Sciences in Pre-Modern Islamic Cultures (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 138)

The Occult Sciences in Pre-Modern Islamic Cultures

  • El-Bizri, Nader & Eva Orthmann (ed.)
  • Orient Institut Beirut
  • 264p 2018


Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, No. 12)

Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder

  • Hawting, G.R., J.A. Mojaddedi & A. Samely (ed.)
  • Oxford U.P.
  • vi,306p 2000


Muslim Family Law: a sourcebook

Muslim Family Law: a sourcebook

  • Hodkinson, Keith
  • Croom Helm
  • 401p 古書 1984


Khusus al-Ni'am fi Sharh Fusus al-Hikam li-khatm al-wilayah al-shaykh al-akbar Muhyi al-Din Ibn 'Arabi ed. by A.F. al-Mazidi

Khusus al-Ni'am fi Sharh Fusus al-Hikam li-khatm al-wilayah al-shaykh al-akbar Muhyi al-Din Ibn 'Arabi

  • Al-Maha'imi, 'Ala' al-Din 'Ali ibn Ahmad (m. 835 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 728p 2007


Sharh Musnad Abi Hanifah, ma'a sharh-hi 'Ali al-Qari al-Hanafi.

Sharh Musnad Abi Hanifah, ma'a sharh-hi 'Ali al-Qari al-Hanafi.

  • Abi Hanifah al-Nu'man ibn Thabit al-Kufi
  • Dar al-Kuitub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 619p 1985


Al-Jahiz: a Muslim humanist for one time. (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 119)

Al-Jahiz: a Muslim humanist for one time.

  • Heinemann, A., J.L. Meloy, & T. Khalidi & M. Kropp (ed.)
  • Orient-Institut Beirut
  • xii,295p 2009


Al-Kashaf: an Encyclopedia of Artistic and Scientific Terminology: mawsu'at kashshaf istilahat al-funun wa al-'ulum. ed. in chief: Rafic al-Ajam (The Series of Arabic and Islamic Terminology Encyclopedias)

Al-Kashaf: an Encyclopedia of Artistic and Scientific Terminology: mawsu'at kashshaf istilahat al-funun wa al-'ulum.

  • Tahanawi, Muhammad A'la ibn 'Ali, active 1745
  • 2132p. in 2 vols. 1996


Inrushes of the Heart : the Sufi philosophy of ʻAyn Al-Quḍat (SUNY Series in Islam)

Inrushes of the Heart : the Sufi philosophy of ʻAyn Al-Quḍat

  • Rustom, Mohammed
  • SUNY
  • xxiv,373p Pap. 2023


Extremist Shiites: the Ghulat sects (Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)

Extremist Shiites: the Ghulat sects

  • Moosa, Matti
  • Syracuse U.P.
  • xxiii,580p pap. 2022(1988)


Revival of Religion's Sciences (Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din). tr. by Mohd. Mahdi al-Sharif

Revival of Religion's Sciences (Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din).

  • Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiya
  • 4 vols. 2022(11)


Ihya' al-Ulum al-Din, wa bi-dhayl-hi kitab al-mughni 'an haml al-asfar fi al-asfar fi takhrij ma-fi al-ihya' min al-akhbar li al-'Iraqi (m. 806 h.)...

Ihya' al-Ulum al-Din,

  • al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiya
  • 5 vols. 2021(02)


Sharh al-Mawaqif li al-Iji (m. 756 h.) ed. by Mahmud 'Umar al-Ramyati

Sharh al-Mawaqif li al-Iji (m. 756 h.)

  • Al-Jurjani, 'Ali bn Muhammad (m. 816 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiya
  • 8 pts. in 4 vols 2012(1998)


Al-Kashshaf, 'an haqa'iq ghawamid al-tanzil wa 'uyun al-aqawil fi waju-hi al-ta'wil ed. by Muhd. 'Abd al-Salam Shahin

Al-Kashshaf, 'an haqa'iq ghawamid al-tanzil wa 'uyun al-aqawil fi waju-hi al-ta'wil

  • Al-Zamakhshari, Mahmud ibn 'Umar (467-538 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 4 vols. 2009(03)


Tafsir al-Baydawi: Anwar al-tanzil wa asrar al-ta'wil ed. by 'Abd al-Hafiz Baydun

Tafsir al-Baydawi: Anwar al-tanzil wa asrar al-ta'wil

  • Al-Baydawi, Nasir al-Din Abi Sa'id (m. 685 h.)
  • Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah
  • 3 vols. 2019


Sahih Muslim, al-musamma al-Jami' al-Sahih. (One volume ed.) ed. by H.Kh. al-Ta'imi

Sahih Muslim, al-musamma al-Jami' al-Sahih.   (One volume ed.)

  • Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qushayri (m. 261 h.)
  • al-Maktabat al-'Asriyah
  • 1160p 2021


Sahih al-Bukhari. (One volume ed.) ed. by Ahmad Zahwah & Ahmad Anaya

Sahih al-Bukhari.  (One volume ed.)

  • al-Bukhari, Muhammed ibn Ismail
  • Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi
  • 1728p 2004


Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azim (Tafsir Ibn Kathir). (One volume ed.) ed. by Ahmad Ibrahim Zahwah

Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azim (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).  (One volume ed.)

  • Ibn Kathir
  • Dar al-kitab al-'Arabi
  • 2045p 2004


Akam al-Marjan fi Ahkam al-Jann. ed. & intro. by Edward Badeen (Bibliotheca Islamica, bd. 57)

Akam al-Marjan fi Ahkam al-Jann.

  • Al-Shibli, Badr al-Din Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah (1312-1367)
  • Orient-Institut Beirut
  • 72p(eng)+791p 2017


The intermediate Worlds of Angels : Islamic representations of celestial beings in transcultural contexts (Beiruter Texte und Studien, Band 114)

The intermediate Worlds of Angels : Islamic representations of celestial beings in transcultural contexts

  • Sara Kuehn, Stefan Leder, Hans-Peter Pökel (ed.)
  • Orient-Institut Beirut
  • 430p 2019


Sibawayh Mu'taziliyan: hafriyat fi mitafiziqa al-nahw al-'Arabi

Sibawayh Mu'taziliyan: hafriyat fi mitafiziqa al-nahw al-'Arabi

  • Maqbul, Idris
  • al-Markaz al-'Arabi lil-Abhath wa Dirasat al-Siyasat
  • 303p 2005


Kitab Adab al-Muluk al-Khwarazm Shahi. v. I: a critical edition with introduction and translation, v. II: the Arabic text ed. by Tevfik Rustu Topuzoglu (T.T.K., II-37 a-b)

Kitab Adab al-Muluk al-Khwarazm Shahi.

  • Al-Tha'alibi, Abu Mansur 'Abd 'Abd al-Malik b. Muhammad b. Isma'il
  • Turkish Historical Society
  • 2 vols. 2015


The Book of Strangers: mediaeval Arabic graffiti on the theme of nostalgia. tr. by Patricia Crone & Shmuel Moreh (Princeton Series on the Middle East)

The Book of Strangers: mediaeval Arabic graffiti on the theme of nostalgia.

  • Abu'l-Faraj al-Isfahani
  • Markus Wiener Pub.
  • 196p 2000


al-Munjid al-Mufassal: al-mufradah, al-muqabil wa al-isti'mal fi al-siyal; 'Arabi - Inklizi

al-Munjid al-Mufassal: al-mufradah, al-muqabil wa al-isti'mal fi al-siyal;

  • Dar al-Mashriq (comp.)
  • Dar al-Mashriq
  • 1934p 2018


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